Chapter 52: Down into The Chamber

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Most of the students have headed off to Hogsmeade. Lilith was walking towards the girls bathroom with Draco, where her father told them to meet him. Her grandfather wasn't able to get into the school without being detected so he explained the plan and asked for an update when they were done.  

Opening the door, they peek into the bathroom, seeing Severus waiting by the sinks. Smiling and walking up to him, they are suddenly startled by a young girl's voice.

"Oh! Who's there? Oh my, these must be the children you were talking about, Professor". The ghost of a young girl floats in front of Lilith, "This must be the famous Lilith Snape I keep hearing about. The rumours are right, you are quite beautiful".

Lilith stands there, slightly shocked, "Um...thank you?".

Draco asks, "You must be Moaning Myrtle".

She giggles, "Ah, Draco Malfoy. Yes I am. Now, Professor, may I ask why you are gathered in my bathroom?".  

Severus glares at the girl, "That is none of your concern, Myrtle. Just make sure that no one knows about what we are doing here".

She giggles and floats towards one of the toilet stalls, leaving Lilith standing next to Draco in confusion. She shakes her head and walks to stand next to her father.  

He places his hand on her shoulder, "You ready, baby?".

She nods and walks up to one of the sinks, leaning down, "Hesha...Hassa".

The sink starts to move down out of place, leaving an empty space. Looking down, they notice a tunnel-like structure going down. Severus confidently jumps down into the tunnel. Draco grabs Lilith's hand and smiles at her, calming her nerves. They jump down together into the darkness. 

At the end of the tunnel, Severus is waiting for them with his wand lighting up after just casting lumos. They walk through the tunnels, heading towards the chamber. As they walk, they feel a crunch beneath their feet.  

Looking down, Lilith recognises what they are stepping on, "Shedded snakeskin. Must be at least sixty feet long. Definitely big enough for a basilisk".

Severus nods, "We must be getting close".  

After a few more minutes of walking, they come to a rusty, sealed door. It was covered in runes and a snake surrounding the frame of the door. Lilith walks up to the door and whispers more parseltongue. It creaks and dust falls as it opens.  

They slowly walked into the Chamber and their eyes widened at the sight. There was a wide centre walkway with water on both sides. Coming out from the water were basilisk heads lining across the walkway. At the back of the Chamber was a rock-formed portrait of who they assume is Salazar Slytherin, but also kind of looks like Merlin, from what Draco has seen in books.  

In awe, the three look around the Chamber and walk down the centre. They had only read about the Chamber from books that Severus and the Malfoys had, as well as what Tom had told them. Lilith couldn't wait to tell her grandfather about this place. She hoped that this was the one place in the school that he would be allowed in undetected.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice, "Young one".

She stops in her place and whispers, "Oh no".  

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