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You smiled smugly towards Dash as his character exploded in front of his eyes. "I thought you said you were good. You couldn't even touch me, haha!" You laughed, de-tensing your shoulders and slouching now that the match was over. His mouth hung open a little as he stared at the game over sign.

He shook his head in disbelief, "I... I..." You laughed at his total lack of words before patting his shoulder.

"Don't worry Dash, you'll be able to think all about it while you do my homework." You giggled before laying on the ground in front of him. You didn't think you'd wipe the floor with him, especially since you haven't played in so long, but you decided rubbing it in his face was a bad idea.

You smiled up at him before he leaned over you, slightly annoyed, "Don't mention this to anyone." He narrowed his eyes.

"Ahh, so you'd rather be stuck to me like glue at school without a reason? Imagine what everyone would think." You laughed pushing his face back away from you.

His face turned red, "Not funny."

"Is too." You looked at him smugly while he starred at you annoyed, face flushed red.

"Ugh. Just- say you won a bet. D-Don't tell people."

You smiled warmly towards him, "Secrets safe with me, busboy." He slapped his forehead annoyed he made the bet with you in the first place. You glanced over at the shattered screen of your PDA before seeing a barrage of message from Kwan. You quickly sat up and looked over them all worried. You immediately tried typing back to him but cut your finger on the glass.

"What's going on?" Dash asked looking over your shoulder a little.

"Ugh... Can I borrow your PDA busboy?" You held out your hand, still reading over some of the messages from Kwan. He begrudgingly handed you his device and you called Kwan. Quickly standing up and heading out of the room just out into the hallway.

"Dash? What's up?" Kwan answered, voice a little shaky.

"Kwan, it's me, Y/N. I- I..." You responded.

"Y/N? Jesus! Are you okay? What happened? Why do you have Dash's PDA?" Kwan asked a barrage of questions.

"I'm okay Kwan. I uh... dropped my PDA and it shattered, so I couldn't answer you. Because I didn't have my PDA, I got lost and, on the way home I guess Dash found me...?" You lied biting your lip. Dash sat in the doorframe crossing his arms watching you closely, narrowing his eyes once he noticed you lied.

"Jeez okay... no worries. How's the project going? I can come get it?" He asked letting a small sigh go knowing everything was okay.

"Uhm, yea that might be nice. The projects going well, I kept it safe." You laughed a little leaning against the wall holding yourself close.

"Okay I'm coming in 5 minutes. I can drive Dash back home with me too." He spoke back. "Thanks for calling Y/N."

"No problem, Kwan, I appreciate you keeping tabs on me." You said grateful. Honestly, the only person who you wouldn't mind keeping tabs on you would be Kwan.

"See you soon Y/N." He said quietly.

"Bye Kwan." You responded. The both of you hung up and you looked up at Dash. "Not a word to Kwan about my ex, got it busboy."

He walked closer and loomed over you, "Am I the only one who knows about that guy?"

You cleared your throat and fiddled with your hands, "N-no."

"So your dad or something knows?" He leaned down. You didn't know if he meant to be intimidating, but he was a lot scarier than Danny or Tucker.

You swallowed hard and took a step back from him, "No... uh- Danny also saw at one point and helped me out."

He laughed a little in disbelief, "The only person who knew before me was Fenton? You do understand that kids been lurking around campus, right? That kids been going in and out of this neighbourhood for awhile?"

"H-how do you know about that?" You looked up at him worried.

"I noticed when you came into school instantly, you don't think I wouldn't notice someone else when he's around all the time? Do you not understand the danger?" He explained taking a small step away from you.

You thought for a moment and sighed, "I understa- "
"No you don't. If I wasn't there what would have happened huh? Or what if I didn't step in? The only reason I stepped in is because my dad-" He stopped himself suddenly before changing the subject, "Look. Either you tell someone or were gonna have to figure something out... cause this? Ain't working." He said pointing between you and him.

You rubbed the back of your neck, "I understand Dash..." he was like your dad all over again. Except he wasn't your dad. He was your bully, lecturing you about the dangers of your ex. Dash sighed and held out his hand, to which you gave him back his PDA. "Kwan's coming to pick you up."

"Hm..." He acknowledged. "Besides for how we met today. It was still... Nice, I guess... Hanging out I mean." Dash said keeping eye contact switching the subject.

You blinked a few times surprised, the pervious lecture leaving your mind entirely, "I had fun with you too Dash." You smiled and pushed past him going into your room, picking up the flower sack.

"Thanks... Y/N." He smiled towards you.

"Thanks? For what? You're now my busboy, haha." You laughed a little before passing him again and leading him downstairs.

"I uh... didn't wanna go home after the game." He explained following you down the stairs.

"Hm." You paused for a moment to look at him, he kept his eyes on the floor. You had no idea why Dash didn't want to go home, but you weren't close enough to pry. "Well... if you happen to be nice to me that day, and you want to run away from home for a few hours, you're welcome to walk me home and stay here a bit." You laughed a little as Kwan pulled up.

You both glanced outside the window before he turned back to you, looking at you up and down as you cradled your flower baby. "I'd like that." He said before opening the door widely for Kwan.

Kwan walked in and immediately glanced between the two of you. First, he looked at you, as you held the child, you still wore Dash's jacket. Your shoes were off, and you had changed from that pervious morning's school attire to something more fitting for home wear. Dash lacked his jacket and a red mark from where he slapped himself in the forehead still lingered. He was also just slipping on his shoes in a rushed fashion.

"You guys... no way." Kwan said holding his hand over his mouth shocked. You and Dash both looked up at him confused.

"You guys what?" Dash repeated before pulling his duffle bag over his shoulder.

"Dude! They're like a sibling to me!" Kwan slapped the back of his head. Dash brought his hand up to where he'd hit him annoyed before it set in what he was implying. His face turned a little red before he looked at you. He only then paid attention to how it looked.

"You- You've got it wrong dude! I promise! I just... showed her home!" He explained, face deepening red. You then also realised what he was implying, and a fait red dusted your cheeks.

"Don't worry Kwan, nothing happened." You laughed a little before handing him the shared child.

A sigh of relief left his lips as he took the child from your arms, "Good. Let's go Dash, my dad's waiting." Dash nodded and followed him out, you gave them a light wave as they left and closed the door behind them. Quickly locking it and heading back upstairs, you checked out your window. You saw Dash throw his duffle bag in the trunk and slam it shut before sitting down next to Kwan in the back. You laughed a little before taking off Dash's jacket and walking towards the laundry room. Your hand ran down the fabric and stopped at his name displayed on the arm. Dash was written in cursive and with a gold silk like string. You then inspected it further and noticed it hadn't been washed for awhile. Grass stains and mud lingered all over it. You threw it in with a few other pieces of clothing and did the laundry. You'd have to find him and give Dash his jacket tomorrow.

You crashed down in your bed; you still had time to do the rest of your homework. You reached over for your bag before pulling out your textbooks... wait... you giggled sinisterly before grabbing your PDA. You looked over the broken screen and headed downstairs. You've had others that eventually broke due to one thing or another. You grabbed a few tools and swapped the screens from one of the old ones. Although the screen was fixed, the damage inside wasn't. It was something you'd have to ask Tucker about. You texted Kwan for Dash's number, saying he'd forgotten something. Kwan sent it to you, and you typed it in, causing it to glitch a few times; eventually you got it in.

You: I already have my first favor busboy
Dash: Y/N? How'd you even get my number. Creep.
You: Kwan :)
You: Homework time.
Dash: I'm not even home yet chill
You: Whenever you get home. As long as it's before tomorrow
Dash: Yeah, yea, whatever newbie.
You: Thank you!

You slowly made your way up the stairs as you smiled down at your phone. You put your textbooks back and decided a much-needed break was in session. You climbed into your bed and pulled out an old book someone had gotten you that you'd never finished. Quickly getting immersed and relaxing into your bed, you got drowsy slowly falling asleep.

Hope this chapter was good :)
I'm trying to show the characters of Danny Phantom in a 3Dimentional field. Throughout the story, most are shown pretty 2D and unchangeable. I'm hoping I'm able to give them a bit more personality.
Anyways, hope you liked it :D

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