Let me explain.

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You held your breath, your back pressed against the cold wall of a broken building. You couldn't remember how long you'd been running. Running from...
A massive piece of rubble flew past your head, merely inches away from hitting you dead on. You immediately shot in the other direction, not risking it as you forced yourself forwards, your tired legs pushing you away from what so desperately wanted you dead. A cold breath left your lips as your mind raced, you just needed to get away.
You had to report this...!
You picked up the pace again, darting between broken walls and homes that once held families. The only thing it held now where the sounds of your broken breathing, the gravel crunching under your boots as you kept running.
How long had I been running?
A plasma blast skimmed your arm, a small hiss leaving your lips as you tripped. Your ragged breathing and small coughs hurt more than any outside damage you had. Your vision drifting in and out as you watch blood poor from your cut. You swallowed hard, your hands going to push yourself up only to be stomped back down by a boot and a sinister laugh. Your arms trembled under the weight until you fully gave up, your chest barely able to rise and fall with his shoe on your back.
"Well... it seems I've finally caught up." He laughed lowly. You could hear the smirk he held as he pressed harder, forcing out a cough from your lungs.

His boot relented for a moment, a breath finally filling your lungs only to have it kicked out of you again, forcing you back a couple feet. You trembled, your body uncooperative as you tried to phase out, or double... or anything! Anything at all.

Instead, a small, choked noise left your lips, your eyes landing on him in a pleading manner, "Danny..." You spoke lowly, your hands quickly being held out in front of you to try and stop him from coming closer.

"Please." He rolled his eyes, "Danny died a long time ago."

Your voice came out crackly and strained, "You know this isn't fair... Phantom."

"Fair?" He laughed, his boot crunching down on your wrist, smashing the watch wrapped around it. "What do you know about fair?"

You grit your teeth, "You can't kill me." You mumbled, shooting glares up at the man you once recognised.

"Kill you?... My, I'd never do such a thing." He paused, a plasma blast encasing his hand. You watched for a moment confused, your body tense as his heel continued to press on your wrist. "It's nothing personal." He stated, opening a portal to somewhere you didn't recognise.

You let out a strained laugh, "Nothing personal? You're doing this because I lied." You spoke, eyeing him closely. He said nothing, his cold stare glancing down at you for a moment. "Look, I'm sorry I lied. I shouldn't have gone to Vlad but...! You've gotta see it from my point of view! I had... I had nothing-"
"You had me!" He interrupted, "You had me and yet you- you turned to my arch nemesis...?" He let out a few laughs of disbelief, finally moving his foot off your wrist.

You rubbed your wrist a little, the ice encasing your fingers cooling down the stinging sensation. You glanced up at him wearily before pushing yourself up again, "I needed to get stronger... I needed to protect you!"

"I didn't need your pity! Did it ever cross your mind that... I could handle it myself?" He spat out, anger bubbling off him.

You paused for a moment, unsure of what to say, "I knew you could. I mean-... I know you're strong I just-... I wanted to help!"

"No! No. You don't get to play victim here. You should've asked. You should've come to me!" He spoke, raising his voice as he stepped closer.

You took a step closer as well, "I get it! I'm sorry!" You shouted back, a few tears pricking at your eyes, "That's all I wanted! I swear!" The two of you stared at each other for a moment, a tense silence sitting in the air. He grit his teeth, his look of annoyance only deepening. "Danny-"
"Danny is dead!" He interrupted; his fists clenched at his sides.

When had it gotten so bad? When had you failed him so much... I don't even recognise you Danny...

Your thoughts were quickly interrupted by the portal beside you collapsing, future Danny's grip on it faltering as he watched your expression turn from anger to pity yet again. "...I have no reason to spare you any longer."

Your breath hitched in your throat as you watched him step closer; his expression turning cold and somber. You took a small step, only for him to quickly shoot another attack your way. "Danny wait-!"


You awoke in a cold sweat, quickly glancing around as if you'd see Danny's future self waiting for you. However, he was nowhere to be found. The only thing present was the sound of your ragged breathing.
It was a dream...
You let out a small sigh of relief as your head fell into your hands, rubbing your face as the adrenaline died down. You didn't realise how much future Danny had shaken you up back then. But... it didn't really feel like a dream. More like-... your grit your teeth and stepped out of bed. Pushing it to the back of your mind hoping it'd disappear. You glanced down at your watch, 10:48. You didn't have much time as you promised to see Sam and Tucker for lunch. Usually- you'd go out; but you didn't necessarily want to go around broadcasting your ghost abilities to everyone around. So instead, you agreed they'd come to your place around 11.

You glanced out the window, a sigh of relief leaving your lips as your dad was out again. To where? You had no idea. But at least he was out of the house for a few hours. You darted down the stairs quickly and into the kitchen. You doubt the conversation would take that long... I mean- they'll understand. You bit your lip a little as you tidied up. The memories of the event used to feel so fresh; now, they were fogged over. You couldn't help but feel a small nervousness settle on your shoulders. Of course, they had to help Danny when he turned ghost... they were there when it happened. But you? You were just some random person who showed up a few months ago... and you expected what? Total understanding?

A shaky sigh left your lips as you began to set up a few plates on the table. It was a heavy topic. Maybe you'd talk about it after lunch...? You thought for sure Sam would smack you behind the head for being such an idiot. And... you don't really want to give them another reason to hate Vlad. He was... fine. He was helping you become stronger... so far- with no strings attached. At least... I think so. The uncertainty ate up your insides; I should really tell somebody...-

The doorbell rang, interrupting your thoughts. You bit your lip a little nervously and walked over. With one last deep breath, you pulled it open to welcome Sam and Tucker in, "Hello!" You greeted Sam and Tucker nervously. They gave you a smile and pushed past you to take off their shoes.

"Good morning Y/N, I can't believe you ditched me!" Sam immediately whined, crossing her arms loosely.

You let out a huff, shutting the door, "I'm sorry Sam! I was-... busy with problems at home." You mumbled, giving them a small glance, and turning back to your kitchen.

"Trouble in paradise?" Tucker laughed a little, following behind you.

You shivered, "Ew. Please do not phrase it like that." Tucker just laughed at your uncomfortability, taking a seat at the counter, Sam following suit. "It's just stuff with my dad as per usual."

"Stuff with your dad?" Sam repeated, glancing up at you worried. You blinked once or twice confused; do I not tell them anything? I guess... I usually just talk to Danny, "Well my dad's just a lot sometimes you know?"

Sam shrugged leaning against the table, "I fight with my parents all the time!" She announced.

"We know." Tucker stated plainly, giving her an unimpressed look.

You let out a small giggle, shuffling around the kitchen for some food, "Sorry we don't really have much... you guys okay with me just making you a sandwich?"

They both gave you a small nod, Sam quickly speaking up again, "I'd love to see your take on an ultra-recyclo-vegetarian sandwich."

You glanced around your fridge, "Think you could just... pick something out please?" She smiled and stood up, glancing around your fridge before pulling out a few things out. "Alright... what do you want Red?"

"Anything meat." He smiled, giving you a thumbs up. You let out a small sigh and turned back to your fridge, picking out a few miscellaneous meats. Tucker didn't speak up based on really what he wanted so... worst comes to worse, you can just eat the sandwich yourself. With them now silently arguing over whose sandwich was better, you had time to compose yourself. You took a deep breath as you popped their bread in the toaster, turning your attention back to them with a stern expression. Their fight quickly ended with them turning back up to you, slightly concerned, "You alright?" Tucker asked.

"I think... it's about time I addressed the- ghost problem." You spoke slowly, your hands clasping together nervously. They quickly silenced themselves, tensing up slightly they awaited your nervously fueled explanation. You cleared your throat, "Well... I'm not sure where to start."

Sam gave you an understanding look, "Start wherever your comfortable."

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