I furrowed my brows and looked up to Vaughn, who had a knowing grin on his face. He sipped his coffee as he watched me from the couch, and he nodded his head for me to continue.

I resumed the opening, and I saw the gift was wrapped in a very soft cloth bag, and I read off the logo aloud. "Hermes Birkin."

It sounded super familiar at first, but I wasn't able to put my finger on it exactly. Then something clicked. He got me a Birkin bag. Like, a literal real life Birkin.

I didn't do much shopping, mostly because I never had the funds, but I've heard of Birkens before. I remember Annie always talking about designer bags, and even I knew this was like, the mac daddy of them all.

I let out a shaky gasp as I removed my new purse from the cloth bag, and took in how beautiful it was. It was sizable, chocolate brown that looked to be in a subtle crocodile print, and encrusted with small diamonds on the hardware. I held the pristine bag to my chest with my good arm, "I love her!" I cheered, as a lump formed in my throat, my emotions at an all time high

"I never would've thought I'd own a freaking Birkin!" I squealed, looking up toward Vaughn.

"I'm glad you like it." He replied in a calm voice, but I could tell he enjoyed giving this gift as much as I liked receiving it.

"Between this and the Briar James foundation you're going to spoil me, Mr Beaumont." I teased him, standing up from my sitting position. I stood right between his legs, and threaded my fingers through his hair, pulling his forehead closer to me so I give him a small kiss. "You need to be careful, I might get used to it."

He gave my behind a pinch, "Open your other gifts."

I opened the other gifts he got me, my heart warming at each perfectly planned present. Then after I got done opening mine, I realized there were a few more presents sitting under the trees that I wasn't responsible for, and I looked at the tags: Beans, Penelope, and spike.

Yes, our third cats name was Spike.
Yes, I let Vaughn name the cat.
No, he will not assist in naming our children.

"You got the babies Christmas presents?" I asked in surprise while I picked up the gift labeled Penelope, and he stayed silent.

"What, do you think I'll assume Santa Claus brought them?" I asked with a giggle, "I didn't buy them, so you had to." I pointed my finger up accusingly at him, and in a dramatic showing he rolled his eyes, "I'm pleading the fifth."

"You like them. Admit it."

Silence again.

"You gave them their own room." I laughed, "And Christmas presents." I raised my eyebrows.

"They were in my way. They had to be placed somewhere." He tried to rationally explain, and I laughed, "I'm not buying it tough guy."

He sat his coffee down on the side table next to the couch, and spread his thighs in a silent signal for me to move closer toward him.

I loved over and sat on the floor between his thighs, and he ran his hand through my hair, "How's the arm, little wife?"

"Upgraded me from little lamb to little wife?" I asked, and he gave a subtle shrug, "I like the way it sounds."

"You know, we still haven't consummated the marriage. We can still get an annulment and call it a day." I teased, and he frowned, "Over my dead fucking body."

"I kid." I planted a form kiss on his cheek, and he let out a grin, "Give me another."

I peppered his face in dramatic, chaste kisses making sure to theatrically express each one.

"My arm feels fine," I informed him as I slightly pulled away, "And I got you something as well." I moved off the couch to grab his gift.

It was funny to me because I bought something for him with his own money. It also didn't help that I had no idea what to get him, because the man's loaded and has everything he could ever want, such as a smoking hot, hilarious wife.

But Vaughn made it known his money is my money, especially now.

So after much debate, I made the decision to get him a custom wedding ring, one that matched mine. He had originally got himself a sleek black band, but I wanted his band to match mine. So I picked out a subtle golden band, and had my name engraved on the inside.

He opened the box, but didn't say much in response. He studied the obnoxiously large ring, a size 16 and a 1/2, and took a deep breath, taking off his old ring to place on his new one.

"Now we can match." I held up my wedding ring, and he solemnly nodded his head.

I had a feeling he wasn't used to gifts either.

"Thank you." He said simply.

We spent the rest of the day cooking and baking for our dinner. Vaughn's chef typically would've made us a Christmas dinner, but I wanted to try it out for ourselves. Vaughn had to do most of the heavy cooking, which was fine with me because I was both lazy and bossy.

Gia and Miles joined us for dinner, but she ended up having too much wine and they had to retire to their bedroom early. Then, Vaughn and I went to the movie room and watched all of the 'National Lampoon's Christmas vacation' movies, because like the freaky weirdo Vaughn is, he's never seen any of them before.

"This is my favorite way I've ever spent any holiday." I told him, and he smiled down at me.

"Me too, sweetheart." He planted a kiss on my forehead, "Me too."


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