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Wednesday 7th March 2020

"No Anncy, leave me alone," Jamie yelled as she dashed through the halls escaping from her younger sister.

"Are you seriously not going to tell me what is going on between you and him," Anncy questioned as she followed her.

"Because there isn't anything going on. There is no 'me and him'," Jamie informed.

"You're a damn liar. He started walking you to school and back home 2 days ago. Don't think i didn't see him waiting on the apartment stairs for you," She stressed.

"Anncy, i have literally nothing to say to you," Jamie concluded while putting her final books in her bag before telling her mother goodbye and heading to the door.

"Okay, tell Jalen hi for me," Anncy snickered.

She's so annoying, Jamie justified in her head.


Jamie sketched in her sketchbook as she was done with the geometry activity given to the class.

As she sketched, her mind wandered to her next class, Geography, which she absolutely dreaded. She pondered the thought of skipping school but immediately shut down that idea.

Jamie hated the idea of skipping school. She felt that people who skipped classes were bound to miss important details in class and ultimately, fail. The thought was stupid, yes but she couldn't help the belief.

She was snapped out of her thoughts by the person behind her tapping her shoulder and passing her a note.

The note was from Jalen who was sitting at the other edge of class. In the note, he asked if she would skip the next period with him.

It was as if he had been reading her mind.

Her first reaction was to accept the request. Then she realized that it went against her values. But on another hand she felt as though there was a little voice telling her to do it.


"Hey. Thanks for coming out here with us. I know skipping school isn't really your thing," Jalen noted with a chuckle.

"Yeah it really isn't. I don't even know why i agreed to this," Jamie confessed as she observed the other people getting in Armani's car.

Jalen, Armani, Alicia and Justin were all skipping school together. From what Jamie observed it looked like they did this often.

"Hey," Jamie greeted the others as they did same.

"Finally, another girl is coming with," Alicia expressed with a breath of relief.

"We didn't need another person though Jalen," Armani scoffed at Jalen.

"Fuck off Armie. Lets get going," Justin said and they closed the car doors and Armani began driving.

Jamie dropped the can of Pepsi in her hand as she laughed at the conversation between herself and Jalen.

"But I'm serious though, that show is absolutely irritating. I literally have to leave the room whenever my sister is watching it," He informed.

"Me too. I refuse to stay in the same area as that show when its on," She added.

"Isn't this nice," He asked


"You being carefree for the first time. You're always so damn serious all the time. You're a teen and you need to live a little," He stated while taking a sip of his own drink.

"I'm not serious all the time," She said defensively.

"Are you sure....," He asked with his eyebrows raised.

"I'm only so serious because someone needs to be. Its like everyone is an irresponsible teenager and someone needs to be responsible. Also, I'm not left any choice because my mom works multiple jobs and someone needs to take care of Anncy. I'd rather be uptight and know that everything and everyone is taken care of than be irresponsible and reckless," She explained.

"Wow. That was not the response i expected," He exhaled

"Yeah, that was kinda deep, sorry," She replied with a nervous chuckle.

"Can I ask you something," Jamie requested


"Why are you suddenly friends with me," She asked her eyebrow raised.

"I've taken quite an interest in you," He responded

"Within the span of 2 days? I don't understand how you were rude to me on Friday and suddenly cool with me on Monday," She explained

" Jamie, I like you okay, I was only mean cause i like you," He lied quickly.

Jamie did not sound convinced with what he had said but she figured he wasn't going to tell her the truth so she just decided to forget it.

Jalen on the hand was impressed with himself. He thought she believed the lie he just told her. He had a feeling that he was inching closer to winning the bet.

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