This stays between us? Right?

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"Y/N?" A voice brought you out of your frustrated trance. You blinked a couple times and saw Valerie at the top of the stairs, looking down at you confused, "I thought you guys were still in the closet...?"

"Huh? Oh, uhh! I left awhile ago... haha... maybe you didn't notice...?" You lied.

She narrowed her eyes but quickly dismissed it. Slowly, she made her way downstairs and collapsed down on the couch beside you. "Do you hate me?" She asked, not looking at you.

You were a little stunned by her question, "Uh... No? I don't really know anything about you." You explained, giving her a side glance.

Her muscles tensed up, "I don't... hate you either." She let out a shaky sigh, "I know what you did... for me I mean."

You looked over towards her confused, "What I did?"

She let out a small chuckle, "You made sure I was okay... after the fight."

You tensed up and gave her a nervous smile, "Haha... whaat... what are you talking about...?"

"Oh don't play dumb. Don't worry. I won't tell as long as you don't tell." She said giving you a reassuring smile. A sigh of relief left your lips and you leaned into the couch.

There was a short tense silence. The two of you had never actually talked before really. I mean... you saw her hang around Dash and Kwan awhile back; but you didn't know anything about her. Everything except... "Why do you hate ghosts anyways?"

She leaned into the couch, an annoyed huff leaving her lips, "Ghosts are no good. Especially that Danny Phantom. Always causing me trouble." She explained crossing her arms. You giggled a little; if only she knew it was Danny. "Hey! Don't laugh! You're the one who asked!" She spoke defensively, an embarrassed blush appearing on her face.

"No no...!" You paused to giggle again, "I'm not laughing at you. I promise." You explained.

She frowned dramatically and crossed her arms, "Trust me... if you knew him, you'd probably realise just what I mean."

You gave her a small smile, pausing for a second, "I do know him... He's very sweet to me." She turned her head to look at you, arching her brow. "Well... what I mean is- he's helped me out a lot. He does hard work. Good work." You tried to explain, rubbing the back of your neck awkwardly.

She stared at you silently for a moment before turning her head away from you, crossing her arms quickly, "I don't buy it!" You giggled again at her stubbornness, a yawn escaping from your lips. She glanced over at you before reaching over to grab the TV remote. She flicked through a few stations before settling on the news, "It's crazy what's going on... I mean... I don't know how I'm going to handle it." She paused for a second before shaking her head, "Er- I mean, how we're going to handle it."

You gave her a tired smile, "Don't worry... Phantom and Plasmius are good at what they do."

"So am I! I'm the best ghost hunter in all of Amity Park!... At least... Mr. Master's said so." She said fiddling with her fingers a little. She looked nervous, almost shy while she talked to you. Almost as if she thought you'd judge her for being a ghost hunter.

You smiled at her reassuringly, hiding a visible cringe when she mentioned Vlad, "You are good."

"You think?" She turned back to you, a nervous smile on her face. You gave her a small nod and yawned again; you were still exhausted. She let out a relieved sigh, giving you a smile. Quickly, her eyes darted down to the bracelet around your wrist, "Oh. I meant to ask. What were you shooting the ghosts with anyways...?" She asked pulling on your bracelet a little. She accidentally flicked in on and you ripped it away from her.

"Aha! Sorry! Please be careful with that." You said turning back off, a sigh leaving your lips, "It's a portable ghost portal. Wouldn't want you to suck yourself in." You laughed nervously.

Her body tensed up at the mention of a ghost portal, "That-... That thing holds ghosts?" She asked, a visible shiver running down her spine.

You giggled a little, sitting a little closer to her as you pointed out a few things, "Nono! I don't carry ghosts. It's just... it sucks ghosts back into the ghost zone without the need of Phantoms strange thermos or the need of a scientifically constructed one." You explained, showing her how it operated a little.

"I don't really understand..." She spoke up, a strained smile on her face.

You paused for a second, trying to think of the words, "Well... when it was built. It kept hold onto the idea that portals generated randomly between our world and theirs..." You paused and glanced at her. She gave you a nod showing she understood. "Luckily, the theory proved to be right. It auto generates coordinates from the ghost zone and... almost like a projector... for a short period of time displays them...?" You tried to explain slowly. You had a hard time explaining it yourself. The first version you'd gotten was stolen from Danny's house. However, this one, was made by your dad in the other timeline. He explained how it worked when he handed it to you, and since then, the memories have fogged over. You yourself weren't entirely sure how it worked either... this was just vague piecing things together.

Her eyes sparkled a little as she smiled, "OhhH! I see! That's rad!" She giggled a little. You smiled brightly at her. Your smile faded at the sound of the front door bursting open. You flinched and the two of you turned your head towards the noise.

Danny stood there furious with Sam and Tucker behind him. You quickly stood up, "Jesus... are you guys, okay?" The three of them quickly walked in and shut the door behind them.

"Just fine. I need to talk to Vlad." Danny said annoyed. You looked at him worried before pointing off towards the basement. Danny understood and walked off down to the basement. Sam and Tucker ran up to you, glancing behind you at Valerie before pulling you away from her.

"What the hell's going on?" You asked.

Sam planted her hands beside your head, pushing you against the wall. Tucker stood by the doorframe to make sure Valerie wasn't listening. "Shot version or long version?" Sam asked, her mouth forced into a straight line.

"UH... short version?" You answered unsure.

She took a deep breath, "We went to go find the other ghosts that were hiding around Amity Park, and we did, they explained that the ghost king was awaken from his sleep recently and that if he gets hold of that ring Valerie has he'll be in control of everything!" She explained quickly, rambling a little.

You blinked a couple times, it not fully setting in right away, "Huh?!" Sam only nodded up and down quickly a few times. The basement door slammed open, Danny gripping Vlad's sleeve as he aggressively pulled him outside. "Huh???" You glanced at Vlad then back towards Sam.

"Vlad's the culprit! He woke up the ghost king!" Sam whisper yelled at you. The door to outside slammed shut as Danny dragged Vlad out. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. You knew Vlad gave Valerie the ring... the ring the ghost king wants...! OH! The ring the fright knight was talking about!

"Ahhh. I see!" You said pushing Sam a little off you. Tucker and Sam quickly took their seats at the table, the two of them looking defeated. Somehow, they looked more tired than you did. "How are you guys doing?" You asked standing in front of them. They both just groaned and slammed their head on the table. Even though they couldn't see it, you gave them a sympathetic smile, understanding their frustration. Right now... was a really stressful time. Speaking of...

You looked past them towards the door leading to outside. "I better check on them."

Sam waved you off without another word, and you slowly made your way out. Valerie no longer resided on the couch once you passed by. You assumed she went to find her dad or something. Slowly, you opened the outside door, closing it carefully behind you. Your thoughts quickly broken when you heard Danny yell, "I am nothing like you!"

You quickly turned to look at them. Noticing the fight that broke out as Danny tackled him off into the distance. God dammit... You quickly chased after them, unable to keep up with how fast they were going, they disappeared behind a building. You groaned and picked up the pace. Tracing your fingers up along the parabola from where Vlad was hit by Danny, to where they'd land roughly speaking. And you thought math couldn't help you in life.

You finally caught up to the two of them. You caught your breath as you leaned against some of the bleacher's posts, unable to hear what they talked about. The two of them noticed you, Vlad taking the opportunity of distraction to smack Danny. It launched him back a way, a grunt leaving his lips as he hit the ground. You grit your teeth together, a strong sense of fear keeping your feet planted in the ground. You were unable to help. You were still terrified of Vlad. Danny quickly recovered, his body stuttering against him in protest while he got up. Danny's voice echoed out around the field as he reached for the sword in the ground, "Oh yea? Well- if that's the case... instead of asking you to get the ring back. I'll make you!"

Your eyes widened once you realised what he was about to do, Vlad having the same thought,
"Daniel no! The sword is a signal!"

"Signal...?" Danny grunted pulling out the sword from the ground, "Signal of what?" Danny said glancing between you and Vlad. The ground around you trembled as cracks in the dome began appearing. A cold visible breath left your lips, and your fingers grew cold. You clenched your hands together and your breath hitched in your throat. Upon feeling ice, you looked down. A small, choked noise left your mouth once you noticed your skin a ghostly shade of blue and ice covering your fingers. The cracks in the dome grew larger, pieces of it came falling and shattering on the ground. You dodged a few pieces as they fell, jumping off to the side. As it broke, you noticed purple doors littering the sky. It finally clueing in, you were in the ghost zone.

You watched as the sword was ripped from Danny's hands, falling carefully into the fright knights' grasp. Your breath hitched in your throat noticing the ghost king floating close Your eyes darted away from the ghost king then over towards the two of them. Danny and Vlad both flew up off the ground, their plasma blasts ready to fight. Sadly, it didn't seem to frighten the ghost king much. He quickly slammed his hands together, a loud thud emitting from them, as two plasma blasts shot from his hands. They both froze in fear, bracing themselves a little before it totally encased them, both Vlad and Danny let out a scream of agony. You looked at them horrified and jumped in without thinking, you flew forwards quickly, hoping to help them. Within seconds, the two of them passed out, de-transforming as they fell. You shot by, grabbing both of them before they could hit the ground. Your flying stuttered and you cursed under your breath as you tried to steady yourself. You weren't used to flying, let alone flying while carrying two people.

A small squeak left your lips, you unable to keep yourself steadied in the air any longer lead to the three of you crashing not too far off. You opened your eyes a little as a groan left your lips. Pushing yourself off the floor, you looked over Danny and Vlad, making sure they were okay. Without any indication, you were quickly picked up, a hand wrapping around your entire body. Before you were even able to struggle, a cry of pain left your lips as the ghost king tightened his grip on you, a few small cracks being audibly heard.

After he'd had enough, the ghost king loosened his grip a little, causing you to totally slouch down, your breath becoming quick and ragged, "You're one of the ghosts that locked me away..." The ghost king spoke up. You had no idea what he meant; your head too foggy from pain to think straight. He inspected you closely before speaking up again, "No... you're not an observer. You're... the other one..." His expression became darker, and his grip picked up again. You grit your teeth together before a scream left your lips, the pain too great for you to hold in.

After a few seconds, he once again loosened his grip, you totally collapsing. Your consciousness darting in and out while you tried desperately to think of a way out. Your body didn't listen to you, you couldn't move. God... Vlad's right. I'm useless...

"Hey stone face! Surprise!" Someone yelled, shooting something towards the ghost king. It hit him directly in the face, and his grip around you loosened until he dropped you. You opened your eyes a peak and stopped yourself just before you hit the floor; floating for a second before letting yourself totally collapse. You grit your teeth together and pushed yourself up, your breathing becoming laboured the more you moved. Taking your attention was a swoosh that went by your head. Your vision followed it, and it took a second for it to adjust, but once it did, you noticed Valerie riding her metal device as she dodged a few attacks from the ghost king. You turned your attention back towards Danny and Vlad and pushed yourself up. You bit your lip hard, trying to suppress any pain induced noise that would come out of your mouth. As quickly as you could you grabbed Danny and Vlad by their wrists and tried to float up. They were lighter than they would be while you were human, but right now your body was in agony. Your body ached as you lifted them up, quickly being pulled back down by your body protesting. You couldn't lift them both.

"The ring! Give that to the king now!" The fright knight instructed. You turned your head in their direction, seeing Valerie pull something off her finger and place it carefully onto a rocket. You tried to protest, but nothing came out. It felt as if you were in a nightmare, and you couldn't scream. No! Don't let him have the ring!

"You want it? Then go get it!" She said aiming it off somewhere and firing. Your grip tightened around Vlad and Danny, trying to pull them up again. If the ghost king was going to have the ring, you'd have to leave. Now. You pulled up on both of their wrists, trying to float up again, a small pained cry leaving your lips as your bones protested in agony. As if she heard you, Valerie quickly swopped down and grabbed them from you. "Come on! I've got them!" She yelled, placing them both quickly on the back of her board and motioning the two of you off.

You nodded and pulled yourself up, flying being better without the two of them, but not easy either. The fright knight chased after the two of you on horseback. You gave each other a worried look before he started shooting plasma blasts towards the two of you. You dodged them, not without struggle, but Valerie didn't. The extra weight from the two of them seemingly making it harder for her to balance. She screamed as it hit her board, causing the jet to become unsteady. You grabbed the side of it, lifting it a little. You tried to hold it up, to make the crash easier. Once you noticed the ghost shield, you quickly lead the four of you down into it.

You pushed the three of them in easily, but your body hit it with a hard thud. A groan left your lips as you pulled back from it a little. You pushed yourself up fast, dodging the quickly approaching fright knight, another pained cry leaving your lips. He slammed against the ghost shield in the same place you did, before adjusting himself quickly, shaking his head. You glanced down into the portal, watching as Valerie pulled Danny and Vlad back onto her broken board, then at your own hands. You wouldn't be able to enter the shield. You were... You were a ghost too! A shiver ran down your spine as the fright knight and you made eye contact. As if he understood that he'd have to settle with just you. "It seems... it's not over." He said lowly.

"Actually... my loyal servant." A voice spoke up from behind you, "It is." The ghost king said, smiling towards the fright knight. You glanced down and noticed the ring that held itself around his finger, worry immediately falling on your shoulders. The fright knight quickly bowed, and the ghost king spoke up again, "Come. We have plans to make. For soon... this human world will also... be mine!" He laughed menacingly, making his way off. The fright knight glanced at you, causing you to flinch and wait for him to attack you; but he never did. The fright knight scoffed before following the ghost king, totally ignoring you.

A sigh of relief left your lips as you watched them float away. Your body de-tensed and you quickly collapsed. You let yourself fall and hit the ground, flying becoming too much of a chore as your body agonised. A cold viable breath left your lips as you leaned against the ghost shield. What now? What should I do? You glanced around as your eyes grew heavy. Your body hurt so bad, and you were so exhausted. I need to... I need to get up. Your body stuttered as you pushed yourself up, walking a few feet before collapsing again. You tried to push yourself up again, your arms shaking under your weight. I have to... stop... the king...!

You collapsed again, your vision fading in and out as you let out a few ragged breaths. You shut your eyes tightly and you finally fell unconscious.

You've got my attention - Danny Phantom X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora