A bet

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Hello, sorry it's been a little while. I've been busy working on assignments and catching up with a few friends. Hopefully this chapter does not disappoint! It's a bit longer than usual, so hopefully it makes up for the time I've missed. :D
Another trigger warning ***TW***. If you have issues with violent tendencies, stalkers, fighting, skip past the TW.

The teacher had just finished explaining the newest assignment. A child. You sighed and rubbed the temples located on the sides of your head. You didn't know how to care for a child; and even worse, you had to have a partner. She allowed you a couple minutes to find a partner and talk about the parenting plan you'd be enforcing on your "child". The second she dismissed you, Kwan leaned over asking if you'd be his partner.

"Yeah sure, as long as you remember this is an assignment." You chuckled a little, keeping your eyes glued to the front.

"What's that suppose to mean?" He frowned dramatically. "I do great in school."

"You do?" You finally turned to him.

"Yea? My dad would so kill me if I didn't." He laughed a little, leaning onto your desk.

"Wow. Sorry, I didn't mean to stereotype the whole... dumb jock thing."

"No worries, Y/N." He smiled down at you, "I've got a good grasp on the parenting thing. I've been taking care of my younger sister for years."

You smiled up at him relieved that at least one of you had an idea of how this would be. The teacher came around and handed you all your new flower sack baby. "Honestly, parenting isn't my forte." You laughed nervously, picking up the kid.

"Here. Let me show you." He took the child carefully out of your hands and started rocking it back and forth, until the meter on the side went from cranky to calm.

"Wow, you're quite good at this." You looked down at the flower sack in his arms as it sat peacefully.

"Years of practice, I guess." He looked over at you and smiled warmly.

"How about we do a 50/50 split. I can take the child whenever you're too busy or have something important to do, and you do the same for me?" You looked up at him.

"That'd be great, speaking of... I have a football game tonight." he looked at you nervously. "I- I don't mean to be passing it on so early to you."

You smiled at him before taking it out of his arms, "It's no problem. Do what you need to do yea?"

He let a sigh of relief go and ruffled your hair a little. "Thanks so much!"

There was a loud smash at the door as Danny and Valerie both ran into each other, trying to catch up to class. The teacher pulled them in and assigned them as partners before handing them a flower sack. The bell rang and the class was dismissed. Kids started pouring out, while Sam and Tucker made their way over to Danny. You glanced over at Kwan, "I'll take care of the kid today, it's not problem."

He shuffled on the spot uncomfortably for a minute, "I... are you sure? I don't mind staying with you for the first little bit." He looked up with a nervous expression, "At least, until football practice." He finished.

"Sure, I don't mind." You smiled warmly at him, to which he quickly picked up the pace and walked over so he could stand beside you. You both made your way out to see Sam and Tucker explaining the assignment to Danny, while Valerie trailed behind annoyed.

"You good?" You looked over to Danny making sure he understood the concept. He glanced at you then his eyes focused on Kwan behind you. You glanced behind you to see Kwan looming over you with his arms crossed. Kwan seemed to still be annoyed at Danny for kicking you to the curb while he dated Paulina. You rolled your eyes before turning back to Danny, "Look, if you need help, although I'm not a great parent, I can try." He gave you a small smile before continuing to focus on Kwan.

"You know it's not really a baby?" Sam spoke up looking over towards you.

You laughed a little, "I think it's better that way."

She laughed a little with you, but her focus was quickly shifted to Valerie beside you. She had been talking to Tucker for a bit until he turned away from her annoyed, "C'mon Sam lets get out of here. Our baby doesn't need this negativity."

"Wha-Tucker it's a flower sack!" Sam chased after Tucker, quickly catching up.

Valerie stepped in front of Danny, starting to explain their parental duties. Kwan pat your head and looked at you then back to the doors. You took the hint and followed him outside, not without pulling your hood up.

"You're sure you'll be, okay?" His voice shook nervously.

You chuckled, "Are you that worried about your grade?" He rubbed his arm without answering. Jeez, I guess his father needing his grades to be good wasn't an understatement. "Don't worry, Kwan. If I need anything I'll call you."

He let a sigh of relief go and looked down at you clearing his throat a little. "Okay, okay. I believe you." He took one last look at you before turning around and heading towards the gym doors.

You turned around and took a few careful looks around school property. Luckily, you didn't see your ex skulking around. You shook off the nerves before pulling your hood down and heading back inside. How were you meant to take care of this baby during classes? You shrugged and opened your locker, grabbing the things you'd need for tonight before slamming it shut and heading home.

You walked over towards the doors and swung them open. You took a few glances around before heading outside.

You've got my attention - Danny Phantom X ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz