Dash. Dash Baxter

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I think I'm all good, right? You looked at yourself in the mirror, making sure you felt happy with how you looked. You smiled to yourself; your hair was just right today. You walked downstairs and found your dad awaiting you. 

"G'mornin dad" You said walking past him, opening the fridge to find something for breakfast. 

"Good morning. You're up early." He said as he peaked over your shoulder to see what you were getting. He hoped to mooch off you and just ask you to make two of whatever you were making, you knew that trick all too well. You quickly closed the fridge and turned around.

"Sorry not today dad, I've got school this morning." You sighed and re-opened the fridge. You finally found something and stuffed one half into your bag and the other half into your mouth. 

"School? Already? You sure you don't need more time to adjust here?" He asked, concerned.

"Dad, you're the one who said I needed to start." You smiled and looked up at him.

"Yea- you're right." He sighed and slouched onto you as a form of hug. 

You hugged back content. "I've gotta go though, I'll see you after school." You let go of each other and waved goodbye.


When you got to school you quickly cowered away from people. Although moving made your social skills better, they weren't perfect. You swerved around people and hid your face well, hoping they wouldn't notice and try to talk to you before you were mentally prepared. You just hoped to spot Tucker somewhere. 

After not being able to find him, you decided to go to class early. Although it was way too early, the teacher was there. You introduced yourself to him and found out his name was Mr. Lancer. You asked which desks were free when there were kids inside the class and he pointed to a couple. 
There was one directly in the front and a few others scattered around the second and third row. 
You picked one in the third row. Not the last row, but the second row was usually the row teachers asked questions too. The third row was the best choice. 

You sat down comfortably in your seat and a few minutes later someone walked in. No one you've seen before. He was looking down at his books as he entered and without paying attention he sat down beside you. You nervously twiddled your fingers and decided now would be better than ever to try and make someone else your friend. He wore a red letterman jacket and had black hair. 

"Uh- hi I'm new here. What class is this again? haha" You stuttered nervous

"Oh! uhm, it's social studies I'm pretty sure?.    .     . Why'd you move?" He asked continuing the conversation. 

You smiled "Well, my dad likes ghosts and they seem to be pretty rampant here so-" 

He chuckled "You moved cause of ghosts?" 

"Yea, pretty pathetic huh?" You laughed a little ashamed you were once again talking about ghosts.

"No, not at all. There have been a lot of ghosts around here." He reassured you

"Thanks, uh I'm Y/N, by the way." You introduced yourself. 

"Kwan, cool to meet yo-" He glanced at the door and instantly stopped himself, immediately pulling away from you. You turned to look at him and he looked totally disinterested. When you looked up to see what he was looking at, it was a blonde haired kid with the same red letterman jacket. He looked over towards Kwan and smiled. He started to talk to the kid you were just talking to until he finally turned around.

"Hey, you're new right?" He asked, looking at you sweetly. 

"Uh, yea actually. The names Y/N, your's?" You held out your hand for him to shake as a nervous behavior. 

"Dash. Dash Baxter." He reached out for your hand and gripped it, immediately crushing your hand. 

You jumped back a little and your other hand reached for your trapped hand in his. You quickly looked up at him and he had a wicked grin on his face. Stunned, you could do nothing but just sit there and grimace. 

"Dude, let's not do this now." Kwan said, putting his hand on his shoulder. Dash brushed him off. 

"Gotta show the newbie how it's done around here." He chuckled. Then and there you decided your forever home was not going to be one where you'd have to worry about bullies. You had wanted this for so long, it was not going to be ruined by some blonde idiot. You pulled your hand away and he tried to grab it again. 

"What? You want it back?" Without his answer, you slapped him hard in the face. He brought his hand up to feel where you hit him. You frowned, annoyed and sat back down in the chair. 

"What was that newbie!?" Dash slammed his hand down on your desk.

"Just showing how it's done around here." You scoffed mocking him and turned away unimpressed. You glanced at the door and saw Tucker standing there shocked with his friends. You were about to smile until you were grabbed and ripped out of your seat by your shirt collar. It had never gotten this violent at your old schools. You were held up to the point where you couldn't even touch the ground anymore.

"Oh, I'll show you how it's done where I'm from." Dash said menacingly. 

"Dude chill!" Kwan grabbed his hand and forced him to set you down. "You're so over dramatic sometimes," he continued. 

"Whatever." He bumped his shoulder into Kwan on purpose. Just before he left he said one last thing, "watch out newbie."

You sighed and turned to Kwan. "Thanks, I really appreciate it." 

"No problem. He's like that a lot. I-... I am a little too." he admitted, looking away from you.

You put your hand on his shoulder understandingly "I get why you'd rather be a bully than be bullied." he smiled down at you and sat back down in his seat. 

"I promise I'm working on it though." 

You looked at him, you really felt a little bad "I'm sure you are, Kwan" 

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