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Kennedy couldn't help but notice the tension between Jaime and Jalen In this geography class. Currently the teacher wasn't in class, so all the other students were busy chatting and doing whatever they wanted. Well, except for those two.

Jalen just repeatedly clicked his pen, his face holding anger, while Jaime sulked in the far corner of the class. She didn't look like she ws holding up well.

Something must have happened yesterday. Jalen did say he was going to talk to her, so maybe they had a big fight.

Suddenly, Jamie stood up and exited the class, her eyes full with tears.


"Shit," Jaime muttered to herself as her fresh tears messed u her mascara. Honestly, she looked a mess and it was all her fault. She should have just listened to Kennedy in the first place by not messing with Chris. Now she's crying in the bathroom for the third time this week.

"Hey," A voice called out. The door to the cubicle opened up to Kennedy who was holding a small bag and sympathetic eyes.

She immediately took her best friend into a hug calming her down.

"K-kenny, I'm so, so, so sorry," Jaime cried out

"Hey, it's fine. Right now lets just get you to stop crying. Everything is going to be fine," Kenny soothed.

"I thought you hated me now," Jaime asked referring to the fight she had with her. She had fucked up a lot of relationships recently, but was so gratedful to see her best friend right now.

"No I don't. Don't be stupid, I cant hate you. No matter what stupid fught we have, or what fucked up shit you do, at the end of the day, you're still my best friend," She said reassuringly.

This girl standing right here had stood up for and protected Jaime since they were about 13. She had even punched a dude who called her friend stupid. These two had been through a lot. Jaime realized this and thought how stupid she was for under appreciating her best friend.

"I'm sorry Kenny. I've been so stupid. You've always been there for me and I just fucked it up," She said pulling her back into a bear hug.

"Let's forget about it okay. Just know that I'm here now. Now, lets fix you up cuz girl you look....," Kenny said and they both broke into laughter for the first time in a while.

"But what has been going on with Holly. I've been seeing you guys around," She asked as she began applying a little make up on Jaime's face

"We're friends now,"

"What? Wait, you're friends with Holly Woods? Your enemy, Jalen's ex?" Kennedy asked with some laughter thinking it was a joke.

"I'm serious. She's actually been lonely and she only acts mean because of that. Deep down she's a sweet, funny person. We made up," Jaime explained.

"Hm, alright," Kenny said, still having her doubts.

"You guys will get along just fine,"

"I don't know. I feel like when someone is a snake, they can't change their ways. Once a snake always a snake," Kenny concluded.

The besties are backkkk

Should we read meaning into what Kenny said?

- Debbie <3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2022 ⏰

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