Chapter 43: Quidditch and Mudbloods

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Draco walked to the Slytherin table for lunch after talking with Severus, who gave him some news that he wanted to share with his friends. He sat down next to Blaise and Lilith squinted at him, noticing his happier demeanour. 

"What the hell happened to you?".

Draco turns to her, confused, "What?".

"Something happened when you went to talk to my father, what was it?".

He smiles, "Well, he gave me some news. He talked to Marcus Flint and managed to get me on the Quidditch team".

Blaise pats him on the back, "Congrats man".

"Thanks, we have a practice match today if any of you want to come watch".  

The group nods and starts eating, going on to more conversations about classes and just generally catching up. Some time later, Draco, Lilith and Blaise are walking towards the practice Quidditch pitch. They see Marcus standing there in uniform, who turns around at the sound of them walking up.  

"Malfoy, you made it".

Draco nods, "I hope it's alright, my friends wanted to come watch my first practice".

Marcus smiles, "Of course it is. More than happy to have some supporters of the team". He turns to the two standing behind Draco, "You must be the famous Lilith. Professor Snape told me to take extra care of you". She smiles and Marcus sticks his hand out to Blaise, "And I don't believe we have met before. Marcus Flint".

Blaise shakes his hand, "Blaise Zabini".  

Marcus nods, "Pleased to meet you. Now, Malfoy, let's get suited up and we'll head to the pitch where I'll introduce you to the rest of the team".

Draco nods and places his Quidditch uniform on. The three follow Marcus to the practice pitch where he introduces Draco to the team. They see the Gryffindor team start walking up with Harry, Ron and Hermione.  

The Gryffindor Captain, Oliver Wood, calls out, "Where do you think you're goin' Flint?".

Marcus responds, "Quidditch practice".

"I booked the pitch for Gryffindor today".

Marcus smirks, "Easy, Wood. I've got a note".

Marcus then pulls a piece of parchment out of nowhere and hands it to Oliver, who starts reading it out loud.

"I, Professor Snape, do hereby give the Slytherin team permission to practice today, owing to the need to train their new Seeker".

Lilith hears Draco whisper under his breath, "Thank you Uncle Sev".  

Oliver asks, "You've got a new Seeker? Who?".

The Gryffindors just now seemed to notice Draco standing next to Marcus, wearing the Quidditch uniform and holding a broom. They also just noticed Lilith and Blaise standing next to the team.

Harry chimes in, "Malfoy?".  

Draco smirks, "That's right. And that's not all that's new this year".

The Gryffindors' eyes widen as Draco holds out his broom.

Ron gasps, "Those are Nimbus Two Thousand and Ones! How did you get those?".

Marcus smirks, "A little gift from Draco's father".  

Draco smirks and turns to Ron, "You see Weasley, unlike some, my father can afford the best of the best".

Hermione interjects, "At least no one in Gryffindor had to buy their way in. They got it on pure talent".

Draco turns to her and glares, "No one asked your opinion, you filthy little Mudblood".

This causes Lilith and Blaise to snort and laugh to themselves.  

Ron walks towards the front of the group, "You'll pay for that one, Malfoy. Eat slugs!".

He aims his broken wand towards Draco and casts the spell. Unfortunately, because it's cracked, the spell backfires and blasts him back onto the ground. The Slytherins start laughing as Harry and Hermione run to his side.

Harry places his hand on his shoulder, "You alright, Ron? Say something".  

Ron opens his mouth to say something, but instead ends up spitting out a slug. The Slytherins let out a sound of disgust and immediately jumps back. Harry and Hermione help him stand up on his feet.

Harry turns to Hermione, "Let's get him to Hagrid's. He'll know what to do".

She nods and the two lead Ron towards Hagrid's hut. The Slytherins start laughing at his misery and starts walking to the pitch, ready to train Draco as a Seeker, and Lilith and Blaise ready to support their best friend.  

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