Hospital bed

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Okay, shorter chapter. Although it still passes 1,000 words, it's shorter than my usual like- 3,000. Hope you enjoy anyways :D

You woke up groggily and rubbed your eyes, sitting up a little. Quickly, your dad rushed to your side pushing you back down on the bed.
"Hi dad..." You spoke, voice cracking a little. He smiled down at you and pat your head a couple times.

"I'm going to get the doctor." He said rushing outside the room.

You looked around, quickly noticing you were in a hospital room. Your mind flashed back to a few of the memories from the previous night. You held your head in your hands, noticing the bandages wrapped all around your fingers. You gulped and blinked a few times, opening the bandage a little. A sigh of relief left your lips when you noticed the ice gone. You quickly wrapped it back up as the doctor walked in.

"Hello Mrs. L/N." The doctor greeted before checking on a few of your vitals. Your dad sat back down in the waiting chair and looked over you. "Well... your situation was quite interesting." He giggled a little, "Your body suffered the same aspects as if you'd gotten hypothermia. Leaving scarring on your fingers and feet... but no aspects of hypothermia. In the sense that... your organs have no internal damage... your body outside of a little scarring and tearing has no issues."

You swallowed hard and looked at him nervous, "So... where did all the pain come from?"

The doctor looked down at his chart, "Your muscles were and still are torn a little. You seemed to have exerted yourself way past the point of exhaustion." He paused for a minute and looked up at you, "What did you do anyways?"

You paused and bit your lip, "I... I don't remember." Your dad gave you a worried look then looked back towards the doctor.

"Has she got a memory thing?" He asked. The doctor looked over towards your dad and asked him to leave for the time being. Your dad mumbled a complaint before getting up and heading out. You gulped as adrenaline started pumping through you, the cold feeling coming back to your hands.

"I'm gonna ask with your dad out of the room... what happened? Everything you say is totally confidential." The doctor smiled at you before sitting down in a chair.

"I really don't remember..." You lied. You didn't think he'd believe the whole... you died and came back to life story. Especially not with a spooky clock man that will soon be your eternal mentor. You'd actually rather keep this to yourself.

He frowned before writing something down on his chart. "Well... if you ever want to talk about it." You nodded and looked down gripping at your blankets a little. He walked out and lead your dad back in, saying you had no recollection of what happened.

Your dad sat back down in the previous chair and held his hands together. "Y/N, how are you feeling this morning?"

"I'm okay dad... how long have I been out?" You asked looking at him.

"Not long... a couple days? There's been a boy coming to our house everyday asking about you and bringing you your homework." He explained setting down a binder on your nightstand.

"Hm... who?" Your heart rate picked up a little, it showing on the monitor.

Your dad glanced over towards the monitor, "Danny Fenton."

"Ah. I see..." You tried to play it off cool, but the heart monitor gave it away.

"You know this kid? He was the one to come find me after you disappeared, leading the way to the hospital." He smiled at you, "Nice kid."

You let out a sigh of relief, "Yeah... he's one of my best friends. I've been talking to a small group for weeks now."

He paused for a moment, moving his eyes to the ground, "I'm sorry... I haven't been present in your life. I didn't even know that kids name... and... I didn't even know you were in such trouble."

"I... I'm sorry too dad. I didn't mean to lash out at you like that." You apologised keeping your eyes focused on your bandaged hands.

He smiled up at you, "I promise... we'll work things out together." You gave him a warm smile back before Danny burst through the doors.

He looked at you sitting up in the bed and a relived smile plastered on his face. Sam and Tucker quickly pushing past him to see you as well. Sam smiled at you brightly and ran over to you, hugging you tightly. "Ow! OW! Sam!" You tensed up, hugging her back a little. She let go of you with tears in her eyes. You smiled, but a sensation of guilt washed over you.

"How could you do that! You scared me half to death!" Sam exclaimed. Your dad smiled at their enthusiasm and waved to you heading out. You gave him a small wave back.

"What even happened?" Tucker asked taking your dad's previous spot. You let out a shaky breath while they leaned forward. They trusted you with so much... it's just...

"I don't remember."

They blinked a few times, confused "Huh?" Tucker spoke up.

"I uhm... don't remember..." You lied again. You didn't want them to feel remorseful. You didn't want them to know that you were now a monster. You clenched your fists, "How'd you even know to look for me?"

"Before I kicked Vlad's butt, he said a few concerning comments." Danny leaned back against the wall, crossing his arms. You rubbed your forehead, trying to release the headache that started. Vlad must have not said anything about the ghost zone. If he did, they would have been looking there. You shook your head before looking up at them,

"Sorry for worrying you guys." You gave them a light smile.

Danny shook his head and Sam spoke up "You didn't do anything wrong. And besides... now we have a reason to skip class." Sam giggled giving you a thumbs up. You looked at them baffled and glanced at the clock; school hasn't even started.

"Ha.Ha. Very funny." You said sarcasm laced into your voice. You moved a little trying to get out of bed, immediately the three of them moved to stop you.

"Whoa there tiger! You can't get up yet." Sam said gripping your shoulders. She pushed you back down on the bed. You huffed and looked towards the three of them.

"Anything happen while I was gone?" You asked.

"Hm... not particularly. Ghosts haven't really come around either. It's been quite calm." Tucker said smiling.

"Actually!" Sam spoke up eyes lighting up a little, "I bought us all tickets to one of my favorite performers!"

You perked up a little, "Performers?" Your eyes lit up with hers.

"Mmhm! Circus Gothica!" She squealed. "I was hoping you'd wake up before we went. It's in a few weeks so... you've got time to fully heal before we go."

You smiled widely at her, "I've never been to one of those before."

"Neither have Tucker or Danny! I've gone once or twice to circuses... But this one! This one is only for goths!" She held her bag closely shuffling on the spot a little.

Danny laughed a little, "I'm sure well fit in great..."

"Don't worry Danny, goths are very accepting." Sam smiled towards the three of you. "I mean you are my friends."

Tucker rolled his eyes, "I haven't decided on going yet."

"Come on! It's free for you." Sam smacked his side a little.

"Yea yeah... but still." He raised a brow at her.

"C'mon Tuck... maybe it'll be fun." Danny pushed himself off the wall.

Tucker laughed a little, "Fine fine... I'll go." Sam cheered out in delight while Tucker glanced at the time on his PDA. "Oh! God. We gotta go dudes."

Danny glanced at the clock and looked back at you, giving you a small smile, "I'll be back after school."

You gave them a smile, "I'll still be here when you get back." You laughed a little. Although it was a joke, they seemed to de-tense their shoulders a little, as if you really would disappear while they weren't looking. Tucker gave you a thumbs up as he left. Sam and Danny followed suit waving a little. You waved back as they closed the hospital door.

You let out a sigh and leaned back into your bed. You looked down at your bandaged bands before clenching your fists. It was real. What happened to you was real. You swallowed hard before glancing over towards your desk. The homework pile wasn't going to finish itself... You picked it up and grabbed a pencil off the desk, getting to work. 

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