Chapter 73 - A Little Party

Start from the beginning

"Hello," the woman said. "You must Roran Aurandale. Pleased to meet you."

Roran dipped his head. "I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage."

"Fear not," said the woman, her smile sharp and jagged. "I've been eager to meet you face to face. You've been working closely with my-"

She paused, her mouth attempting to form the words but some unseen force stopped her. She tried again.

"You're friends with my-"

Again, her tongue stuck. It was like she wanted to say something, but couldn't.

Her face twitched, a brief flash of frustration appearing before she was able to smooth the emotions away, returning to the acceptably pleasant smile of a diplomat.

"You know my child-" Again she paused, as if stuck, before spitting out, "Nul."

"Ah." Roran hadn't thought much about Nul's parents. They'd never talked about them and Roran wasn't the type to pry. "It's lovely to meet you. Nul has been a dear friend of mine for a while now. I'd be lost without them."

The woman smiled, though it didn't reach her eyes. "Indeed. I'm glad to hear that they've been helpful to you. It sounds like you've been causing all sorts of commotions. Both here and across the country. The audience chambers were abuzz with your activity for weeks after Uhlara fell."

Roran plastered a grin on his face. He normally tried not to think about his part in the collapse of the Uhlaran Kingdom.

"We did what needed to be done," he said simply.

"And here you, once more in service to the Kings." She gestured at his golden bangle. "You've done quite well for yourself. And the mighty Living Storm as well. I'm glad to see that she survived."

"As am I. Tell me, have you met Kell before?"

"I'm afraid not."

"I thought as much," Roran muttered beneath his breath. Kell's antagonistic attitude tended to rub nobles the wrong way, and she would have found this woman easy sport, especially if she was Nul's mother.

"The reason I wanted to introduce myself," the woman continued, "Is that I've been trying to get ahold of my...child. I've spent the last couple of weeks trying to one of our dinner parties, but I never seem to be able to find...them."

Roran listened patiently, politely ignoring the odd stutters and stops in the woman's speech. He had a feeling that they weren't part of her normal routine.

"Given that you live with...them," she said, finally. "I was hoping that you would join me for a little party I'm hosting and bring them along with you."

"I'm afraid that I'm not at liberty to attend parties," Roran said. "I've been rather busy as of late."

"So I've heard. Fear not, I have sway with the King, they will give you the night off to attend me."

Roran found her word choice odd, but chose to ignore it.

"I will do my best," Roran said, "But I make no promises."

"I suppose that will do," said the woman. "Amus here will give you the details. I hope to see you soon."

As the woman turned to leave, Roran called out, "I didn't catch your name."

She grinned at him, her canines predatory and sharp. "Lady Vivienne Ambrose."

The pieces fell together in Roran's mind. It was like clockwork all snapping together and spinning all at once. Lady Vivienne Ambrose, Nul's Mother, was currently one of the Queens that ruled over King's City.

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