Chapter 44: Enemies of the Heir Beware

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"Weasley really tried to curse you with slugs?".

Draco nods to Pansy, after recounting what happened the previous day to the group. They were eating dinner in the Great Hall, Lilith and Blaise bragging about Draco's performance during his first Quidditch Practice.

Lilith interjects, "Obviously didn't work. His wand was basically a snapped twig". 

The group snickers and starts getting ready to leave back to their dorms. On the way back, they hear a large group of students murmuring and whispering. Turning the corner, they see the students staring at a wall.  

Pansy and Blaise walk in front of Lilith and Draco, making students move to create a path for them to see.

"Move it".

"Get out the way".

"Let us through".

Lilith gets to the front of the group, looking at the wall. She notices Harry, Ron and Hermione standing next to the wall. She looks up and notices writing on the wall as well as a hanging cat.

She reads it, "'The Chamber of Secrets has been opened...Enemies of the Heir Beware'. The hell is this?".

Hermione gasps, "It's written in blood".

Lilith hears Draco whisper to her, "Chamber of Secrets? Lia, hasn't your grandfather mentioned that before?".

She turns to him, "It does sound familiar".


She turns to see Severus walking towards them with Dumbledore, McGonagall and a few other Professors.

Draco reads it again, "Enemies of the heir beware". He turns to Hermione and smirks, "You'll be next, Mudbloods".

Hermione glares at him, Filch suddenly running up to the big group.  

"What's going on 'ere?". He pushes his way through the crowd, "Go on, make way, make way". He looks past Harry, to see a cat hanging in the air, "Mrs. Norris?". He glares at Harry, "You killed my cat?".

Harry quickly shakes his head, "No, no!".  

"I'll kill you". He grabs Harry's shirt, "I'll kill you!".

Dumbledore interjects, "Argus?".

Professor Dumbledore, McGonagall and Severus had made their way to the front of the crowd, now in view of the writing on the wall.  

"Argus, I...". He glances at the writing on the wall, "Everyone will proceed to their dorms immediately".

All the students turn to leave, including Harry, Ron and Hermione. Lilith and Draco turn to walk towards Severus. He holds his arms out for them and hugs them close to his body.

He leans down, "Are you two alright?".  

They nod into his side and he hugs them closer very protectively.

Dumbledore points to Harry, Ron and Hermione, "Everyone except you three".

They turn to face him, shocked and confused.  

He turns to Lilith and Draco, "Miss. Snape, Mr. Malfoy, please head back to your dormitories".

Severus glares, "Look at the writing on the wall and the cat floating in the air and tell me it's a good idea to leave my daughter and godson alone".

Dumbledore sighs, knowing it's not a good idea to push him, especially when it comes to protecting his family. 

He turns to Filch, "She's not dead, Argus. She's been petrified".

Lockhart chimes in out of nowhere, "Ah. Thought so".

Lilith whispers, "Where the hell did he come from?".

Lockhart continues, "I know exactly the countercurse that could've spared her".  

Dumbledore smiles and nods, "Because how she has been petrified, I do not know".

Filch gestures towards Harry, "It's not true, sir. I swear. I never touched Mrs. Norris".

Filch glares at him, "Rubbish".

Severus interjects, still holding the two, "If I may, headmaster. Perhaps Potter and his friends were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. However, the circumstances are suspicious. I for one don't recall seeing Potter at dinner".  

Lockhart smiles, "I'm afraid that's my doing, Severus. You see, Harry was helping me answer my fanmail".

Dumbledore turns to Severus, "Innocent until proven guilty, Severus".  

Lilith cuddles into her father, "Of course that's all it took for Potter to get off the hook".

Severus leans down and whispers, "I know it's frustrating, baby".

Filch yells, "My cat has been petrified. I want to see some punishment!".  

Dumbledore places his hand on his shoulder, "We will be able to cure her, Argus. As I understand it, Madame Sprout has a very healthy growth of Mandrakes. When matured, a potion will be made, which will revive Mrs. Norris". He turns to the remaining people, "And in the meantime, I strongly recommend all".  

The Professors and the Golden Trio start leaving. Dumbledore turns and walks towards Severus, who tightens his hold on the kids.

Dumbledore sighs, "I understand they are your family, but that doesn't mean you get to waive the rules and my instructions".

Severus feels Lilith start to get angry and places his hand on her head, "It's alright, sweetheart. Let's go call your grandfather".

She nods and Severus leads Lilith and Draco back to his room.  

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