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When you got to school the next day, you were hit with a rude awakening.

"Because of the recent issues, I've set up your mornings to be scheduled with the guidance counsellor" Mr. Lancer said leading you towards her office.

"I'm sorry?" You asked astonished he meddled so far into your affairs.

"Since you haven't talked to anybody about that bruise, I thought maybe someone like her you'd be able to confide in." He stated looking down at you and opened the door to her office. You looked in nervous and spotted her at her desk. She looked up and smiled warmly inviting you in. Mr. Lancer pushed you in and closed the door behind you.

"So... Mr. Lancer said you've been having some- problems." She said putting both her hands on your shoulders.

"Yea. You were there to witness them." You spat out. You were annoyed the teacher sent you to the guidance counsellor without your consent. You didn't need her help.

"It must be hard. Moving from school to school all the time." She interrupted your thoughts.

"Huh?" You were surprised. She pushed you down a little on the chair set up in the middle of the room and continued,

"Well- you move around a lot. It must be quite difficult. Especially moving later into the year, it typically invited bullies." She said waiting for you to confirm whether or not you'd open up.

"I- I don't... I don't care about moving." You stuttered a little looking at your hands.

"Hmm... Moving around a lot. Your dad must not be very content with the work you've been doing in other towns." She said rubbing your shoulders a little bit.

You swallowed hard, "My dad- doesn't care about stuff like that." you explained

"Care about stuff like what? Do you mean you?" She purred and continued to try and de-tense your shoulder.

"My dad- my dad cares about me..." you answered a little unsure.

"Well... you know, dads who disappear a lot usually don't care about their kids." She stated. It's like she hit the nail on the coffin. The worst part of you, the parts that scared you the most she just confirmed.

"I-..." You couldn't defend yourself. She smiled realising she had figure out what was bothering you.

"Let me guess... your dad doesn't care about you so you try and get validations out of your friends?" She paused for a second watching you tense up, " The second anything happens, they'll drop you just as fast as your dad did."

Your heart sank a little. Your breathing got a little erratic and you felt like any second, you'd vomit.

She pat your head carefully, "If they're going to disappear from your life, maybe you should disappear from theirs first."

Your eyes widened. You held back a sob and stood up slowly. Carefully seeing yourself out, you closed the door behind you as she warmly waved you off, adding "If you ever need advice on friends and family, I'm always here~"

You glanced around and saw Tucker, Sam and Danny wave at you warmly. They started heading over towards you. Realizing they were coming over, you turned around the opposite direction and ran away. You weren't exactly sure why you had left, it's not like... she was right...


You had been avoiding them all day. Avoiding everyone all day. You felt sick to your stomach every time you made eye contact with any of your friends. Although they did nothing wrong, she hadn't been wrong. Every single friend you'd made at other schools, the second you moved, typically they'd stop talking or messaging you. Your focus was brought back to you by the bell. Getting up quickly and heading for the door, the trio stopped you faster than you could get out.

"I- I have to get to class..." You said making up an excuse for them to let you go. Sam pulled on your arm,

"haha no you don't. Free period dummy." She said looking you up and down skeptically. Danny shook his head and took Sam's hand off you.

"Can I talk to her alone, please?" He asked Tucker and Sam. They both looked at him for a second before giving in and letting it go. They both went outside class and waited for you both to finish your conversation. "I'm sorry. I know I was avoiding you before but, I already apologised. What's wrong?" Danny asked looking at you worried.

You bit your lip and looked away from him. You hated how much the guidance counsellor got to you. How easily she found your deepest insecurities and exploited them.

"Y/N." He interrupted your thoughts, "Are you avoiding us because you're upset with me?"

"No! No. I don't care about that." You stated

"Then- what's wrong?" He asked putting his hand on your shoulder, "Please talk to me." There was a moment of silence, wondering if whether or not telling him would make things better or not.

"It's just- the guidance counsellor said some things that got to me." You explained

"The guidance counsellor? Why'd you see her?" He asked confused

"Mr. Lancer thought it'd be good for me." You sighed finally being able to look him in the eyes, "I- I just... my dad... my past friends- and I..." You were barely able to make comprehensible sentences. Danny looked at you sympathetically but didn't say anything. After a moment of silence, he held out his arms a little. You looked at him and he looked super awkward. He was looking away from you and held his arms up, just a little bit though; hoping if you'd notice you'd go in for a hug, but if you didn't, he'd be able to cover it up quickly.

You stood there silently, tears finally pushed past your eyes, and you decided going in for the hug was the best option. Although he was the one to hold out his arms, it still took him a little bit of time to fully hug you back. He barely rested his hands on top of you, as if when he'd touch you somehow, you'd shatter. You cried a little against him still holding back some of your tears. Him seeing you in such a bad state was something you'd tried to hide.

He had never been good at comforting people in situations like these. He was bad at emotions, and he was bad with people. Without knowing what to say, he just hugged you a little harder and said the only thing that his blank mind allowed him to say, "It'll be okay... Y/N."

You sniffled a little and looked up at him. "Thanks Danny" you said looking into his eyes.

He smiled sweetly at you and held you a little closer. It lasted for a second or two before he quickly let go of you. He stared off into space for a second and had this look on his face, as if a lightbulb went off in his head.

"I think I know why the guidance counsellor is getting so under people's skin... I've gotta go. I promise, we can talk more later!" He said rushing out.

You smiled and sighed. Although he left, you'd gotten accustomed to him running off like that. Giggling a little, you made your way out of your classroom before being stopped by Tucker and Sam, awaiting an apology you owed them. 

You've got my attention - Danny Phantom X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now