Chapter 39: Heading Back to Hogwarts

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Lilith and Draco are standing on the platform of Kings Cross Station with Lucius and Narcissa. Severus had to head to Hogwarts the day before to get the potions lab ready for classes and restock the Hospital Wing.  The two say goodbye to Draco's parents and start heading onto the train.

They find a compartment and sit down across from each other. Just as they do, they noticed the Weasley twins and their brother Percy running towards the train. They are shortly followed by Molly and Ginny, to which Lilith rolls her eyes. She feels something on her arm and looks down to see Midnight climbing into her lap from under her arm. Draco smiles and leans over to give him a small scratch on his head. 

They hear the door to their compartment and look to see the twins, panting out of breath, presumably from when they were running to catch the train.

Lilith laughs, "You guys alright there?".  

"Peachy, Lilith" "Our younger brother" "refused to wake up".

Draco rolls his eyes, "Of course".

The two sit down and try to catch their breath. Fred finally notices the little animal that is sitting in Lilith's lap.  

He points to the cat, "Who's your friend, Lil?".

She smiles at him and holds up Midnight, "This is Midnight, he's my pet cat that my dad got me for my fifth birthday".

George pipes in, "He's really cute".

She nods, "You want to hold him?".

The twins start nodding rapidly, making Lilith laugh and place Midnight carefully in Fred's lap. George stands and sits next to him, the both of them fawning over the cat. Lilith and Draco are just sitting and watching this cute moment, especially when Midnight starts curling up into Fred's lap and starts to fall asleep.  

Like the year before, when they arrived at Hogwarts they were seated in the Great Hall, only this time, Lilith and Draco are sitting at the Slytherin table and watching the Sorting Ceremony. They both roll their eyes when Ginny gets sorted into Gryffindor. Looking around the tables, Lilith noticed that Harry and Ron were nowhere to be found. 

Something was up and this was confirmed when she went to talk to her father.  As everyone else files out of the Great Hall, Lilith goes up to the teacher's table to see her father. 

She smiles and hugs him, "Hi daddy".  

He hugs her back, "Hello baby. Sorry I had to leave early yesterday. Dumbledore wanted me here to do some work before classes start up".

"It's alright daddy".

Professor McGonagall walks up to them, "Miss Snape, very good to see you again. Severus, I do apologise but there is an issue with two students that I need you to help take care of".

Severus nods, "What happened?".  

McGonagall sighs, "Simply put, they missed the train and made their own way to Hogwarts, being seen by some Muggles".

He sighs, "Alright. I'll take care of it".

McGonagall nods and walks off. Severus rubs his temples and sighs heavily.  

"This is not something I want to deal with right now. I'm sorry sweetheart".

Lilith looks up at him, "Can I come with you?".

Severus looks down at her and smirks, "You know what, sure baby. Let's go".  

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