Chapter 2: Meeting the Malfoys

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Lucius Malfoy has been close friends with Severus since they were at Hogwarts together. When they found out that Narcissa was pregnant with Draco, he immediately thought to ask Severus to be his godfather; which he absolutely accepted. So when Lilith was born, Severus went straight to Lucius and asked him to be her godfather, to which he also greatly accepted.

Lilith has met her godparents and their son before, but that was when she was very young so she unfortunately has no recollection. So, for her 5th birthday, Severus decided it would be a good idea to invite the Malfoys over so Lilith can meet them properly. But especially so she can meet and hopefully become good friends with Draco. A week before the 5th of July, Severus writes a letter to Lucius that goes as follows:

Dear Lucius,

As I'm sure you remember, next week on Tuesday is Lilith's 5th birthday. I would love for you and Narcissa to be there, as her godparents, but to also bring Draco as I'm sure they both would love to make a new friend. We're not gonna have a big party, maybe when she's older, but for now we'll just celebrate with you guys and her grandfather. I would love for you guys to build a relationship with her, you guys are her second family. Looking forward to seeing you and my little dragon again.

- Severus


Not to worry, we will absolutely be there to celebrate Lily's birthday. Draco is very excited to see you, he's missed you dearly, and excited to meet his new friend. Narcissa is insisting on bringing many presents for her, just to warn you (I had no say in this). Can't wait to see you and Tom again.

- Yours sincerely, Lucius

The 5th came around pretty quickly and Severus was upstairs in Riddle Manor getting Lilith ready for her birthday. She is dressed in a flowy green dress, with black hemming and head topped with a flower crown that she herself made with Tom the other day in the garden.

"Look daddy, my dress moves when I jump up and down".

"Yes it does baby. Did you have fun with grandpa making your crown?"

"Mhm. Grandpa let me make him one too. He promised to wear it today. Ooh we should make one for daddy too!".

Severus laughs, "Sure baby we can make one for me too. Now, why don't we go downstairs and show grandpa your outfit?".

"Ok daddy!" 

Running out her bedroom door and into the hallway, Lilith calls out for her grandfather. Severus stands in the room, laughing quietly to himself and shaking his head. "Cheeky girl" he thought, as he himself walks out the room and down the stairs to his daughter and father. As he enters the living room, he sees Tom holding Lilith in his arms and hoisted on his hip. There was a sudden noise coming from the fireplace, and there stood three figures. The noise seemed to frighten Lilith as she slightly jumped in her grandfather's arms and hid her face in his neck. Laughing quietly to themselves, Tom and Severus turn towards the fireplace and sees Lucius Malfoy with his wife Narcissa by his side, and their 5 year old son Draco in his father's arms. As he looks around the room, Draco's eyes locked onto his godfather. He gasped in excitement and wriggled in Lucius' arms to get down.

Running to Severus with his arms up he shouts, "Uncle Sev!".

Hoisting Draco up in his arms, Severus laughs, "Hello my baby dragon. I've missed you".

Hugging his neck tightly, Draco giggles, "I missed you too Uncle Sev. And I'm not a baby anymore, I'm big boy now".

"Yes you are Draco. Guess what? I have someone I want you to meet".


"Mhm. Lilith, come here baby". 

Climbing down from her grandfather's arms, she slowly walked over to her father. Severus squatted down with Draco and placed him on the floor, in front of Lilith. Both children seemed to be eyeing each other up to see whether or not they are able to trust the other. After a few seconds, Lilith works up the courage to walk a little closer to Draco, to which he moves back a little into his godfather.

Smiling at him, Lilith says "Hello. My name is Lilith. What's your name?".

Draco looks nervously up at Severus looking for him to say it's ok. Nodding his head at Draco, Severus smiles to himself that his godson is waiting for his judgement.

Looking at Lilith, Draco shyly responds "Um...hi. My name is Draco".

Severus decides to intervene, "Lilith, baby, would you like to show Draco your playroom?".

"Sure daddy. Can we go to the garden later?"

"Of course you can. Draco, is that ok with you?"

Nodding, Draco replies "Yes uncle Sev".

"Alright, up you two go".

Lilith grabs Draco's hand and the two of them run upstairs. Standing up, Severus looks towards his father, Lucius and Narcissa, who are smiling and laughing to themselves watching the children go and play.

Tom looks towards Lucius and declares, "Those two are going to grow up to be close friends. I just know it". 

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