Chapter 59: HIGH Hopes

Depuis le début

Justin opened the door, and Alecie popped out of the car; she had a massive smile, and I stood up from the wheelchair and embraced her. I began to sob uncontrollably, which shocked me because I had been holding it in so well.

"Im here for you, baby girl; Sean is going to be ok. im going to stay here with him while you go home and get some rest. My nephew is in good hands, trust me," she said as I pulled away, and she wiped my tears.

"Thank You, B," I said, and she shrugged, "It's my job; now go home and get some rest. I love you," she said and hugged me one more time before departing to the hospital. Justin helped me into the car, and once he returned the wheelchair, we got into the car himself.

We drove quietly to the house, which was fine with me because I think we were both lost in our thoughts about the baby. When we pulled up to the house, Justin came around the side and helped me out of the car.

He lifted me off my feet and carried me into the house; I rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes. This didn't feel right coming home without my baby; once we got to the door, he put me down and unlocked the door.

I walked in, and the house felt different, like we were missing something; "I got a surprise for you," Justin said from my side.

I looked at him, and he grabbed my hand, leading me up the stairs; we walked into the nursery, and my jaw dropped.

"When did you have time to do this?" I said, and Justin chuckled

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"When did you have time to do this?" I said, and Justin chuckled.

"This was all Alecie; once I did the base coat, she did the rest," he said, looking around the room at the room.

"Do you like it?" he said, and I went to touch the bear in the crib. I held it to my chest and nodded, "I love it... now it is just waiting on Sean's arrival," I said.


I was lying in my bedroom; the sheets still smelled like Alecie, and I miss her so much it hurts being here without her.

My phone rang, and I picked it up without looking at the caller ID, "Hello?" I said.

"Hello, is this Christopher Brown?" a voice said on the phone; I sat up.

"Yes, this is he"

"Hi, my name is Judy Garland from Mercy Coroner's Office. I am calling to inform you that Gabrielle Fisher has passed away; she was in a car accident this afternoon. You were listed as an emergency contact in the paperwork she filled out with the doctor; we need you to come to identify the body..."


I looked at the pictures in my hand one more time before looking up at the playground.

He looked like my sister when she was that age; he was playing with some other kids, and he looked so happy.

Someone came over and sat next to me; I looked up and saw a woman in her late 30s; she was wearing a police uniform.

"Hello, you must be Julian; Richard told me about you. " she said, and I nodded, shaking her hand; "Melissa... and my wife is over there with Ethan," she said, pointing to the woman who was giving Ethan and his friends something to drink.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Sep 21, 2022 ⏰

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