Chapter 46: The Heir of Slytherin

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They decided to go down and explore the Chamber of Secrets another day. They needed to come up with a plan on how to get Tom inside school grounds without the headmaster being alerted. The only reason he was able to be in Severus' office without the staff being alerted was because when he started as Professor, he was able to put up his own wards.  

Lilith and Draco decided to go back to their respective dorm rooms, and updated their roommates on their plan and what they discovered. The next day went by like any other, with them going to classes. It seemed as if the teachers and headmaster did not want to dwell on what had happened the night before, although Draco told Lilith that Hermione had asked Professor McGonagall about it in Transfiguration.  

While they were walking back from the library, Blaise had come up to Lilith and Draco.

"Hey guys, you'll never guess what I heard?".

Draco responds, "What's going on?".  

"You know how that weird writing mentioned an heir?". They both nod, "Well, people have figured out that it must be referring to the heir of Slytherin".

Lilith listens intently, "Alright".

"There's been a rumour going around that you, Lil, are the heir".  

She looks shocked, "Really? Me? Why?".

Blaise sighs, "A number of reasons really. Uh, how advanced you are at potions, you can do wordless magic already, um, somehow you being Snape's daughter got thrown in there as a viable reason".

Draco smiles, "Huh. You know, Lia, we can make something out of this?".

She turns to him, "What do you mean?".  

"Well, if people think you're the heir of Slytherin, why don't we show them what the heir of Slytherin can really do?".

She and Blaise smirk, "I like the way you think, Dray. Let's go talk to Crabbe and Goyle, we might need some help".

The three of them head to the Slytherin tower, looking for the two boys. They find them in their dorm room and let them know of their plan.

Crabbe asks, "So, basically you want us to follow you around everywhere and do whatever you say".

Lilith nods, "Essentially yes".  

Goyle turns to them "Well, what's in it for us?".

Draco smirks, "The two of you want power right? Well both of you should know of Lilith's status amongst the death eaters. Plus, you'd have power here as well if you're associated with us. She is the heir of Slytherin after all. Didn't you hear?".

They both turn to Lilith, shocked, "That's true?!".  

She nods, "Oh yes, my boys. And if you follow me, I'll definitely put in a good word for you and your families to my grandfather. You'll be protected if you are associated with me. Ask Blaise and Pansy if you must. When they became my friends, their families were protected. I can guarantee the same for you boys as well".

The two boys nod to each other, "We're in".

She smiles, "Perfect. Now to start off, we need your help in making my debut".  

Later that day, just as dinner started, Lilith, Draco and their two new bodyguards were standing outside the Great Hall, ready to make their entrance. They even employed the help of Fred and George, who were very eager to help them.  

The twins jump and stand on the Gryffindor table, shocking the teachers and other students, "We are proud to present the heir of Slytherin, Lilith Snape!".

The Slytherin table erupts in cheers as they enter the hall, sparks appearing out of nowhere; all credits to the twins. Lilith is strutting towards the Slytherin table with Draco by her side, Crabbe and Goyle walking behind them. The teachers are watching them in shock, Severus smirking, very impressed at his daughter and godson for pulling this off. Tom would be proud.

They sit at the table, next to their friends. Pansy high fives Lilith and other Slytherins around them start congratulating her. The death eater children were not surprised, as they already knew of her relation to the dark lord, but still applauded her either way.  

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