Chapter 50: Petrified

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Lilith didn't think she would have to visit someone in the infirmary so soon after her boys got released. But, of course, Lady Magic had a different plan for her.  

A week after the incident with the boys, Lilith and Draco made sure that they were in their sight and by their side at all times. She especially made sure that they avoided the Golden Trio whenever they could. Of course the only time they weren't all together was when they were sleeping at night. 

Daphne had gone down to the library one night. She, Pansy and Lilith were sitting in their dorm working on some of their homework. Lilith was writing her potions essay, while the other two were on their History of Magic work. They realised that they had forgotten to get a book from the library earlier in the day, so Daphne had decided to go grab it quickly.

She left the dorm and headed out of the common room. There were still a few of the older Slytherins still up and talking amongst each other. Luckily, the library wasn't too far from the entrance to the dungeons.

She entered the library and saw a couple of the table lamps still on. She pulls out her wand and casts a lumos spell. She walks towards the history section and looks for the book on Warlocks. She finds it and starts heading back to the entrance of the library. She passes a glass screen and stops all of a sudden. She definitely saw something.

Walking back slowly, she turns her lead towards the screen. She gasps as she makes eye contact with glowing golden eyes.

Back at the dorms, Lilith and Pansy realise how long Daphne has actually been gone.

Pansy asks, "How long does it normally take to get to the library and back?".

Lilith doesn't look up, "Depending on when you find what you're looking for, around 5 to 10 minutes".

"Then shouldn't Daph be back by now?".  

She looks up and notices her absence, "Hm. You're right. I'm sure she's fine, but we can always go look for her".

Pansy nods and the two place down their homework. They leave the dorm and head up to the library. When they get there, they can't see anyone around. Both of them cast a lumos and take different paths to look around.

After a few seconds, Lilith hears Pansy scream from the other side of the room. Running towards the sound, she finds Pansy standing over something in shock. Walking a little closer, she realises that it was Daphne. She runs over and sits down next to her.

"Pansy, stay here with her. I'm going to get my dad".  

She nods as Lilith runs out and back towards the dungeons. She knocks frantically on his door. He opens the door and immediately goes into protective mode at the sight of his daughter in a frantic state.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong?".

"Something happened to Daphne. She's not moving".


He follows her back to the library and they find Pansy with a still unmoving Daphne. He leans down and takes a quick look at her, knowing exactly what had happened to her.

"We need to get her to the Hospital Wing right now".

Lilith asks, "What? Why? What's wrong with her?".

"She's been petrified".  

The next morning, all the Slytherins were gathered in the common room, with Severus standing in front of them.

"Because of recent events, these new rules will be put into effect immediately. All students will return to their house common rooms by six o'clock every evening. All students will be escorted to each lesson by a teacher. No exceptions. I should tell you all this: since Daphne as well as a couple other students have been attacked, it is likely the school will be closed".

One student asks, "Don't these rules seem a little overboard?".

Severus sighs, "I agree that Dumbledore may have been a bit brash with these, but nonetheless we are obligated to follow them. I do apologise, my snakes, I tried to negotiate but the man refused to listen".  

Lilith, meanwhile, was sitting next to her friend lying in the Hospital Wing.  

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