I messed up

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Quick introduction to season 2 episode 4. This episode is going to be quite massive in the book, so I'm going to have to split it up a bunch.
It's quite a short chapter only reaching roughly 2,000 words, but there's more to come soon.

You pushed open the school doors with a yawn. You'd heard about what happened while you were gone, Danny quickly filling in proudly. You were happy you didn't have to see Ember again; she'd bring back some unwanted memories. A cold shiver ran down your spine thinking about her.

Peaking around the hall, you saw Dash and Kwan. The ache in your heart hadn't fully gone away yet and you weren't ready to face Dash again, even if you had once before. You bit your lip as you slipped past him quietly, going by totally unnoticed. He was your friend, and you'd have to face him eventually, especially since he didn't do anything wrong. A relieved sigh left your lips once you'd finally found Sam, Tucker, and Danny up ahead. Danny was fiddling for something in his locker nonchalantly.

"You know you're playing with fire." Sam spoke to Danny. She quickly noticed you and wrapped her arm around your shoulder happily. You blinked a few times, confused at what she meant by 'playing with fire'.

Danny smiled and stopped shuffling through his locker, taking a glance at the three of you "Well... sometimes I have to use my powers for the greater good." He pointed off towards the direction you just came from. You looked over confused, until Dash opened his locker, tons of toilet paper flying out covering him.

Your patience grew thin while Tucker giggled, "And come on! How good was that?"

Sam deadpanned over towards the two of them, "Nice... Using your powers to stuff toilet paper into a locker. He's gonna find out it's you." Sam stated, removing her arm from around you to cross hers annoyed. You kept your eyes focused on Dash and Kwan worried while you bit your lip. They were both your friends... you'd have to figure out how to make them get along eventually.

"Have you seen his grades?" Danny chuckled. "Never gonna happen." Danny and Tucker spoke at the same time, finger gunning towards each other.

Dash yelled over them, "Hey...! This is Fenton wipe!" he looked over towards the four of you angrily. A worried expression fell onto Danny's features.

"Never... is karma's doorbell. Ding dong, it's for you." Sam smiled condescendingly towards the two of them, pointing towards Dash as he stormed over annoyed. Danny quickly took off in the other direction, running off towards the cafeteria.

You swallowed hard and stepped in front of Dash, "Dash... hah- hi. Can't we talk about this...?" You asked nervously. You didn't want to talk to Dash this morning. Let alone talk to him while he was mad. Although you were friends, his anger still freaked you out a little from when he bullied you.

He glanced down annoyed, his annoyance faltering for a moment noticing you before it immediately picked back up again. He said nothing. He only pushed past you quickly, chasing Danny down the hall. A huff left your lips, as your expression contorted into one of worry.

"Hey. You tried." Sam shrugged, patting your back a little, "I warned him."

"How long has this been going on?" You asked, turning your full attention towards Sam and Tucker.

"Uhm... A couple years maybe?" Tucker spoke up, as he looked off thinking a little.

Another huff left your lips, "I gotta figure out how to make them get along."

Sam and Tucker laughed, as if what you said was funny, "Good luck!" Sam giggled.

"Yeah... they couldn't get along even if their lives depended on it." Tucker continued to giggle along with Sam.

"They've got to have something in common." You fiddled with your fingers, turning your attention back over to where Danny and Dash were last seen running off.

Tucker put his arm over your shoulder, leaning into you, "I know they at least have one thing in common."

"Oh yea?" You perked up, looking at him happily.

Tucker smiled wickedly, "Yeah, I think they both- "
Tucker was quickly interrupted by Sam slapping him on the back of his head, "Not your secret to share. Idiot."

You frowned and leaned back against the locker, feeling a little defeated. There must be something you could do. For now... you'd just have to try and get them to not fight. A determined look crossed over your features as you stormed off to class. You needed a plan.

You've got my attention - Danny Phantom X ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang