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Jalen tapped his foot nervously as he waited for Holly to climb through his bedroom window.

He decided to invite her over to beg her not to reveal his secret to Jamie.

He had accidentally told her while he was drunk at a previous party.

The window creaked and he turned to see Holly coming out of it.

"Why the hell did you make me come through the window? I could have just come through the door, She complained as she regained her balance on the floor.

"Whatever, I just need a simple favour from you and then you can leave," he informed.

"Sure, anything for you honey", I knew you'd snap out of whatever that Jamie girl had done to you,"

"I dont want you to tell her what I told you the night of Michelle's party," He said.

"And why the fuck not?" She angrily asked

"Because it'll ruin my relationship,"

"And thats exactly what is going to happen. Jalen, you belong with me, not her. And if I need to tell her this so that you guys can break up, then so be it," Holly said

"Jalen sighed in frustration. Holly, were not right for each other. Im happy with Jamie. Why can't you just let me be happy?"

"Because Im happy with you," she said as she walked towards him.

She got closer to him and leaned in for a kiss.

During the brief moment of her leaning in to him, he couldnt help but become enchanted by her lips. He had always thought she had plump, pink lips.

They began kissing. Then something in his brain remembered. JAMIE

"Get the fuck off of me," he yelled, pushing her away.

"What is wrong with you? Why do you keep resisting? you know you want to be with me," She said, feeling hurt that he had just pushed her away.

"Kissing you was a mistake Holly, now just leave my room," He said coldly.

"I hate you," she hissed and left through his window.

Damn, I messed up.


As Justin and Armani fought over who should get the last chicken wing in the bucket, Jalen mind couldnt help but wander to the situation he had put himself in.

He really did mess up. He should have told Jamie about the bet but he just couldnt. She would assume that their whole relationship was a lie.

And on top of that, he kissed his ex-girlfriend, Holly. Jamie would instantly break up with him if she found out.

He needed advise. Quick.

"Hey, guys?"

"dude what? Were having a serious decision on this last chicken wing," Armani responded

"I need advice on something,"

"Ooohh dude, did you kill someone? You sound mad serious," Armani asked.

"I didnt kill anyone. Its about the stupid bet I made with Armani. I told Holly about it when I was drunk and now she wants to tell Jamie so that she can mess up our relationship," Jalen stated.

"I think you should tell her before Holly does. I t might be better if she finds out from you instead of Holly," Justin advised

"I also did something stupid. I kissed Holly," Jalen said shamefully

"Yeah, youre fucked," Armani laughed.

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