Danny Fenton? Er- I mean Phantom?

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Okay :,)
I've been out for awhile, so this is a longer chapter to make up for the time I've been gone (roughly 4,000 words).
Anyways :D enjoy!

"All clear Danny." Tucker said, keeping his eyes locked up the stairs.

"Cool. How's it going over there?" Danny spoke up, glancing towards Sam as he shuffled nervously on the spot. You leaned against the wall, crossing your arms as you glanced over towards Sam. She kept her focus down at a photo, then fiddled around with the nobs.

"Pretty good... I'm guessing if we set it the way it was when it happened... it'll happen again." She continued fiddling with a few of the nobs, a ding noise following suit. "Are you sure about this...?" She paused to look at him.

"No... but you saw those things... those monsters- "
"Ghosts." You interrupted.
"Ghosts." He corrected himself, "Those ghosts were attacking our school! Besides... I've always wanted to go in here." He turned away from you guys and investigated the portal. "Who know's what kind of awesome super cool things exist on the other side of that portal." Your mouth faded into a straight line. You knew what kinds of things rested on the other side and the thought didn't please you too much.

Sam quickly tossed Danny a hazmat suit as she turned it on. He pulled it up over his body with a zip before turning towards the three of you again, "Well... here goes everything." He stated nervously.

"Wait a minute..." Sam said stopping Danny. She quickly reached out and pulled off his dad's logo; then slapped on a new one. A massive 'D' rested on his chest.

"Uhh! What is that?" Danny looked down at it, then back towards Sam.

Sam smiled and stepped back, "Just... trust me. Okay?" He gave a slight nod towards the three of you before turning towards the portal and forcing himself in. You could hear the sound of his footsteps echoing off the walls as he made his way deeper inside. After a few short seconds of him investigating it, it turned on and he let out a long scream. Sam, Tucker, and you covered your eyes as a flash of green blinded you. You bit your lip and pressed your back against the wall away from the blast, continuing to cover your eyes.

His screams slowly quieted down to small groans of pain; the three of you took it as an indication it was over. You turned to the portal to see Danny stumble out collapsing to the floor, barely holding onto consciousness. Sam immediately went to his aid to help him up, "Danny are you- "he turned intangible, slipping through her fingers, "You're a ghost. Again!" she smiled happily.

"You're right!" Danny shook off away the pain, "I am a ghost! Cool! Is this cool?" He smiled back at her.

She lightly put her hand on his chest, "Oh, it's very cool."

The four of you flinched, "What's going on down there!" Danny's father yelled down, the door to the upstairs slamming open as he made his way down.

"Oh man... your dad! You gotta change back to normal!" Sam said raising her hands up demandingly.

"Change back...? How!?" Danny said glancing at her annoyed and confused.

"I don't know! You just- think about it or something...!" She shook her arms a little as the footsteps got louder. The three of you kept your focus on Danny, Sam quickly stepping in front of him in case his dad found him like that.

You bit your lip and turned towards the stairs, holding your breath as he came down. Danny's dad glanced at Tucker, you then towards Sam and Danny with a gasp. Turning back around, your face grew hot in embarrassment, and you quickly covered your eyes. They had kissed. You kept your eyes covered as Tucker placed a hand on your shoulder, leading you towards the three of them.

"You're in a lot of trouble Mister!" Danny's dad interrupted. "...And who the heck are you?" He kept his focus on Sam, an annoyed expression plastered on his face.

"Uh! I'm... Paulina...?" She stuttered out with a forced smile.

"Danny Fenton is never ever aloud to see you... Paulina." Danny's dad said, narrowing his eyes. She gave him a nervous smile and scurried out. You glanced at Tucker then back towards Danny. He gave you both a reassuring nod, before you and Tucker quietly left the house, hearing Danny's dad give him a lecture about women. You and Tucker held down your laugh as you made your way out the door.

You guys relaxed a little and collapsed in his backyard. Danny never seemed to make an appearance back outside. You and Tucker kept up conversation, before deciding to call it quits and head home. You gave him a small wave before turning around and heading towards your house. Jeez... Danny's a ghost? This whole... another timeline thing is starting to seem a little too real. Letting out a small sigh and glancing down at your wrist, you fiddled with your ghost hunting bracelet. You clenched your fists together and shook out any second thoughts you had; taking off quickly to your house.

You've got my attention - Danny Phantom X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now