Chapter 30: Norbert the Dragon

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Lilith and Draco are sitting in the Great Hall, talking and catching up with the rest of their friends as they eat.  As they were talking, the main doors open and Neville starts hopping in, his legs seemingly stuck together. Pansy elbows Lilith and nods her head in Neville's direction. She looks over and tries to suppress her laughter. This draws the attention of the others, making them look over and notice Neville's situation as well. Some of them start to laugh out loud, prompting other people to follow them.

Lilith sees Draco smirking and whispers, "Was it you?".

He shrugs, "Maybe".

She smiles, "Leg-locker curse?".

He nods and Lilith smirks at him, impressed. They look towards the Gryffindor table, where Neville headed towards. They see one of the boys, Seamus Finnigan, ready his wand, presumably to perform a counter-curse. Although, the spell never happens, as Neville said something to Seamus that Lilith and Draco couldn't hear. All of a sudden, the Golden Trio exit the Great Hall.

Neville calls out to them, "Hey, wait. Where are you going? What about the counter-curse?!".

Before he can say another word, he topples over backwards since his legs are still stuck together from Draco's spell. The other students start laughing again, including Lilith and Draco.

Some time later, Lilith and Draco are walking back to their common room, when they notice something from the corner of their eyes. It was Harry, Hermione and Ron walking out of the main castle. The two share a look and start to follow them, feeling a sense of déjà vu.

They follow them to Hagrid's hut. They wait until the three go inside and the two start to slowly head towards an open window. They place themselves under the window sill, and Draco decides to peek his head up and listen.

They hear Hermione ask Hagrid, "Is that...a dragon?".

Lilith and Draco turn to look at each other with wide eyes and mouths, "Dragon?".

Ron responds, "That's not just a dragon. That's a Norwegian Ridgeback! My brother Charlie works with these in Romania".

Hagrid smiles, "Isn't he beautiful? Oh. Bless him, look. He knows his mummy". He laughs quietly, "Hello, Norbert".

They hear the small dragon squeak and Draco sees him look at Hagrid.

Harry asks, "Norbert?".

Hagrid responds, "Yeah, well, he's got to have a name, doesn't he?".

Norbert hiccups and blasts a small fireball into Hagrid's beard.

Hiagrid jumps, "Ohh". He quickly pats out the smolders in his beard, "Well...he'll have to be trained up a bit, of course". He noticed Draco looking in the window, "Who's that?".

Draco jumps and leans back down next to Lilith, grabbing her hand and dragging her away back to the castle. When they get back inside, they both let out a big sigh of relief.

Lilith turns to Draco, "What happened?".

Draco sighs, "The big oaf noticed me in the window and I panicked".

Lilith looks around and sees McGonagall walking in the hallway. She gets Draco's attention and signals him in McGonagall's direction.

The two start walking over and Lilith calls out, "Professor McGonagall!".

She turns around, "Miss Snape, Mr Malfoy. May I ask why you two are still wandering around?".

Draco responds, "Professor, we were walking back to our common room and saw Potter, Granger and Weasley walking around outside of the castle".

She hitches her breath, "Really? Show me".

Draco and Lilith smile and start to lead McGonagall down the hallway. On the way, they run into the Golden Trio.

McGonagall sees them and clears her throat, "Good evening". 

The three jump at her voice and turn around slowly. They notice Draco and Lilith smirking behind McGonagall. The group end up inside McGonagall's classroom, the Golden Trio standing in front of her desk, and the other two standing off to the side, smirking.

McGonagall states, sternly, "Nothing, I repeat, nothing gives a student the right to walk outside the school at night. Therefore, as punishment for your actions, 50 points will be taken".

Harry's eyes widened, "50?!".

"Each. And to ensure it doesn't happen again, all five of you will receive detention".

Lilith interjects, "Excuse me, Professor. Perhaps I heard you wrong. I thought you said 'the five of us'".

"No you heard me correctly, Miss. Snape. You see, as honourable as your intentions were, you two were also out of bed after hours. You will serve detention with your classmates".

Harry, Ron and Hermione grin, as Draco and Lilith sigh in anger. 

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