Chapter 20: Making Their First Potion

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Lilith and Draco look to the board at the front of the classroom for the ingredients and instructions. The board reads: 

Part 1:

Add 6 snake fangs to the mortar

Crush into a fine powder using the pestle

Add 4 measures of the crushed fangs to your cauldron

Heat the mixture to 250 for 10 seconds

Wave your wand

Leave to brew and return in 33-45 minutes

Part 2:

Add 4 horned slugs to your cauldron

Take the cauldron off the fire before adding the next ingredient

Add 2 porcupine quills to your cauldron

Stir 5 times, clockwise

Wave your wand to complete the potion.

Draco goes to the shelves and collects all the necessary ingredients, in their respective quantities. Lilith prepares the mortars and pestle, as well as the stirring sticks and measuring tools on the table. Draco returns with the ingredients and the two start crushing their snake fangs.

Severus starts walking around, noticing some of the students struggling. He walks over to his daughter and godson to see them doing well.

He places his hand on Draco's back, "Glad to see you two doing well".

The two turn their heads to Severus, "Thanks, Uncle Sev. We just finished Part 1 and now we are just waiting to add the horned slugs later".  

Severus takes a look at their cauldrons, "Well done, it's the right colour and everything".

Lilith turns to him, "What should we do while we wait?".

"I would recommend taking some notes about any observations and changes you see as it's brewing. But otherwise, keep it up you two". 

The two of them nod and take out their notebooks, taking note of any small changes that they notice happening in the cauldron. Once the 45 minutes were up, the two started adding the horned slugs. Draco is about to add porcupine quills to the cauldron before Lilith suddenly grabs his wrists.

Draco turns to her, "What's wrong, Lia?".

She laughs quietly, "You have to take it off the heat first, Dray".

He turns to the board and re-reads the instructions, "Oh you're right. Thanks, Lia".

She giggles as Severus walks over, seeing the interaction, "Thank Merlin you have Lilith here, huh Draco? Otherwise it would have-". 

The three flinch as they hear a scream from behind them. Turning around, they see that the sound came from two Gryffindor boys sharing a table with Harry and Ron. The cauldrons in front of the boys started melting onto the table.

Draco holds his nose with a disgusted look, "What the hell is that smell?".

Severus sighs in frustration, "-have...done...that".

He struts over to the boys, "And this is why we follow the instructions. Or are you boys that incapable of reading the board?".

Lilith and Draco laugh quietly, but enough that Hermione can hear them. 

"You know, just because you're the professor's daughter doesn't mean that you can make fun of other students".

Lilith scoffs at her and turns back to Draco, deciding to finish off their potions.

Hermione declares, "Oh so now you think you can ignore me?".

Draco turns to respond, "I'll have you know, we are actually using class time to complete our potions".

Severus walks over to Lilith and Draco, "I would appreciate you not talking down to my daughter, Miss. Granger". He looks at their cauldrons, "And, as I suspected, they did a perfect job on the potion. 20 points for each of you".

Lilith and Draco smirk proudly, turning to Hermione, "Thank you Professor".

He gives the two a small rub on the head, "Now, why aren't the rest of you following their example and using the time to finish your potions?".

The rest of them scramble to complete their potion before class is over. Severus turns to Lilith and Draco, with a proud look on his face.

"Well done, I am very proud of both of you".

"Thank you, daddy" "Thanks Uncle Sev".

Severus walks back to the desk at the front of the classroom, as Lilith and Draco take a small test tube and fill it with their finished potions to give to him for official assessment. They definitely succeeded in impressing him. 

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