Vlad's condescending

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Second part of season 2 episode 4! This chapter is waaay longer coming in at almost 4,000 words.
Enjoy :D

Throughout the next school day, you purposely avoided all your friends. You couldn't really sleep that night and dark bags rested under your eyes. Because of this, it'd be obvious something happened, and you hated lying. You didn't want anyone to ask. If it made you feel any better, they didn't seem to notice. Kwan was stuck to Dash's side all day and Sam, Tucker and Danny seemed to be dealing with something else. It left you at peace, totally on your own.

You strolled into the cafeteria with an exhausted yawn. The day was almost over. You just had to endure lunch and one last period, then you'd be able to find comfort in the confines of your own home. Quickly taking a spot off to the side at an empty table, you slammed your head down against it to hopefully catch a little sleep, totally ignoring the food in your bag.

The consciousness you barely held onto fell in and out while you rested your eyes. Once lunch ended, the bell would be the perfect alarm. Worst come to worse, you didn't mind skipping last if it meant getting a little sleep. Another yawn escaped your lips, you tuning back to reality for a second hearing Dash and Danny arguing again. Your eyebrows furrowed and you lifted you head, opening your eyes a peak getting blinded for a second before they adjusted to the light again.

"No teachers around to protect you... no nerds around to hide you... no more worry for Y/N." Dash spoke up, crossing his arms smugly. You cringed a little at the mention of your own name.

"Y/N?" Danny asked before getting quickly interrupted by Tucker.

"Hey! I resent that. I'm plenty nerd." Tucker walked a little closer to Dash in a threatening manner. In that moment you gained a little more respect for Tucker than you previously had, albeit, almost impossible. Tuckers glory didn't last long; Dash shoved Tuckers tray back at him, pushing him over. A small scream could be heard as he fell.

"Dash... take a hike will ya? I'm way too tired to put up with you." Danny glanced at Tucker on the ground before turning his full attention to Dash, "Besides... shouldn't you be failing a test, kicking a puppy or beating up somebody weaker than you now?"

"Now that I think of it... yea!" Dash smiled down at him sweetly before throwing a punch in Danny's direction. Your eyes widened and you slammed your hands against the table, causing Dash to miss his punch.

You stood up annoyed and walked over towards them. In the heat of the commotion, Danny shot a ray at Dash's shoes, making him stumble over. Valerie, whom you didn't even know hung around them, dropped her lunch tray and kicked it towards Dash. He fell in face first. Slowly, he pulled his face out of the tray, food covering his face as he groaned. Danny and Tucker high fived happily while Sam frowned at them.

"Dash! Are you okay?" You asked running up to him, pulling him up forcefully.

Dash scoffed and pulled his arm away from you, whipping off some of the food from his face, "I don't need help newbie." He said storming out of the cafeteria. You turned to Kwan, a frown on your face. He gave you an apologetic look before rushing after him.

You quickly grew annoyed and turned back towards the three of them, "Couldn't you at least try to get along."

Danny and Tucker laughed a little, only causing your impatience to grow. Tucker spoke up quickly shaking off the laughter, "I told you they couldn't get along."

Danny quickly finished Tuckers thought process, "Besides I'm tired of getting kicked around all the time... maybe it's time I do a little kicking back." He crossed his arms. Sam only frowned deeply, unable to say anything to you. An annoyed sigh left your lips as you rubbed your temples, trying to stop your frustration from growing.

"What was that about anyways?" Sam finally spoke up, giving you a sympathetic look.

"What was what?" You asked confused, finally calming down.

"With... Dash?" She spoke. Danny and Tucker glanced at Sam then back at you confused. A huff left your lips. You didn't mind telling Sam but... you glanced over towards Tucker and Danny, biting back a response. Not that they weren't good friends or anything... they just seemed to take things surrounding Dash as amusing. Sam actually listened properly. She respected your decisions.

"Nothing... Don't worry about it Sam." You lied. Sam's frown deepened as she looked at you. Her mouth opened to say something, but she quickly closed it. You gave her a small reassuring smile before you turned around, walking off. You didn't think it was fair to get angry at Danny or Dash. You didn't know whether or not you were in the right to try and force them to get along or if you should leave it be. Maybe it wasn't your business...

A sigh left your lips as you leaned against the lockers, keeping your head down. I should really set the record straight with Dash. You held yourself close as you shut your eyes tightly. It's non of my business whether they get along or not... I've got to apologise to Dash.

You glanced around and made your way off, frantically looking around, hoping to find them before your confidence left you. You first checked around the halls; only to find them void of Dash and Kwan. You then checked over towards the gymnasium, it also coming up empty. You asked around a little before someone vaguely pointed in the direction of outside. You assumed the football field would be the most likely spot they'd be. You ruined your friendship there; you'd have to fix it there too.

You pushed open the outside doors and made your way over. Quickly, you spotted Dash talking happily with Danny's sister Jazz on the bleachers; a bunch of other kids sat around chatting as well. You smiled relieved, happy to have finally found him. Your happiness quickly disappeared when an alarm went off on your PDA. You frantically picked it up and glanced it over, it was a ghost alert.

Ghost alert? What the heck's a ghost alert? You pushed your PDA back into your pocket, ignoring the insistent buzzing of the alarm. Quickly climbing up onto the bleachers, you walked over to Dash, "Can we please talk?" You asked, pulling on his sleeve gently. He only ignored you, continuing to talk to Jazz. Jazz, however, could not ignore you as easily as he did. She glanced up at you, giving you a small smile, recognising you as the new girl Danny hung around with a lot. "Dash. Please?" You asked again, voice shaking a little. Jazz stopped her conversation with Dash, hoping he'd interact with you when there was nothing they spoke about.

A yelp quickly stole your attention and everyone on the bleachers turned their heads towards the noise. Your breath hitched in your throat seeing Danny being held up in the air by Plasmius. This is the first time you've seen him since...

You let out a cold visible breath as your fingers grew colder. Your body shook a little and you collapsed down quickly, sitting down onto the bleachers with a thud. To your surprise Dash noticed. He turned to you; a worried expression plastered on his features as he asked you something, shaking you a little. You couldn't make out what he was saying over the sound of your own heartbeat in your ears. You shut your eyes tightly and shook your head a little, hoping to shake off some of the fear. Turning back to Danny and Plasmius's fight, you saw Danny now on the ground as Plasmius stood over him annoyed. I have to help Danny. Was the only clear thought that rushed through your head.

Ignoring Dash, you pushed off the bleachers and ran off into the school. Luckily for you, he didn't seem to follow.

Oh god, please still be here... You rooted around your bag, searching through all the pockets before quickly pulling something out. No one other than Sam, Tucker, and Danny knew what it was. You hadn't emptied your bag since before school started, leaving most of everything in it, including... your mask. Quickly, you pulled off your sweater to reveal your shirt underneath. You were hoping it'd change your appearance up a little. You then carefully slip on the mask. You threw your bag off into a corner of the hallway before pushing open the doors, sucking in a deep cold breath.

Upon opening the doors, a whole different scene played out before you. Now you could confidently say you knew what the 'ghost alert' meant. The biggest infestation of ghosts you'd seen since 21 or so chapters ago. Danny and Vlad blasted ghosts together, ending up being back-to-back as they shot a few away. You quickly gauged into the situation. No matter how scared you were of Vlad, right now he seemed to be helping Danny out.

You bit your lip and ran in, flicking on your bracelet and shooting a portal behind Vlad. It startled him, causing him to jump back before it sucked him in, a few ghosts that were about to hit him meeting the ghost portal fate. The two of them glanced over at you, Danny recognising the mask while Vlad recognised the portal gun.

"You can't be here." Danny spoke up, gripping your shoulders once you'd gotten close enough.

Vlad smiled towards you sweetly, "Ah. How nice it is to see you again."

You ignored Vlad and brushed Danny's hands off you, "I've gotta help any way I can. This isn't just up to you Phantom."

"I've got the fruit loop behind me. This is no place for someone like you." Danny said, blasting a few more ghosts away.

"Hey!" Vlad's voice poked out in between blasts of plasma rays.

"I'm a ghost fighter too Phantom. Don't worry!" You smiled a little, shooting another portal off, sucking a few more ghosts in. Danny looked at you with narrowed eyes then towards where you just shot.

"Okay! Just keep close to me." He instructed, turning around, and stepping closer to you as he aimed his plasma rays off towards the ghosts. You did the same with your bracelet, pushing your back against Danny's while you aimed off.

The ghost of the fright knight you'd fought on Halloween quickly caught your attention as it grabbed Vlad's collar and pulled him close. You aimed your gun at him but didn't shoot. If you shot, Vlad would get sucked in too. "The kings prize! Return it!" The ghosts demanded of Plasmius.

"I told you; I don't have it! But... if you join me perhaps tog- "Vlad was interrupted as a plasma blast from somewhere else hit him, knocking him and the fright knight backwards. You and Danny turned your head to see a masked figure swoop down on a metal boogie board, a massive gun resting on her shoulder.

"Guess what everybody? The best ghost hunter in Amity Park is here... and that means you're about to get your butt handed to you!" She yelled out, swooping down closer towards you.

"Who's that!?" You yelled to Danny.

"Valerie. If you're not a ghost, there's no need to worry about her!" Danny smiled nervously at you. There was a lot Danny and his friends still hid from you. Although you don't blame them, you wished you were included a little more. You quickly pushed it aside, watching Vlad sit up with a groan.

"She really is quite good at this." Vlad spoke, patting the dirt off his suit.

"She... also thinks were the enemy." Danny said nervously.

"Good point!" Vlad laughed nervously. Valerie swooped over the three of you, dropping down bombs. You could hear the loud beeping of the mechanism as Danny picked you up, quickly flying to the side to dodge them. His flying was agitated as the blast went off and he quickly stopped and set you down, making sure he wouldn't drop you, only to get instantly scooped up by Valerie.

She held him up by the collar and started yelling at him. He smiled nervously at her, trying to explain what was going on. They were too far up for you to really understand anything. While you were distracted, Vlad flew down beside you, his face held no expression while he shot a few of the ghosts away from you. You blinked a couple times surprised he'd helped you, "This doesn't make up for what you've done." You spoke, flicking your bracelet back on to ready another shot.

"Can't we let by gons be by gons?" Vlad smiled down at you wickedly. Without warning, you punched him in the face, knocking him back a little. He stumbled back as he gripped his face, an annoyed expression falling onto his features. You guessed he didn't expect that from you.

"Whoops... by gons though, right?" You mumbled, firing another shot off towards some ghosts.

He let out a grunt before taking his place back beside you. The more you fought with him, the less scary he became. Maybe it's because you felt a lot more confident in your skills... or maybe he just looked more human while he fought beside you, rather then against you. A gasp left your lips as the fright night ghost charged towards Danny and Valerie. Vlad heard you and followed your eyes, quickly pushing himself up, multiplying into several versions of himself. He gave both of them cover while he shot a few of them away.

You looked up at them, unable to hear their conversation. Not wanting to get skewered, you quickly averted your attention back towards the ghosts in front of you. You shot another ghost portal under a few of them before stepping back. Vlad was quickly tackled by the fright night ghost, and he let out a yelp as he hit the ground. "Plasmius... look out." You mumbled after he was hit. Content with the pain he received, you ran over towards him, punching at the fright knight a couple times. Your breath hitched in your throat once you saw him seemingly unaffected as he now turned his attention to you, holding his sword up high ready to swing.

Your fingers grew cold again and you took a small nervous step back. Vlad's body jerked up and aimed his plasma ray towards his head, hoping to knock him away from you. Your eyes widened at a shot that flew just inches in front of your face. Danny had shot a plasma blast in his direction, causing him to fly back with a grunt. You smiled happily and reached out your hand for Vlad to grab. He did and you pulled him up. "You know... you don't have to be so condescending" Vlad spoke, turning to you unhappy with your antics.

"I could say the same for you." You replied, looking over him annoyed. The two of you brushed each other off and turned your attention back to the ghost. You stood by Vlad while the three of them laid a barrage of attacks on the fright knight.

After a few hits, the ghost stood up, his body stuttering against him in protest, "Fools! All I wanted to do was seize the ring and return to Pariah's keep. But now you give me no choice... by the authority vested in me by my lord and liege..." The fright knight held up his sword and pushed it deep into the ground, causing the ground around you to shake. Massive cracks began to form from the place of impact, a green glow emitting from them. You held your breath and grounded your feet, keeping yourself planted firmly. "...I claim this town, now and forever under the banner of lord Pariah... the king of all ghosts!"

You let out a cold shaky breath and gripped onto Vlad's shoulder, trying to keep yourself up. He barely glanced down at you, deciding to not push you off. A green beam of light appeared at the base of his sword, before shooting off up into the sky. An overwhelming sense of pressure fell onto your shoulders as the sky was slowly encased in a green glow. It gave off the similar sense of a ghost shield.

Danny immediately took off towards the dome, smashing straight into it, knocking him back a little while he held his head in pain. Valerie also took off, flying off around the perimeter of the dome before making a quick turn and shooting herself at the fright knight. Once she'd gotten close enough, he smashed her away from him, throwing her off her flying device. She stumbled around a bit before collapsing, her ghost hunting gear retracting off her.

"Valerie!" Danny screamed.

"My pawn!" Vlad yelled, then quickly tried to cover his mistake, "I mean... that poor girl." He smiled nervously at Danny while you and him ran to her, Vlad following closely after. Quickly, the three of you began inspecting her before getting interrupted by the fright knight,

"The sword has sunk, your die now cast. The swords removal shall signal fast... make re-appear the ring thao has... or your next day... shall be your last." The fright knight pointed towards the four of you, before poofing into a cloud of smoke and bats. You covered your face and shut your eyes lightly as the bats fluttered around before they completely disappeared.

"The ring thao has?" Danny spoke up, glancing at Vlad suspiciously. He only shrugged with a smug smile in response.

The three of you were quickly pulled from your thoughts as Danny's mothers voice rang all around the park, "Children of Amity Park! Report to the safe bosom of the Fenton family assault vehicle."

"Maddy!", "Mom!" Danny and Vlad spoke up at the same time, "I can't let her see me like this!" They both darted off somewhere while you were left alone with Valerie. Your mouth pressed into a straight line as you looked down at her. You listened closely to her breathing, quickly taking note that nothing sounded broken rib wise, something you'd learnt while your ribs were hurt. Then you felt around her arms and legs, seeing if anything felt off. Luckily for her, she seemed to be in the clear. A sigh of relief left your lips, and you slouched a little. The 'assault' vehicle quickly approached you, while Danny ran back frantically. The car and Danny met you at the same time, with Danny's mom and Valerie's dad stepping out. "Is she okay?" Her dad asked panicked.

You gave him a thumbs up and sat her up. A sigh of relief left his lips, and he gave you a happy thanks as he picked her up and brought her into the assault vehicle. Danny then turned to you, giving you a defeated smile, glancing you over to make sure you were okay as well. His mom quicky interrupted his thoughts by pulling him into the car. You quickly made your way off, not wanting to get pulled in with them. If they'd grab you and reveal your identity, you wouldn't hear the end of it with your dad. Instead, you'd make your way to Danny's house by yourself. On the way back you quickly spotted Vlad. You chose to ignore him, silently walking past him, but he still managed to catch you.

"It's been a while hasn't it." He spoke, a sweet smile planted on his lips. You ignored him, not saying a word as you continued walking down the street. "Oh, you can't be that upset... after all you made it out of the ghost zone!" You pushed forwards annoyed, today just hasn't been your day. You felt the adrenaline slowly disappear from your body, your tired eyes once again coming back. "Would you stop ignoring me already!" Vlad exclaimed, picking up the pace to walk beside you.

"And say what?! Oh, I forgive you... oh, thanks for helping me back there that was so heroic... or... or... or what?" You said, unable to look at him. You slid off your mask and gripped it tightly in your hand, realising you had nowhere to put it.

"... I mean... only if you want." He said a little unsure. You groaned and picked up your pace again, hoping to leave him in the dust. However, he persisted next to you. "It was all just good fun... I don't understand why you're so upset." He looked at you confused.

"Oh I don't know... maybe because your Danny's mortal enemy? Or you keep plotting horrible things... so I've heard. Or I don't know! You sending me to the ghost zone?!" You spat out, finally stopping to look at him.

He paused for a minute, before another sweet smile planted on his lips, "Don't be so dramatic... I go to the ghost zone all the time. It's not that bad."

A huff left your lips. You weren't going to tell Vlad he'd killed you. Although he looked like a bad guy, telling him he killed a child probably wasn't something he'd like to hear. "Whatever." You mumbled under your breath, walking at a regular pace now. "Why are you doing here anyways Plasmius."

"Please. Call me Vlad." He said straightening out his suit.

You cleared your throat, "Okay... what are you doing here Plasmius?" You refused to call him by his first name. You weren't friends.

He blinked a couple times before answering, "Just... passing through."

"Uh huh. Sure." You said sarcastically. You knew he had to be lying. What are the odds he shows up right now as all of this started happening. No way here came here to help Danny out. You glanced at him, scanning him from head to toe keeping your guard up. If he wanted to, he could probably attack you right now and send you back to the ghost zone. A small chill ran down your spine upon realising that. Yeah, he was in his human form, but he was way more skilled at fighting than you were, not to mention the fact he can fly and has built in pew pew machines in his hands. He smiled at you sweetly once he noticed you staring. Another chill ran down your spine, beginning to feel uncomfortable around him, "Why are you following me?"

"Great heavens I'm not. I just happen to be going to the Fenton's. Just like you are." He explained.

A huff left your lips, "If you're going to the Fenton's can you walk like... 10m ahead of me. You're freakin' me out."

He let out a small scoff as he picked up the pace, now walking ahead of you. You felt safer this way. Although you're not actually safer; him being as far away as humanly possible from you made you comfier. Sadly, the 10m would have to do.

Slowly but surely, you made your way over to the Fenton's, an awkward silence falling on the two of you.

I'm so bad at writing fight scenes, my bad. Live laugh love. 

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