Chapter 34: House Cup Winner

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It is now the end of their first year at Hogwarts. Lilith and Draco are sitting in the Great Hall, talking with their friends. Draco had received a letter earlier that morning that he had spoken to Daphne's father and that everything was taken care of. They hear a glass clink coming from the front of the room. They turn to see Dumbledore standing at the front.

"Another year, gone! And now, as I understand it, the house cup needs to be awarded and the points stand thus. In fourth place: Gryffindor, with 312 points". There was a small applause from the crowd, mostly from the Slytherins, "In third place" Hufflepuff, with 354 points". This time the applause was slightly louder, "Second: Ravenclaw, with 426 points". The applause this time is met with some cheers, "And in first place, with 472 points: Slytherin House!".

A loud roar rises from the Slytherin table, as students stand up and clap for themselves. Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff were also clapping and showing their support, Gryffindor was noticeably keeping their hands to themselves. Lilith and Draco smile at each other. Severus applauds his house from the teacher's table.

Dumbledore clears his throat, "Yes, well done Slytherin, well done. However...". The hall goes quiet, "...recent events must be taken into account and I have a few last minute points to award".

Some of the Gryffindors perk up in hope and the Slytherins have a mad look on their face, Severus included.

"To Miss Hermione Granger, for the cool use of intellect while others were in grave peril, fifty points".

Hermione has a surprised look on her face while the Gryffindors applaud her. Lilith and Draco give each other a confused look. Severus is wondering what on earth is going on. 

"Second, to Mr Ronald Weasley, for the best played game of chess that Hogwarts has seen these many years, fifty points!".

The Slytherins all look at each other, very confused as to what Dumbledore is talking about. The Gryffindors are applauding even louder and cheering.

"And third, to Mr Harry Potter, for pure love and outstanding courage, I award Gryffindor house, sixty points!".

The Gryffindors cheer again, this time even louder than before. The Slytherins are just mad at this point. Severus needs to talk with the headmaster and get to the bottom of this. Lilith and Draco just wanted to leave, but Dumbledore wasn't quite done.

"And finally...". Lilith scoffs to herself, " takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends. I award ten points to Neville Longbottom!". 

The Gryffindors were definitely the loudest by this point. Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff were cheering alongside them, showing their support and congratulations, while the Slytherins were very upset, knowing that they were just surpassed in points. And this was about to be confirmed.

"Assuming that my calculations are correct, I believe that a change of decoration is in order".

He claps and motions his hands towards the Slytherin banners that were around the hall. They flap heavily before they change completely to red and gold with the Gryffindor symbol.

"Gryffindor wins the House Cup!".

The Great Hall explodes with applause. All the students throw their hats in the air, except for the Slytherins, who are very mad not only at the Gryffindors for stealing their victory, but also at Dumbledore for giving them false hope. Severus looks towards Dumbledore, very unimpressed. He would definitely need to talk to that man before taking Lilith home. Something clearly happened to warrant the extra points. 

Lilith and Draco were probably the most upset at the situation, considering everything that's happened. They did not have the year that they were hoping for. Hopefully the next five years turn out to be a little better. 


~ Author's Note ~ 

Thank you so much for all your guys' support for this book. It means a lot. This is the closing of first year. I will be continuing with the other years, but I want to take a week break to get all my ideas sorted and also I start uni classes next week so I want to focus on starting my own new school year. 

Also just want to let you guys know where I get the transcripts from. I do three things. I use the physical copies of the books that I own, I try to recall dialouge from the movie (and find online movie transcripts) and I use this website:  

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