Chapter 28: The Malfoy's New Year's Ball

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This will be a longer chapter. 

Every year, around New Years, the Malfoys host a ball for different families to come together and celebrate the coming year in unity.  An accumulation of different pureblood families coming together at the Malfoy Manor and this year will be the first year that both Lilith and Draco will be attending with their parents.

Lilith is standing in front of the mirror in her room, scanning over herself and at the outfit chosen. It was a long black dress with fabric hanging off her shoulders. The skirt part of the dress has a slit on the side, going up to about half thigh, and she is wearing a shirt black mesh corset over her stomach.

Narcissa had helped her with her hair, deciding to keep it down. It was styled simply with two braids going around her head and connected at the back and the rest slightly curled in soft beach waves. Lilith leans down and grabs her black heels. Just as she sits on the bed to put her shoes on, she hears a knock on her door.

She looks towards the door, "Yes?". 

The door opens and Severus peeks in, "You ready to go, baby?".

She sighs and nods, "Almost".

Severus could tell something was wrong, so he closes the door and slowly walks over.

He sits on the bed next to her as she puts one of her shoes on, "You ok?".

She turns to him, "Yeah. Why wouldn't I be ok?".

He places a hand on her back, "You're my little girl. I can tell when something is wrong".

She looks down, "I guess I'm just nervous, daddy. This is the first time I'm going to be formally introduced as your daughter to a bunch of pureblood families. Who knows how they are going to react?".

He nods, "I understand, baby. I was scared the first time your grandfather brought me along to the Malfoys' ball, but he assured me that as long as I stayed by his side, nothing would go wrong. Plus, you know how protective he is".

She laughs, "Thanks for understanding, daddy. I'm just scared that someone is going to try something with me and Draco".

"Trust me sweetheart. All the families invited know who your grandfather is, and if they have an ounce of a brain they will not try and upset either of you. Especially you". 

She smiles, "You're right". She leans down and puts on her other heel, "I think I'm ready to go now, daddy".

They stand, "Perfect. And you look absolutely stunning, Lil".

"Thank you daddy".

She takes his arm and the two of them start heading down, where they meet Tom standing in the living room, waiting for them.

Tom turns and smiles at Lilith, "You look stunning, sweetheart".

She smiles, "Thank you, grandpa".

He turns to Severus, "We should get going. The Malfoys are expecting us to come a little early to help greet the guests and prepare the children".

He nods at Tom and leads Lilith over to him. The three of them stand together and Tom takes one of their arms, apparating them inside the Malfoy Manor. As they arrive, the wards notify Lucius and Narcissa, and they enter the hallway just outside the ballroom.

Narcissa smiles at them, "Wonderful, you three have arrived. Lilith, my dear, Draco is up in his room. Why don't you go meet him and later on we'll come get you two to prepare for your introduction?".

She smiles and nods at Narcissa and proceeds to walk up to Draco's room. The four adults greet each other and enter the ballroom. Severus and Tom notice that they went a little more out there for this year's decorations. The work of Narcissa of course, probably for the fact that it's a much more special event with the children being introduced.

Lucius turns to Severus, "How is she doing?".

Severus sighs, "Quite nervous, actually. She's worried something is going to happen to her or Draco, but I assured her that me and her grandfather would be at her side".

Lucius nods, "Draco was the same this morning. Hopefully they can help each other".

A little while later, the guests start to arrive. Different pureblood families being greeted by the Malfoys, followed by Severus and Tom. Lilith and Draco are waiting behind one of the doors, instructed to wait for Tom to come get them. They heard as each family arrived and the bustling that occurred between them. While they were upstairs, they had a good chat and relieved some of their nerves by just having a good laugh together.

The door next to them opens and Tom sneaks in, "Alright, Draco, your father is about to make the announcement. Are you two ready?".

The two look at each other and sigh. They smile and grab each other's hand, turning to Tom and nodding. Tom smiles at them and leads them closer to the door, just in time to hear Lucius' speech.

"Welcome, my friends, to the annual Malfoy New Year's Ball. As most of you know, this is a very special occasion. Two people are going to be introduced to you all tonight. These two being my own son, and the daughter of Severus Snape". Murmuring can be heard amongst them, "I understand many of you do not know of Severus' daughter, that was his decision. But now that she is of age, she has made this decision herself, along with my son. So allow me to proudly introduce...Draco Lucius Malfoy and Lilith Severus Marvolo Snape". 

The doors open and Tom leads the two into the room, filled with applause. They walk towards the four adults, Draco standing next to Lucius and Lilith standing next to Severus. Looking out into the crowd, Lilith notices many of the older guests looking at her specifically, probably because of who her father is; something she's gotten used to. But besides that, a lot of people seemed to be happy to see her.

The two started walking in the crowd, people coming up and introducing themselves. Lilith and Draco stayed by each other's side the entire time. They ended up recognising some of the younger people from Hogwarts, and many of the older people were asking about Lilith's relation to Tom, which she was more than happy to talk about.

Overall, the night was pretty successful, and the two felt very welcomed. 

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