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Holly hadn't been herself in the past week. Jalen dumped her, again. She didnt understand why did always happened to her. It was like routine, boys date her for a bit then move on to serious relationships.

She knew she was pretty and smart, so what was pushing these boys away?

At the moment she was walking into Krusty Cooks(This isn't a real place, btw), the nearby fast food restaurant. Whenever she was stressed, she always craved their chicken so she decided to come in this Saturday afternoon.

For the first time in a long time, she was going somewhere without her posse. But honestly, she knew they weren't really her friends. They were just girls who clung to her in order to climb the schools social ladder.

She couldn't imagine them seeing her right now, in her pink worn out sweatshirt and leggings, and her face without makeup. If they saw her like this, they would never respect her and that's why she would never take her problems to them, because it would make her seem weak.

As she took a seat on a table and ordered, she noticed someone familiar at a table far from her. It was Chris, the dude who used to come to her school.

She realized he wasn't alone, he was with Jamie. And by the way they were sitting, it looked like they were on a date.

Ooh, she's cheating on Jalen.

Quickly, she brought out her phone and took several pictures of the sight. Thank God she brought her phone, you never know when you need to take pictures to blackmail people.

She looked down at her phone and smiled, knowing that she would use this picture to her advantage.


Currently, Jamie was seated right in front of Chis in this cheap ass restaurant he pick for the date, Krusty Cooks. Any minute from now, she would tell him that she never liked him, and break his heart.

"You look so beautiful," He complimented.

"Aww, thanks," She said while breaking into a nervous sweat.

He called to make an order, but Jamie stopped him. "Im not staying for long I just really need to tell you something,"


"Im so sorry but this has been a whole lie. I only kissed you at the party because I wanted to make Jalen jealous. I got back together with him a few days ago," She explained, careful to pick the right words.

He shook his head in disbelief and disappointment. "So you played me. You lead me on right?"

"Chris, Im sorry. I wanted to tell you since but I was scared to break your heart," She confessed.

"Fuck you Jamie. Youve always treated me badly. Im not even mad that you don't like me, Im mad because you lied to me. You always do this, just like when you lied that you were sick and bailed on me, and let's not forget the time that you spread a rumor about me being gay in school. You're just a bad friend Jamie, no wonder you were used as a bet," He told her and immediately left the table.

Jamie felt ashamed. She reminisced on all what Chris had said and realized she really was a bad friend. She had always treated him like shit and now she was doing the same to Kennedy.

As she looked up she suddenly saw a flash. She looked at the direction of the flash and it was Holly, holding her phone up taking pictures of her.

When Holly saw that she had been caught, she quickly dashed out of the restaurant.

Fuck. This could be bad Jamie thought to herself, knowing that Holly could easily use these pictures of her on a date with Chris as blackmail.

Blackmail was one of Holly's strong suits.

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