Chapter 18: Starting with Potions Class

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Lilith wakes up to Midnight gently petting her face. Giggling, she lifts him off her face and places him down on the bed. She opens her curtains and sees that the other two still have their curtains drawn so she assumes they're still sleeping.

She looks down at Midnight, "Hey buddy. Why don't you go wake up the other two?".

Midnight jumps down from Lilith's bed and starts heading over to Pansy, going under the curtain. Lilith removes the bed covers and sits on the edge of the bed. Reaching under the bed, she grabs her trunk and pulls out her Slytherin robes. Standing up to go change in the bathroom, Midnight exits from Pansy's bed and goes towards Daphne's. She laughs quietly to herself and goes into the bathroom.

When she's done changing, she walks out and sees that Pansy and Daphne are already changed into their Slytherin robes.

"You two ready to go down for breakfast?".

The two girls nod and start to walk towards the door. Lilith gives Midnight a scratch behind his ear and kisses his forehead. Following Pansy and Daphne, she closes the door behind them. Walking down the hallway and down into the common room, she sees Draco waiting for her. She walks up to him and taps him on the shoulder. He turns around and smiles when he notices her.

"Hey, Lia. You sleep well?".

"Yeah, after talking to my grandfather".

He nods, "We gonna head down for breakfast?".

She nods and takes his arm. The two of them exit through the portrait and start walking towards the Great Hall. When they get there, they find the Slytherin table and go to sit down. Lilith sits next to Pansy and Draco, with Blaise and Theo in front of them.

Draco gestures to the two boys, "Lia, these are my friends and roommates, you already know Blaise and this is Theo".

"Nice to meet you Theo and good to see you again Blaise".

"Nice to meet you as well, Lilith. You've become quite the celebrity already".

She laughs, "Yes. I guess I have".

Draco looks to the side, "Speaking of which".

They look to the left, towards the teacher's table and see Severus walking up to the Slytherin table. He starts handing out pieces of paper to students as he walks by. He gets to the group and stands behind Lilith and Draco.

Lilith smiles, "Hi daddy".

"Hello, baby. You guys have a good night?".

Draco nods, "Yes Uncle Sev. We both slept pretty well".

"That's good, dragon. I have all of your timetables here".

He hands Lilith a stack of timetables and she starts handing them out to the group. She looks at her timetable which reads:

 She looks at her timetable which reads:

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"My first class is with you, daddy?".

Severus nods, "Yes it is, Lil. Both you and Draco have potions with me first. So make sure you have a good breakfast since it's a two hour class".

"Thank you, daddy".

Severus gives her a kiss on the crown of her head and rubs Draco's head gently. He starts handing out the other student's their timetable as the group starts eating their breakfast. Lilith can already tell that Potions class is going to be interesting. 

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