Chapter 2

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Zach's pov

I can't believe this guy.

Six in the fucking morning and he tells us to leave because he forgot his girl was coming over.

"Ugh", I groggily open my apartment door and step inside.

"Calix! I'm fucking starving!"

I walk into the kitchen and check the microwave for the food that she promised to make me, but it's not there.


I check her room, but she's not there either.

Rounding the corner to the living room, I come face to face with a sight that I would rather not see at six in the morning.

Her - fucking the shit out of some blonde, skinny guy.

"Bro... this is the third time this week. What the fuck?"

She looks at me as she shoves her strap deeper into his ass, her hand tight around his throat.

"Well, I'm not making a noise, am I?"

I look down at his face. He's fucking gagged.

Poor guy.

I roll my eyes, turning to go back into the kitchen.

"Your food's in the oven!"

A smile tugs at my lips.

"Still hate you!"


Calix's pov

I sigh as I take my seat.

Great. Five minutes to spare.

I check my phone.

Zach: [Hey C, there's this new gym that opened up a couple days ago. Wanna go check it out w me after class?]

'Yeah sure. I've got musicology rn, hbu?'

[English. Let's meet up at twelve?]

'Sounds good. See you then.'

Luke: [I'm so sorry about your roommate. That was awkward.]

'No probs. It happens a lot.'

[Thank you so much for last night and this morning, though. It was so fucking good. Could we do it again soon, please?]


I switch my phone off just as the professor enters the classroom. He greets us and I try to convince myself that it'll all be worth it when I go gym later.


I say hi to Zach as I step inside our apartment, pleased to see that he's already busy with our protein shakes.

"Man that english class was grueling..."

I chuckle, patting him on the back as I make my way to my room.

"Same here."

I get out my bag and pack everything I need. Throwing on some sweats and a T-shirt, I make may way back to the kitchen.

"Looking goood."

"Shut up."

He passes me a shake and both of us sit at the counter.

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