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(Chris in the pic above)

"Hey, whats wrong," Jaime heard Holly's voice ask her as she cried in the bathroom.

"This is déjà vu huh?" Jamie sniffled as she referred to her meeting Holly crying in the bathroom just last week.

"Yeah. Why are you crying?"

"I think Jalen found out about Chris. Him and the group completely ignored me today and made me feel like shit," She explained.

"I swear I didn't tell him," Holly said.

"I think Kennedy told him. I can't believe she would do that to me," Jamie sobbed at the betrayal of her friend.

"I feel like you just need to talk to both Jalen and Kennedy. Clear things out. Both of them care for you and if there's one thing I know, its that Jalen loves you," Holly said, giving her friend a reassuring look.

"Thanks," Jamie smiled and gave Holly a hug. She would take the advice and talk to Jalen.


Jamie walked home alone today. Since her friend group had basically deserted her, she was on her own. Even her sister, Anncy would rather hang out with her friends than walk home with her sister.

Walking home she felt so stressed out from the day's events. Suddenly she heard footsteps behind her. Now, being a black girl out here in a semi-lonely street, this was scary.

She began increasing her walking speed and put her phone to her ear as though she was on a phone call.

"Jaime," The voice called out, and her fear turned to irritation. It was Chris.

"Hey," He greeted when he finally caught up to her. She continued walking faster. She was having a problem with her boyfriend because of him, so she really didn't want to be around him right now. But she realized their last meeting ended with her hurting his feelings, so she decided to hear him out.

"Relax, it's just me you can slow down. I just wanted to know if we're good," He asked, his nostril ring shining in the now darkening sky.

"Well, uh, I didn't know if you were still mad at me for uh, you know, using you to get back at Jalen," She said

"After deep thought, I realized that our friendship is better and stronger than what happened and I've decided to put what happened behind me," He said thoughtfully. He actually seemed more attractive when he was just a friend.

"I appreciate that. And, I'm really sorry for being a bad friend to you. You didn't deserve it," She told him with a smile. She was actually happy that they patched things up.

"Oh, did you happen to tell anyone about what happened," Jaime asked, curious to know if Jalen somehow found out from him.

"Nope. Didn't tell a soul," Chris said with a chuckle and walked away.

What do yall think Chris is up to?

I'm genuinely curious to know what you guys think. Comment and vote

- Debbie <3

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