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Jamie couldn't wait for this lesson to be over. After this, school would finally be over.

She knew Jalen had been staring at her for the past 20 minutes. She also knew that immediately this class ended he would follow her to her locker and apologize again.

This had been his routine throughout the week. At this point Jamie wondered why he was still trying to apologize. The relationship wasnt real, so why was he trying to save it.

In other news, when she got out of school, she was going to the park. She knew Chris was going to be there and she needed to apologize to him. She had really missed him.

It would have been easier to apologize to him if he were still in this school. But he changed to the school closer to his home when he moved.

Whilst lost in her thoughts, she felt a light tap on her back. Someone gave her a note. It was from Jalen.

She knew it was an apology note. So, instead of reading it, she balled it up and threw it on the floor. She wasnt in the mood for his apologies anymore.

The bell rung meaning school was over. Immediately Jamie rushed out of the class to avoid another one of Jalens apologies.

"Jamie, wait please. Im sorry. I really am," She heard him call out to her.

"Leave me alone," She bellowed to him and rushed out the school doors.


When she got to park she easily spotted him. For some reason, he loved wearing bright colored clothing.

"Chris," she greeted as she approached him.

"Fuck off," He said antagonistically.

"Im here to apologize. Will you please hear me out," She begged still feeling hurt by his previous response.

"You made me lose an opportunity. The client was going to refer me to a photography studio so I could be an intern. But you didnt show up so I didnt have anyone to help with lighting and the whole shoot turned out to be a mess. She was so disappointed,"

"I was being selfish and the boy who I ditched you for used me as a bet. Its not an excuse but still I miss you as a friend and I feel like shit for bailing on you. Im sorry," She apologized.

"Fine. But if you ever pull some bullshit like this again then were done being friends," He informed.

"Yayy. Now, come on lets go get some ice cream. Ive missed you so much," She beamed and gave him a bear hug.

"Alright. Sorry about your boyfriend though," he's an asshole,

"I know right. Like who takes someones emotions as a bet," Jamie agreed as they walked to the ice cream van nearby.


"Dude, what the hell is wrong with you?" Armani asked Jalen. They were all at Justins home playing video games but Jalen just seemed to be lost in his thoughts.

"Sorry. Im just tense. Jamie wont even listen to my apologies anymore," Jalen said solemnly.

"Maybe she just needs some time to heal from this. I mean, its a lot to take in when you find out your relationship was based on a bet," Justin advised.

"Jalen slouched back on the couch. I saw her with some dude yesterday. They were having ice cream and it looked like they were on a date," He told.

"I dont think Jamie would have moved on so fast. Are you sure you saw her," Justin asked.

"Yeah. I followed her to apologize and I saw her walk up to Chris, the dude who was in our school before. They talked for a little and had ice cream,"

"Didnt she used to date that dude," Armani asked.

"She told me they were just friends," He replied.

"Im pretty sure thats what girls say about their exes,"

"Fuck. Shes moved on so quickly," Jalen shook his head sadly.

"You know what you should do? Make her jealous. Shes getting with this dude to make you angry but you can do the exact same thing. Get with Holly and then make her jealous back," Armani suggested.

"Thats a really dumb idea. Dont take advise from Armani, he literally was the reason this whole mess started," Justin said

"Yeah, but he does kinda have a point. If I just make her jealous a little, then shell miss me and well get back together," Jalen concluded.

He was sure this plan was fool proof. They were definitely going to get back together. Right?

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