Chapter 33: Having a word with Mr. Greengrass

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Bit of a filler chapter before I close up the first year at Hogwarts. 

Lucius had told Narcissa of the new information regarding Draco being considered to be married off to one of the Greengrass daughters. She wasn't happy about it either, so she advised Lucius to write to him and ask to discuss this.

Dear Florian Greengrass,

Some information has come to light regarding my son, Draco. I have been informed that you have been planning betrothals for your daughters, Daphne and Astoria.

While I would normally have no business in your family decisions and would respect your following traditions, it became my business when I found out Draco was considered as one of the people you wish to marry one of your daughters.

I would like to discuss this with you further in person.

- L. Malfoy 

Later that day, Lucius got a response that Florian, Daphne's father, would be happy to come to the manor and have a discussion with him. A couple days went by and Lucius was in his office, getting ready for Florian to arrive. He was sitting at his desk when felt someone enter the manor wards. He assumed Narcissa let him in as a minute later, he heard a knock on his office door.

He turns towards the sound, "Come in".

Narcissa pops her head in, "Darling, Mr. Greengrass is here".

He nods, "Thank you, my dear. Send him in". 

She nods and opens the door further. Florian enters and Narcissa closes the door behind him. Lucius stands up and walks towards him.

Lucius shakes his hand, "Florian, thank you for coming so soon".

"No trouble at all, Lucius".

Lucius gestures for Florian to sit down in front of the desk as he takes his own seat.

"Now, Florian, let me explain further as to why I wanted to speak with you". Florian nods, "My son, Draco, came to me the other day explaining how he heard that you and your family are starting to prepare betrothals for your daughters. Is that right?".

"Yes, that is correct. Me and my wife felt as if they were ready to at the very least get the process started. We don't want them to officially get married till they graduate". 

Lucius nods, "Of course. And while I respect your decision and would normally stay out of other's family business, Draco informed me that he was one of your considerations".

"That is correct. My daughter, Daphne, was telling me about him. He sounds like a very smart, young boy, Lucius. You and Narcissa must be very proud".

He looks Florian up and down, "Yes, we are very proud of him. Surely that's not the only reason you chose my son, Florian?".

Florian sighs, "Perhaps not. Adorabella and I were going through all the pureblood families that we knew and those with high status, and came across your family. Plus with Draco being a part of the Black family as well, he became our top choice".

"Were you ever considering talking to me or Narcissa before deciding to marry off my son to one of your daughters?". 

"But of course. We would need your signature to make it official, after all".

Lucius sighs, "I see. I would like to make it clear, Florian, that I made a promise to Draco a long time ago, that I would never set up a marriage for him or arrange a betrothal unless he explicitly asked me to. I'm sorry, but I will not sign off on the betrothal to either of your daughters".

Florian responds, with a bit of attitude, "Is that your decision or his?".

Lucius lowers his eyebrows, "Draco assured me this is something he does not want to participate in".

"If you say so, Lucius. Is there a particular reason?".

Lucius sighs, knowing very well that Draco has had his eyes on Lilith for a long time. He was blonde, not blind.

"Even if there was, you have no business prying into my son's personal life. I believe we are done here, Florian".

They stand from their chairs, "Very well, Lucius. We will clear Draco from our list".

"Thank you. Let me show you out". 

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