Tucker Phantom

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Later that night, Tucker texted you saying he'd tell you all he knew about ghosts. He called it "making up for ditching you earlier". Last time you asked him about ghosts he seemed to not know what he was talking about, but you decided to give him another chance.

He had texted you to meet him at a local park and after some getting ready, you left the house.

It was darker out. Typically, you liked going when it was dark, but you haven't lived here long enough to feel comfortable walking alone. Especially in the dark. Especially with the longing feeling of being followed. You kept glancing over your shoulder to make sure no one was behind you. Maybe I should've just waited until morning to meet up with Tuck. You pushed those thoughts aside as you slowly approached the location on your PDA. Just as it announced "you've reached your destination!" Tucker popped up directly in front of you. You jumped back startled and screamed. He quickly shushed you then went intangible when someone came running to make sure you were okay. You quickly came up with a lie about seeing a big bug and were sorry. Tucker came back out of hiding "Jeez, are you trying to get me caught?" he whispered loudly.

You didn't answer. You only inspected him, moving a few of his limbs again. The arm you were holding went intangible and you freaked. You had the biggest smile on your face. "Red, you're- you're..."

"A ghost? I know." He finished your sentence, laughing a little.

"I don't understand, how long have you been a ghost?" You asked in disbelief.

"Just a little while." He smiled, phasing in and out to impress you.

Your smile grew as you poked your fingers through his intangible body. "Tucker, this is amazing!" You paused for a moment, "Are you sure you're willing to answer my questions? I'm sure this is.. . a lot for you." You finally stood back up straight and looked at him sympathetically.

"Haha, not at all! I've always wanted to be half ghost!" He smiled floating a bit higher, enjoying the lack of gravity. You smiled up at him relieved he didn't have any concerns. You quickly went to your backpack to pull out your pen and paper. He sat down on the bench, like a normal person, in case someone came.

"I- I don't even know what to ask! I'm just- baffled! I never expected you to be half ghost Tucker." You rambled without thinking.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked with sass evident in his tone.

You froze a little, "Well- uh it's just- the only other ghost I've really seen stick around here is-"

"Don't mention Danny Phantom." He interrupted

"Danny Phantom?" You asked confused.

"Me." A voice behind you spoke. You jumped out of your seat and turned around to look at him. Second time a ghost scares you tonight.

It was Phantom. You didn't know he had an actual name, let alone it be "Danny". You also didn't notice his bright green eyes and white hair the last time you met. You were so in shock last time, you hadn't remembered. Phantom quickly weaved past you and grabbed Tucker's wrist. He pulled him a little before turning around and pointing at you "Stay here". Before you could say anything, he fazed out of sight with Tucker.

After a while of waiting, they both came back. Tucker had his arms crossed like a child; Phantom finally let go of him and let out a heavy sigh. There was a small silence, you were waiting for one of them to speak. It was obvious you weren't supposed to be here. Phantom seemed to be deep in thought. He kept opening his mouth to speak but no sound came out. Tucker was the one who spoke up first.

"Why you always gotta ruin my fun Danny." He said annoyed and flew off.

Phantom sighed again. I have to admit, Tucker calling someone else other than Danny Fenton, Danny, was weird. Especially since it sounded like there was a lot of malice behind it.

You broke the silence, "You seem to always scare away the ghosts that want to be interviewed, Phantom." you joked a little.

He chuckled a little, sitting on the bench, but still hovering a few cm above it, "Yea well, my answers are still the same. No questions." he crossed his arms and closed his eyes.

You huffed and flicked his forehead, "I'm not trying to hurt you, you know?"

"Even if you specifically aren't trying to hurt me, that doesn't mean the information you get won't be used by someone else to hurt me... or the people I care about." He opened his eyes and looked at you and back to where Tucker flew off.

You sat down in the close by swing and started swinging, "How'd you know he'd come and talk to me about it?"

"I didn't. I happened to be doing my patrol and saw him floating around you." He answered honestly.

You smirked "heheh, you just answered my question."

He rolled his eyes at you "Your ghost hunting urge satisfied?"

You laughed "Hardly. I don't know anything about you Phantom."

"You don't have to call me Phantom, first of all." He said lighting the tip of his finger with a plasma ray and twirling in about like you'd given a child a sparkler.

The new lighting calms you down. You still weren't thrilled about being outside... in the dark... in a new town...

He glanced over at you and seemed to notice you liked the extra lighting. He made it a tad bigger to keep you more at ease.

"I prefer Phantom." You finally answered.

"Why's that?" He asked

"Suits you better." You smiled and looked him over, realizing it really did suit him better "more mysterious." you finished.

"But, Danny Phantom sounds-..."

"Less evil?" You finished his sentence.

He nodded and looked off somewhere else. "People will trust Danny Phantom, before they trust "Phantom". Sounds a little more human."

"I guess you're right." You slowed your swing down a little. "Do people trust you... Danny Phantom?"

The spark on his finger went out, he dropped his hand to his sides and looked up, "Probably not."

You followed his gaze up and looked at the stars. "Well Danny... If you're anything like my friend Danny, I'm sure you're great."

He smiled a little and stood up. You pulled your eyes away from the stars and looked back down at him "you're heading out?"

He sighed "Yeah. Gotta finish ghost patrol."

You chuckled, "Don't worry. Go home early, my dad's already doing your patrol for you. If he finds a ghost, he'll bore them to death and they'll run for the hills."

He smiled giving a breathy chuckle "I'm sure that's true... the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, you know?"

Before you could realize what he said, he flew away.

. . .

"HEY! I'm not boring!" You shouted up in his general direction.


You're getting to know Danny Phantom more :D yippieee!

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