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Monday 7th 2020 7:20am

Jamie woke up sluggishly. She had always hated Mondays because they were such a drag and they killed the fun from the weekends.

She did her hygiene routine, tossed on her baggy jeans and a burgundy crop top, brushed her hair, applied eyeliner and headed downstairs.

"Morning darling. Anncy has already gone to school so no need to wait for her, also Jalen's waiting outside for you," Her mother informed her while stuffing some items in her handbag, getting ready for work.

"What do you mean Jalen is outside waiting for me," She questioned.

"Um, he got here not too long ago and he said he was waiting for you and i told him that you were still getting ready and so he said he' just wait and sit on the apartment steps outside," Her mother Nimeesha, explained.

"Uh, okay. Bye mom," Jamie said while rushing out the door to see what the hell Jalen wanted.

When she got outside she saw Jalen on the steps patiently waiting as he tapped his fingers on his laps while staring at the passing people on the streets.

"What are you doing here," She asked, her eyebrows furrowed.

"Hey. I'm just waiting for you so we can walk to school together," He replied while smiling at her.

"And since when did we start walking to school together?"

"Ever since i realized that i can actually be an annoying ass person to you and now I'm trying to be friends with you," He stated while standing up from the stairs.

Jamie was very confused at the situation at hand. She knew that he didn't like her and so did she so, why did he now want to make friends all of a sudden.


10 minutes later Jamie found herself walking to school with Jalen.

I still don't understand why he's being friendly to me. I'm sure he's up to something. She thought to herself as they reached the front of the school building.

As they reached the school, Jamie felt like she was being watched and as she looked a little further, she saw Jalen's ex-girlfriend, Holly staring at her. Holly's face held pure anger and a hint of jealously.

Maybe she's staring at me because i walked into school with her ex-boyfriend. Jamie realized

"Um, thanks for the walk. Bye," Jamie said as she rushed inside the school without giving him a chance to speak.

As she walked in, she made a beeline for Kennedy who was standing by her locker with her boyfriend, Rakeem.

"Kennyyyy," she somewhat yelled as she hugged her. "Hey Rakeem,"

"Sup," he replied and gave her a fist bump.

"babe, can you give us a minute, Jamie looks like she has some girl gist to tell me," Kennedy stated to shoo off Rakeem.

"Yeah for sure. See you," he replied and went on to his locker to pick up his books.

"How did you know I had something to say?" Jamie questioned.

"Cause, you have that 'I have something to tell you' face,"

"Something crazy happened this morning. When I got downstairs, Jalen was outside waiting for me. He said he wanted to walk me to school and he realizes that he's been annoying to me," She informed

"Wait what? Looks like someone might have a crush on you," Kennedy pointed out while winking to her.

"Stop it. He does not have a crush on me. He was literally rude to me on Friday and all of a sudden, he wants to fucking walk me to school. It doesn't make sense."

"Jamie, love doesn't make sense," Kennedy responded with a chuckle as they began walking towards the direction of their first period classes.


As Jalen sat in English class his mind wandered to the look Holly had given him and Jamie. He loved seeing Holly jealous over him. Even though they weren't together, his ego boosted seeing her angry over the fact that she couldn't have him anymore. He loved being wanted.

He also realized that he could he could use Jamie to get to Holly. She dumped him and that bruised his ego but now is his time to get her back. Some part of him felt like he deserved to be dumped because he cheated on Holly 3 times before she found out.

But then again, Jalen didn't give a shit about both Holly and Jamie's feelings. Right now, what he wanted was to get his 1000 dollars from Armani's bet on Jamie and get Holly to get jealous for him and beg for him back.

AUTHOR'S NOTE : Thanks for reading.

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