New best friend

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TW! Some stalker themes mentioned! If you have any issues with it, skip the last section! Separated by ***TW***
If it has this, it's advised that if you're uncomfortable with anything mentioned, you skip over.

You closed the car door behind you as you squished in beside Danny. "Hello! Good morning, Mrs. Manson." You greeted smiling at Sam's mom.

"Good morning Sweety." She greeted back starting up the car and driving off.

The trio had invited you out to Amity Parks water park. It was a nice change of pace from all the ghost hunting. It had been a little since the ghost outbreak, and things seemed to settle down. You relaxed into the car and looked over at the two people beside you. Danny was sat in the middle and gave you a small wave, while Tucker continued to glance at the window smiling. You waved back and leaned over to whisper to him, "No ghosts today?" You kept your eyes forward as you asked.

He leaned a little closer to hear better, "Other than me. Seems clear so far." He giggled a little. You let a sigh of relief out and glanced down. After you'd found out he was Phantom, he seemed to only exclusively wear the bracelet you'd made him. You smiled down at it fondly. "What are you so happy about?" He whispered.

"Just... happy were friends." You smiled up at him still whispering. He looked at you surprised for a moment before turning away from you. "Haha what? Not happy with my answer?" You leaned forward to glance at his face. His hand loosely covered the bottom half of his face and kept his eyes focused off you, pink dusting his cheeks. You laughed a little until you felt his pinky interlock with yours. Your breath hitched in your throat as you glanced over at him. He kept his eyes focused forward, never glancing at you. You leaned back in the seat and felt your cheeks heat up a little.

Why's it so hot in here? You paused for a moment before looking out the window, interlocking your pinkies a little more; letting a shaky breath go as you focused somewhere else.


Once you guys had gotten to the park, you all quickly got out of the car, the four of you not forgetting to thank Sam's mom once again. She smiled warmly and instructed Sam to call her when you guys needed a lift. You put your bag around your shoulders and closed the car door, waiting for Sam to finish talking with her mom. The four of you slowly made your way in and Sam spoke up first, "We're going to change, be back in a bit." She pulled on your arm, and you followed her to wherever she was taking you. You entered the bathroom and closed the doors behind you.

"Sam... I don't know if this was a good idea." You said over the stall glancing at yourself in the mirror. You weren't super confident in your body.

"Don't talk like that Y/N. If you want, I've always got an extra goth bathing suit. It covers a lot!" She yelled over the stall before tossing it over for you to glance at.

"Thanks Sam, but I think I'd only feel worse. You're the only one who can pull this off and look good." You giggled before tossing it over.

"Thanks Y/N" She opened the stall door, "Come on out, I won't bite." She said knocking on your stall a little. You took a deep breath and stepped out. She smiled at you warmly, "I don't know what you're worried about! I think that bathing suit suits you haha!" She leaned into you shoving you a little.

You laughed and pushed her back, "Thanks Sammikins."

"I told you! Don't call me that!" She yelled slapping your shoulder a little. You both grabbed the rest of your stuff and locked them in a locker together before going to find Danny and Tucker.

When you found them, Tucker was glancing around while Danny leaned against the wall keeping his eyes on him. Tucker spotted you both and they started making their way over.

"You guys ready? I've already planned out an ideal route!" Tucker explained crossing his arms over his chest.

"Course you did Tuck." Sam said glancing him over. Tucker immediately started leading you all off towards some slide.

Danny leaned over towards you, "He really did. I never would have guessed trigonometry would come in handy in a real-life situation. But Tucker managed."

You giggled and he smiled a little keeping his eyes on you, "Course he did. Glad my tutoring is working."

"I'd have to try it some time." Danny said putting his hands in his pockets.

"I didn't know you liked studying?" You asked a hint of sarcasm laced in your voice.

Danny chuckled lowly, "I don't."

"Aha! Here it is." Tucker interrupted turning to you guys before shoving you all into line. "Man, I love the water... Girls, bathing suits, and the occasional opportunity to administer mouth to mouth resuscitation." He sprayed something into his mouth.

"Jeez it's hot. Aren't you sweating Sam?" Danny asked Sam unsure.

Sam chuckled a little, "Regular people sweat. Goths... we simmer."

"I... think you're overcooked." Danny replied.

Sam sniffed herself, "Woo! I reek!" Tucker sprayed some of that mouth stuff at her while you giggled. "Yet another reason to get out of the sun!" She quickly made her way off.

"Should I follow her...?" You glanced back at Danny. He just shrugged before someone spoke up.

"Watch our place in line will ya?" Dash asked with Kwan standing behind him, both holding water guns. You raised a brow at Kwan, and he didn't seem to notice you.

"How can I? I'm in front of you?" Danny spoke up crossing his arms, Tucker following.

"Not anymore!" Dash smiled and they were both sprayed with water guns, launching them back into a fountain. Almost as if they created a barrier, Dash and Kwan both only then noticed you then. You crossed your arms and looked up at the both of them annoyed, to which Kwan muttered something looking down but Dash interrupted him, "You're looking good as new, newbie!"

Kwan put his hand on Dash's shoulder, "Hey. You know she's, my friend. Knock it off."

"Hey... she's my friend too." Dash smirked before leaning down. "Friends save other friends spots in line." You scoffed and glared at Dash unmoving. He narrowed his eyes and you both stared each other down, Danny rushing off somewhere caught your attention. "Better catch up. Guess he got scared."

You let out a dry laugh before heading out of line to Tucker. "You, okay?"

He smiled and got up, "Yea no biggie."

You both heard screaming that cause you to quickly turn around. Immediately, your eyes landed on a ghost you'd never seen before. "I assume he went after the ghost?" You asked, the both of you making your way over to some tables.

"Yea. I'm sure he'll be back in like... 20 minutes." Tucker reassured you as you both sat down.

You guys looked over and notice Phantom fly down, saying some sly remark before he got pummelled repeatedly. The both of you flinching every time he was hit. You got up but Tucker pulled you back down into your seat, "If you go, it might make things harder for Danny." He looked at you sympathetically. You let a shaky sigh out and continued to watch until he was out of sight. Sam eventually found you, and the four of you started making your way trying to find Danny. On the way hearing news reporters talking about how "Invisobill caused more damage." Finally, you spotted Danny.

"Guys... we have a problem." He said, voice shaky

"I'll say!" Sam laughed a little, "Invisobill?"

"Yea... you need a publicist dude." Tucker laughed a long with Sam. "And you, need mouth to mouth." He finger gunned some girl walking past.

"Dream on loser!" She yelled walking away.

"It's worse than that!" Danny turned around holding his breath a little. "Paulina saw! She knows I'm half ghost." He pointed vaguely behind him. You looked at him sympathetically and walked a little closer to comfort him but stopped once he continued, "I finally get to see her in a bathing suit, and I can't even enjoy it!"

You and Sam both look annoyed, "Paulina. I just had a nasty run-in with her in the bathroom. Rudest little- "
"Danny! Sam! Y/N! Whatever your name is... Hi!" Paulina interrupted making her way over to you guys.

Sam and you immediately stepped in front of Danny, "Listen you! I don't know what you think you saw, but if you do or say anything to hurt Danny!" She pointed at her, and you crossed your arms, the both of you keeping your defences up.

"Don't get your bat wings in a bundle." She looked annoyed then glanced back at Danny softening her expression, "Danny... why'd you run? I know it freaked you out that I discovered your secret but... I won't tell."

He came out from behind you and Sam, "Really?"

"Oh come on! How can we trust you!?" Tucker spoke up looking at her just as annoyed as Sam and you.

"You can trust me because, it's my secret now too." She explained smiling at Danny. She stepped past you and Sam and poked Danny's nose, "Which makes it... our secret."
Danny smiled warmly at her before de-tensing his shoulders.

"Oh great. Excuse me while I find a nice dark place to throw up." Sam excused herself, stomping away.

Danny spoke up smiling, "So... you think it's cool I've got these powers?"

"Cool...? No. I think it's hot!" She leaned closer to him. "See ya!"

Danny stood there dumbfounded, "I'm hot? I'm hot. I'm hot!" Danny was shot with a water gun by Dash.

"That'll cool you off." He smiled wickedly. For once you agreed with Dash.

Your heart ached a little and you sighed, "I'm going to join Sam, if anyone needs me." They half listened to you as you walked away. You didn't really care that he was seemingly infatuated with a girl. You were hurt because he so quickly trusted her. With you, he ran way, and you had to basically cornered him at school to get him to speak to you. You felt your heart ache a little more and decided you wouldn't find Sam; you'd just head home early. You shot her a quick text and called your dad.

You've got my attention - Danny Phantom X ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang