Chapter 12: Arriving at Hogwarts

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The train whistled as it arrived at the station of Hogwarts. Lilith, Draco and the Weasley twins are already changed into their robes, the twins in their Gryffindor robes and the other two in their plain black ones. Grabbing their trunks from the upper net of the compartment, the four of them start to exit the train. Stepping off, Lilith and Draco look around at the platform. They jump suddenly when they hear a loud voice.

"First years this way!".

The two of them look towards where the voice is coming from. They are shocked when they see a giant man with long hair and a long beard, directing the first years in a group together. 

Draco turns to the twins, "Guys, who the hell is that?".

"That's Hagrid" "He's the gamekeeper for Hogwarts" "No need to worry about him" "He's quite nice if you treat him the same way".

Lilith nods in response, "Right".

"Well you two should head off" "We'll see you guys inside".

They wave to each other as Lilith and Draco walk in the direction of Hagrid and towards the other first years. Once they were all rounded up, Hagrid started leading them towards a large lake, with several rowing boats lined up on the shore.

Hagrid yells out, "Alright everyone, four to a boat".

Lilith and Draco immediately went to take a boat for themselves, not really caring who else entered it, as long as it wasn't Weasley or Granger. As they sit down, they begin to make small talk between each other when they hear a voice.

"Excuse me. May we sit with you?". 

The two of them look up to see a young boy and girl around their age, the boy had dark skin and brown eyes and the girl with short black hair and light skin. Lilith looks at Draco who nods and turns back to the other two. 

She nods, "Sure, go ahead".

The boy sits across from Draco and the girl across from Lilith.

The girl turns to face Lilith with her hand out, "Hi. I'm Pansy Parkinson".

Lilith shakes her hand, "Lilith Snape". She places her hand on Draco's, "This is my best friend, Draco Malfoy".

He nods at her, "Hi".

The other boy looks between Draco and Lilith, "I'm Blaise Zabini".

Lilith nods, "So Zabini and Parkinson? Quite historic families".

Blaise squints his eyebrows, "You know about our families?".

Draco interjects, "Well to be fair, many pureblood families know of the number of historic family lines and yours happen to be two of them, along with mine".

Pansy asks, "Is Lilith's family not part of them?".

Lilith responds, "It's complicated. My father's family is not a part of it but my grandfather is, although we are not related by blood".

"How so?".

"My grandfather took in my father when he was very young so the two of them aren't blood related. So technically I'm part of quite a historic family by name". 

Blaise interjects, "That's actually pretty interesting. What's your father's name?".

"Severus Snape. He's the potions professor at Hogwarts".

As Blaise nods, he looks up and sees a massive castle which he assumes to be Hogwarts. He elbow bumps Pansy and jerks his head towards the castle. She looks up and sees it as well, gasping at the size of the castle. Hearing this, Lilith and Draco also turn towards the castle, smiling as they notice how close they are to arriving.

All the boats arrive at the other end of the shore, Hagrid standing on a dock waiting for them. One by one, the boats stop by the edge of the dock and the first years climb out and onto the dock. As Lilith and Draco follow Blaise and Pansy onto the dock, the two of them smile up at Hogwarts and look at each other. 

"Well, Lia. We're finally here".

"Yep. We've been waiting for this our whole life. It's finally happening".

As they walk towards the group of the new first years, Lilith slowly wraps her hands around his arm. The two of them smile and laugh quietly to each other, with a slight blush on their faces, excited for the next 7 years of their lives.  

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