Danny's smitten

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Hello! Okay this is episode 11 in Danny Phantom, "Fanning the Flames". I usually hate in fanfictions when Y/N takes the role of someone else (AKA if someone in the shows suppose to be hurt but it's Y/N instead). I find it devalues the original plotline. BUT! I wanna do it right now B)
Live laugh love. Hopefully it isn't annoying. It's one chapter of like- fan service for you and myself... so. We rollin' with it. Anyways! Enjoy.


"Ember! Remember! Ember! Go Ember! We will remember" You heard Tucker sing from around the corner.

"Will you keep it down!" Both Danny and Sam screamed to him.

"Haha! Chill out you two, Red's just being delusional." You laughed

"Delusional!" Tucker looked at you shocked.

You pat his head, "Yea it's a shame."

"No one appreciates my individuality!" Tucker screamed and pointed to the sky.

"Delusional." You whispered to Sam and Danny.

"I heard that!" Tucker blurted out causing the three of you to laugh.

You four made your way to class still giggling about Tucker's incoherent complaints. You sat back down next to Kwan and gave him a small wave. He waved back, opening his mouth to speak but the teacher interrupted him talking about a standardized test and blah blah. You didn't feel in the right head space today. The teacher looked at all of you and smiled, turning on the study program, only for it to begin playing Ember's song. Mr. Lancer angrily clicked the eject disk button to find an "Ember live" CD. He glared at the class only to tear his eyes away when the music continued to play outside. People got up to see what was happening and started flooding outside when they noticed Ember playing live right outside their school.

Tucker, Danny, Sam and you followed the kids outside. Tucker immediately jumping into the crowd screaming, "We love you, Ember!" You ran after him trying to pull him down from the kids holding him up. In all the commotion, you didn't even notice her leave. Neither did Tucker, and he was not happy about it.

"Tucker, you can't just run away like that!" You said pulling on his sleeve.

"Sorry I can't hear you! I'm delusional remember?" He said narrowing his eyes at you. You sighed and gave up trying to pull him away from the crowd. Maybe that was a little rude to say. You looked around to try to find Danny and Sam, so they'd help you drag him away from the crowd. Lucky for you, you found someone you didn't mid finding either.

"Phantom!" You screamed trying to run over towards him. He didn't hear you through all the other kids racket but eventually you caught up to him. After pushing through a great number of kids might you add. "Phantom. Haha! What are you doing here."

He was a little startled and jumped back. He glanced around and nodded at someone then turned back to you, "I thought there was a ghost near by but... guess not." He sighed.

You smiled up at him, "I know how to make you feel better!" He looked down at you skeptically. "Close your eyes ghost boy." You instructed. "Oh! And... hold out your hand."

He paused for a moment before doing as you asked. He felt something light be placed in his hand but waited for you to allow him to open his eyes.

"Okay! Open!" You excitedly said. He opened his eyes and looked down at the friendship bracelet you'd made presumably at their get together. He picked it up delicately and inspected it. "Okay- so I don't know if ghosts typically get gifts, but you've been such a huge help. I just thought- y'know." You stuttered out nervous, hoping he'd like it. He was quiet at first as he held it in his hand. He looked a little shocked. "I- if you don't like it... I can take it back." You said reaching for it.

"No! No, I'm keeping it." He said keeping his eyes on the bracelet and putting it on. He smiled warmly at it then back at you. You smiled just as brightly as him.

"A-anyways. I've gotta find my friends Phantom." You said pointing behind you.

"Yea course. Don't worry I gotta find my ghost too, you ain't that special." He laughed.

"This means... we're friends now yea?" You asked before turning away from him.

"Yeah." He smiled at you giving you a small wave as you walked away from him.

You pushed back through the crowd to find Sam attempting to drag Tucker away just like you had before, "C'mon Tucker! Shows over!" She said pulling on him.

"Yea, Tuck. Let's go!" Danny showed up from somewhere else.

The three of you together were finally able to pull Tucker away like he was some four-year-old at a toy store.

You've got my attention - Danny Phantom X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now