Chapter Thirty Five

Start from the beginning

Perhaps all his actions could be explained away, maybe the Alpha believed that it was Miles who killed his cousin and he was trying to pin the blame on us? It could explain his behaviour however, when I 'confessed' he didn't do anything to hurt me. Instead he seemed angry and upset at my supposed rape and even went as far as providing me with a therapist so I could heal from my trauma.

His behaviour made no sense to me, it didn't seem like he wanted to hurt me. During the times he did hurt me, I could see the remorse in his eyes and after the first time he hurt me, he applied some sort of medicine on my neck in the middle of the night which helped it heal quicker. Why did he do that? I was his prisoner at the time. I still am now.

It was probably a crazy thought but because of that I do believe he cares a little about me. Despite his contradictory behaviour I wholeheartedly believed it.

Why did he care? That's a question that I had no answer to, I had no idea why he would care about me at all, after all I was just a random human to him.

I lowered my voice to a whisper and tried this approach to see if I could gather some information from him. "Yes, I'm scared she might... hurt me. Please, what did you tell her?"

Something flickered in his eyes for a few seconds before it became blank again.

No! I didn't want him to go blank, I wanted him to reach into those weird feelings he had towards me and help me out.

"She will not hurt you." He sounded confident which was the opposite of how I was feeling.

Of course she was going to hurt me, she just found out I killed her brother!

"You can go back to your room." He dismissed me as he started to walk towards his desk.

I couldn't leave the room yet, I needed to know more. I was dreading seeing her again and I needed to know what she knew and be prepared for what was to come.

"Does she know what I did? What did you tell her?" Alpha Alessandro glanced at me but didn't answer.

"Please Alpha. Please can you tell me?" I whispered as I came closer towards him. He ignored me and opened up his laptop that was on his desk.

Frustration and desperation began to build up inside of me. Why couldn't he just tell me? I was losing my mind here with not knowing what she knew, how she reacted and what she was going to do next.

My words were slightly chocked up when I spoke next. "Alpha Alessandro?" The Alpha head snapped up as soon as I said his name. "Please I need to know."

The Alpha sighed and closed his laptop. His eyes met mine and for a second I swear I saw his face soften slightly.

"Sit down." I immediately did as he said and looked up at him like a child waiting eagerly for their parents to tell them something.

His piercing eyes scanned my face before landing on my neck. In all honestly I had forgotten that he had strangled me earlier, it felt as though that was ages ago as so much had happened since then in such a short period of time.

What he did both surprised and unsurprised me. He leaned over and caressed my neck so softly as if it was the most delicate and fragile thing ever. His hands were warm and gentle, complete opposite to when he was trying to cut off my air supply earlier.

I was surprised by his actions as I had not been expecting that at this moment as well as being unsurprised by his actions as he seemed to repeat this sort of behaviour when he hurts me.

"Are you in pain?"

How about I wrap my hands around your neck, squeeze it tightly for a couple of minutes and then you can see for yourself if it's painful or not?

"What do you think?" I blurted out before clamping my hand over my mouth

Shit! Why do I always say stupid things? Do I have some sort of innate desire to die or something?

His eyes narrowed into slits as he removed his hand. "I have not forgotten about that comment you made earlier however I will let it slide this one time."

"Thank you, I-"

Gripping my chin in a steady grip he lifted my face up. "Don't ever say anything like that again. Next time I won't be so forgiving."

Strangling someone is his way of forgiving?!

"I won't."

"Good girl." He let go of my chin and patted me on the head as if I was a dog. I resisted the urge to move away and remained as still as possible. "I have informed Teresa of Harlan's death, she knows you killed him in self-defence."

"Okay." I whispered as my mind began to scream at me, it was yelling 'you're screwed, you're going to die!'

"As expected she is devasted to hear about her brother's death and will need some time to come to terms with it." Alpha Alessandro told me as if he was discussing something mundane about his day. "She will not hurt you however I suggest you keep out of her way so she is tempted to retaliate."

Due to the reassuring words I was hearing-not-, my heart began to race and I could feel my body's temperature increasing. How was I supposed to stay away from her, she cornered me today she could easily do that anytime? Will I have to hide out in my room until she no longer has the urge to murder me?

"Don't look so scared, I won't let anything happen to you." The Alpha's words as usual confused me but I was too worried about everything else to focus on that.

"Can I go home? If I'm not here then she can't do anything to me."

The Alpha let out a little chuckle. "Nice try but you're not going anywhere."


The thought of never leaving this place had my vision clouding up, I swallowed the lump that was forming in my throat and looked around the office so the Alpha couldn't see the tears that were welling up in my eyes.

Through my blurry vision my eyes fell on the object I was using before the Alpha came in. "Can I have my phone back please? I want to speak to my sister." My voice was soft and filled with sadness.

Though I didn't look back at him I could feel his gaze on my face. It was a minute or so before Alpha Alessandro responded. "Yes."

My heart leapt for joy and my head snapped towards him so fast that I was certain I had sprained it- if that was possible. "Really?"

"Yes." He repeated. "Under one condition."

"What?" I whispered as I met his eyes.

"I want you to do something for me."


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter

What do you think the Alpha wants Nala to do? Let me know what you think is going to happen next

Thank you for reading! 

-Kayy xx

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