Chapter 5: Diagon Alley

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Standing in the centre of the living room, Severus takes the arms of Lilith and Tom and apparates to the streets of Diagon Alley. A few seconds later, Lucius and Draco appear next to them.

"Alright, Lil, can I see the list of what to get".

"Oh yeah. Here you go, daddy".

She handed Severus a piece of paper that reads: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Supply List. The list went as follows: 

First Year Students will be required to have the following:


Three sets of plain work robes (black)

One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear

One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)

One winter cloak (black, silver fastenings)

Please note that all student's clothes should carry name tags at all times


The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1 by Miranda Goshawk

A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot

Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling

A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch

One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore

Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander

The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble

Other Equipment:

1 Wand

1 Cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)

1 set of glass or crystal phials

1 telescope

1 set of brass scales

Students may also bring an Owl OR a Cat OR a Toad


"Alright so, Lucius, can you take the kids to get their robes and equipment? Tom and I will go and get their books since they need a set each".

"No problem. By the time you're done, we should be at Ollivander's or at Eeylops Owl Emporium. We'll meet you guys there".

Nodding to Lucius, Severus and Tom start walking together to Flourish and Blotts to get the kids' school books. Lucius starts walking with Lilith and Draco to Madam Malkin's to get fitted for their robes.

Walking into the store, Lucius points to the back of the store where a woman sits, and says to them, "Go over to her and ask for a robe fitting. She owns the store. Just listen to her instructions. I'll just be browsing, so come get me when you two are done".

"Alright father", Draco responds. 

Taking Lilith's hand, Draco starts walking to Madam Malkin and asks her to get their robes fitted. Lucius smiles at them and turns to start browsing the robes that are displayed around the store. As he was walking around, he hears the bell at the entrance of the store. He looks back to the door to see a family of redheads. One of them looks around the store and notices Lucius glaring at them. Instructing the children to go to the back of the store, the man walks up to Lucius. 

"Well. Good to see you Lucius. I assume you brought your son to get his robes".

"Arthur. Pleasure. And yes, I did. He's getting it done right now".

Looking to the back of the store, Arthur sees Draco getting measured by Madam Malkin, with an unfamiliar girl standing next to him and talking to him and laughing.

"Who is the girl with him? Did you and Narcissa have another child?".

Sighing, Lucius replies, "No, we did not. If you must know, she is my god-daughter".

"I see", Arthur says looking confused.

Lucius notices this, "What's the matter, Weasley? Don't think I can have a godchild?".

"Oh no, Malfoy. It's not that at all. It's just that I never heard about you having a god-daughter. How long have you known her?'.

"As a matter of fact, I've known her since she was born and have been her godfather ever since then".

"Well, whose child is she?".

Before he could respond, Lucius hears Draco call out, "Father!?".

"Excuse me Arthur, my son needs me".

Walking to the back of the store, he sees Draco holding Lilith back by holding her shoulders from the back, with her looking quite mad. Slowing his walk, he notices her anger is directed towards the two youngest Weasley children, a boy with freckles that seems to be around the same age as Draco and a girl who he presumed to be his younger sister. Madam Malkin wasn't anywhere in sight, so Lucius assumed she went to hide or go and start on their robes. 

"Draco, what's going on?".

"These damn blood traitors started bad mouthing Lia because she's my best friend".

"Lilith, honey, is this true?".

"Yes, Uncle Lucy, it is. They kept trying to get me to go with them so they can save me from him. Now let me at 'em Draco!".

Holding her tighter, Draco responds, "Lia, no!".

At this point, Arthur walks up next to Lucius, wondering what all the commotion is about.

"Ron, Ginny? Is everything ok?".

Ginny runs up and hugs his waist, "No daddy. That girl started insulting me and Ron and started attacking us".

Looking at her offended and gasping, she shouts, "How dare you, you little cockroach!".

Standing in front of Lilith, Lucius shouts, "Ok, that's enough! Draco, are the both of you done with your robes?".

"Yes father. She said to come back in an hour".

"Alright then. Come you two, let's go to Ollivander's and get your wands". He turns towards Arthur, "You need to get a grip on your children and teach them some respect".

Putting his hands on Draco and Lilith's backs, Lucius starts leading them to the entrance of the shop. Walking out, they all take a deep breath and start to calm down from the commotion that just took place. Damn blood traitors always making life harder for them. 


Two updates in a day. Look at that. 

Normally when I update with a new chapter, I start writing the next one to start to get an idea of what I want to write. For this one, I was on a roll and just kept writing. 

This may become more of a common occurence since I am completley done with university for the year and I'm not starting till February next year, so I have a lot more time on my hands. 

Also, I would like to thank you all for getting me to 100 views on this book. I really hope you guys enjoy it. If you have any ideas of where you think the story will go or anything you want to see later on, don't hesitate to message me or leave a comment. 

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