Ready when you are

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You opened your eyes with a shiver. Realizing you weren't in the ghost zone, you let out a small sigh of relief. You glanced around, letting your eyes adjust to the darkness around you; it didn't look like amity park anymore. Your eyes trailed up the house in front of you, it was bigger than anything you've ever seen. When he mentioned 'mansion' you didn't except this at all. It almost looked like... a castle. Figures. You gulped; no way Vlad's childish enough to send me to the wrong house, right? You stared at the house for a moment as nerves bubbled inside you. Holding your breath, you brought your hand up to the large door before knocking quietly.

There was a small pause and you wondered if you should knock again, before the door flung open to reveal no other than Vlad Masters. His annoyed expression slowly shifted into a smug smile, "Ah! Y/N. To what do I owe the pleasure?" Vlad asked. As if he didn't know.

"Plasmius. Hello! I'm here for... you- you know." You said fidgeting with your fingers. You felt a little embarrassed; knowing he won, and you came here despite everything that told you not too.

Despite your previous interactions, his gaze was now warm and welcoming, "Course. I assume you didn't walk here?" He paused to chuckle for a moment, looking at your features as if you'd fess up and say you did walk there, "Does that mean you were you able to re-program the bracelet?" He asked ushering you inside.

You walked in and glanced around his mansion in awe. It was one of the most extravagant things you'd ever seen. "I uh... yeah I re-programmed it." You spoke, your focus still else where in the mansion.

"Interesting." He spoke, his voice perking up a little. "Would you mind if I take a look?" He asked holding his hand out.

Your attention was finally drawn back to him, "You're not gonna destroy it, are you?" You glanced at him skeptically as you reached to unclip it.

He let out a small chuckle, "Now, why would I do that?" You paused for a second before finally handing it to Vlad. He inspected it for a moment, a smile slowly growing on his features, "This is excellent work." He admired.

You let out a small laugh and rubbed your neck awkwardly, "Well... it's not my design. I just put it back together." You admitted.

"Still... it's impressive." He spoke, handing it back to you. You took it carefully and clipped it back on. He seemed nice enough for now, you'd have to capitalize on this. "Would you like anything before we start?"

"I don't think so. Actually- what's the time?" You asked.

He glanced down at his watch, "A quarter past 7, why?"

"As long as I'm back before... 7am. I've got school in the morning." You explained. If you missed school your dad would kill you, especially since it was so close to the C.A.T.'s.

"Ah yes that. I'll monitor the time so you have nothing to worry about. And about your return, I have a solution for that as well." He explained.

You gave a slight nod; you hadn't really thought about how you'd get back. Good thing he did. "You don't mind the all nighter? I did come here kinda late..." You said your voice trailing off.

He chuckled, "I am no stranger to late nights. Although, it'd be best if we got stared." He said transforming into Plasmius.

You swallowed hard, "Woah!" You exclaimed raising your hands, "hah... uh... I didn't think I was gonna fight you." You spoke nervously. You still remembered the last time you fought him; he swept the floor with you. A slight shiver ran up your spine as his red eyes met yours.

He shook his head lightly before placing a hand on your shoulder, turning the two of you intangible. He gave you a small nod before phasing the two of you through the floor. You passed a few floors before reaching what looked to be his equivalent of the Fenton's lab. While you glanced around, looking at all different types of machines, devices and gadgets, Vlad shuffled around a few drawers, "I've been debating different ways of training you, and although this one may make you the most uncomfortable, it'll be the most efficient." He explained, still rummaging through his drawers.

You felt your nerves bubble up again, you attention quickly turning to him, "...And which way is that?"

He pulled out a small device along with a patch, "Training you like a ghost." He stated plainly, pressing the button to open the ghost portal. You bit your lip watching the portal doors open, Vlad nonchalantly turned on the device and messed with a few of the controls.

"But I'm not a ghost." You laughed dryly. You weren't exactly a fan of the ghost zone.

Vlad took a few steps towards you, his focus still down on the device in his hands, "I suppose, but I need to see what you're capable of." He handed you the patch and showed you the device. "This will monitor your vitals along with any abnormalities."

You glanced at the patch in your hand before looking up at him sceptically, "And you're sure this is safe?"

"Positive. But if anything where to happen, I'll take you out of the ghost zone immediately." He stated calmly, pressing a few buttons on the machine before giving you a small nod. He was surprisingly relaxed about the whole situation. I guess he really was expecting you to come for help.

You let out a shaky breath, "Okay. I'm trusting you." You felt things were moving really fast. Especially with someone who you barely knew. Someone you didn't trust. But knowledge is power and he's the only one who'll give you what you want.

He gestured towards his chest, "Just secure it here." He paused for a second glancing back at you, "On you of course." He added as if you were an idiot. Judging by how he was talking to you, he definitely considered you a child. You secured the patch on you carefully before inspecting him. Danny described him as intense, frustrating, and cunning. Although you don't doubt that... he didn't seem to be acting that way at the moment. I just don't understand why he'd have any interest in training me. Why would he help a foe? I just don't understand. There's no way he's that lonely. "Y/N?" He spoke up, clearing his throat a little.

"Hm?" You asked, a nervous smile stretching across your face.

He pocketed the device, "Ready when you are." He said, pointing towards the portal.

You glanced down at your fingers, tracing over the scars. You knew you'd be okay. Probably. Taking in one last breath you gave him a small nod. For now, you'd have to trust Vlad. Without glancing back, Vlad stepped in and through the portal. Shortly after, you followed in as well.

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