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Jalen was furious. Why would she do this? His whole plan had backfired. He planned to make her a little jealous using Holly, but now she was out there kissing Chris to make him jealous.

Justin was right. He should have never taken advice from Armani.

Currently, he was sitting in Literature class not paying attention to whatever the teacher was saying.

So, I will be assigning group projects to everyone. And before anyone asks, I will not be allowing you to pick groups yourselves, Mrs Coleman said as all the student groaned in frustration.

So, on the papers I will be handing out, youll see what group youre in and your fellow members, She announced as she passed the papers around the class.

As Jalen looked at the paper he was handed he realized that he Jamie was in his group. He was in a group with Jamie and a girl named Parker.

This was actually good news. It was an opportunity to spend time with Jamie and talk to her about what happened on Friday night. For the first time he was excited about a group project.


"And now hes in the same group as me," Jamie concluded her summary of the events that occurred from Friday night to this morning.

"Ooh this gon be messy. You mean to tell me that youre using Chris to make Jalen jealous so you can get him back," Kennedy asked for confirmation.

"Well dont you think the word 'used' is a little too harsh," Jamie said

"Dont you think this is wrong? I dont think you should use Chris. It would be fucking with his own emotions. Why do you even want to get back with someone who used you as a bet?"

"It was only a bet at first. He said that when we actually started dating, it felt real and he didnt even accept the bet money from Armani. I miss him Kenny," Jamie confessed.

Jamie knew Kennedy wouldnt understand why she still wanted to be with Jalen after what he had done to her. But she believed Jalens apology when he said that he ended the bet when he fell in love with her.

She knew it was wrong to use Chris to get to Jalen but she just really wanted him back. Now that Jalen had stopped apologizing to her is when she realized that she missed him.

"But anyways, Parker said were having a group meeting at her house. So, maybe we could use that time to talk," She concluded as they sat down at a table for lunch.


Jamie, Jalen and the other two group members sat around the tale in Parkers house, ready to discuss their project.

"Okay, so our project is to analyze the prose, Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. I think we should split into twos and analyze them then come back and put the different ideas from the two groups into one," Michael suggested.

"I like that idea. We can group ourselves on a boy-girl basis. Ill work with Michael and Jamie you can work with Jalen," Parker quickly agreed before Jamie could protest.

Jalen showed a quick grin on his face when Parker announced he would be working with Jamie

As Parker and Michael exited to the living room to work privately, Jamie and Jalen were left alone on the table in silence.

"Why'd you do that," Jalen spoke up, breaking the silence.

"Huh?" She asked even though she knew he was referring to the incident on Friday.

"Why did you kiss him?" That shit really hurt me, He confessed.

"Well, I kissed him because you were with Holly. Like, why would you break my heart and a week later get with a bitch that hates me," She shot at him.

"I only started to pretend to date her because I wanted to get you back. Armani told me that if I made you jealous then you would finally want me back," He explained.

"That was a really dumb idea. Why the hell would you even ask Armani for advise?" She questioned.

"Because I saw you at the park with Chris and you guys looked like you were on a date. So I decided to do the same with Holly to get you back,"

When he said, Jamie finally understood. This was a whole misunderstanding.

"I wasn't on a date with him. I went to apologize to him for blowing him off. I don't even like Chris, I only kissed him because I thought you were with Holly," She said.

"Oohhh..," Jalen understood.

"And were done," Parkers voice interrupted their conversation.

"Oh Lord, you guys seriously didnt get any work done?" She asked in disappointment as she noticed their notebooks were blank.

"Uh, we'll all just use the analysis me and Parker did," Michael suggested and Parker agreed.

Turns out it was all a huge misunderstanding.

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