Call me

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"Are we done yet?" Danny said slamming his head on the table.

"You're such a baby." You commented, putting away your notebook. You zipped up your bag and turned to him, "Yes, we're done." He let out a sigh of relief before sitting back up. He had attained a red mark on his forehead from where he kept hitting his head. You slouched down, resting your head in your hand. "Y'know for being a ghost, you seem to lack any interest in them."

He leaned into the bench more, copying you by resting his head in his hands as well, "I don't need to know about ghosts. I just need to beat 'em."

"And you don't think learning about them will help you beat them?" You asked.

He shrugged and yawned, "My parents love ghosts so much it makes up for my lack of interest." He paused for a moment before looking at you, "Why do you love ghosts so much?"

You let out a long sigh, "It's more for my dad."

"Your dad?" He repeated confused.

"Yeah, ghosts aren't really my favorite thing either, Danny. My dad loves ghost so much he... we moved all the time just to document them... He's so uptight about keeping the family tradition going that- I don't decide whether or not I like ghosts." You rambled on, fiddling with your fingers a little.

"I would've never assumed. You always look so interested when a ghosts around." He laughed a little, trying to lighten to mood.

"Mm... Yea, it's not that their stories aren't interesting. I look at ghosts the same way I look at my dad, I guess. I have a lot of respect for them." You smiled over towards him.

"Glad to know I'm appreciated." He laughed a little more, a little sarcasm in his voice.

You laughed a little with him before speaking up, "You are appreciated Danny. Whether or not the town says it, I'm sure some people still value what you do. At least... I do." You smiled at him. You know he has a bit of a love hate relationship with the town. They never appreciate the efforts he does, nor do they listen to him. You thought maybe the right encouragement from someone outside Tucker and Sam would help. "I mean... if I was in your shoes, I'd have given up on the town a long time ago. They're kinda rude haha. But you... don't." You looked back down at your hands, kicking yourself a little for wording your appreciation badly. He stared blankly at you, blinking a few times. You got nervous and your face got a little red out of embarrassment, "It's nothing! Haha. uHm... just- Thank you for... being you, Danny." He rubbed the back of his neck a little with a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. Although he didn't say anything, you could tell it made an impact on him. You put your hand on his shoulder reassuringly and smiled. His cheeks dusted a small shade of red, but he didn't move. He leaned into your hand a little more, relaxing to your touch. Your heart fluttered knowing he'd finally gotten comfortable enough around you to allow you to keep your hand on him. "A-anyways... you hungry? Kwan takes me to this lovely restaurant... if you wanna go?"

Dann's eyebrows furrowed a little, "You go to restaurants with Kwan?"

"Yeah, he treats me sometimes." You smiled and pulled your hand away from Danny.

He seemed to sulk a little before sitting back up straight, "Yeah, sure."

You both got up and you took the lead, guiding Danny, "They've got a mean grilled cheese!" you laughed a little, nudging him over.

He bumped into you a little back, "Mean grilled cheese?" he laughed.

"Haha, I didn't know what that meant either, but I promise, it's really good."

"As long as that means it's not haunted." He retorted back.

You paused for a minute, "Doesn't that technically mean you're haunted?"

"I am not haunted." He said glancing at you with a small smile, holding a little of his laugh in.

"Iiii don't know... you seem pretty haunted to me, ghost boy." You continued to joke.

"W-would you stop calling me ghost boy!" He looked at you with an unreadable expression.

"What? You don't like it?" You glanced over at him, worried you'd bee hurting his feelings.

He paused for a minute and looked away from you, "I... never said that."

You let out a small laugh, "So you like it?"

"Better than Invisobil." He scoffed.

"Invisobil is so funny though!" You laughed and looked over at him. His blank and slightly annoyed expression only made you laugh more.

"Ha.Ha. Laugh it up." Danny rolled his eyes at you, but still had a small smile resting on his face.

"Don't worry Invisobil, I wont call you that around anyone. I'll never reveal your secret identity!" You continued to laugh, continuing to poke fun at him.

He rolled his eyes again and scoffed. "Are we almost there?"

"Yeah yea... we're almost there. Calm down Invisobil." You gave him a smug expression before holding the door open for Danny. "Ladies first."

He laughed a little and walked through, mumbling a thanks between the laughs. You guys walked in and sat down at the diner. It was almost empty due to the fact it was a weekday, and most people were either at work or school. Dany rested his head in his hand and looked around. The atmosphere this place had was a lot better than The Nasty Burger. Although that place still held a special place in your heart. This place had music from a few generations back, the blue and red lights around the ceiling holding a nice contract to the regular ones. A few street signs and old posters of bands, songs, and events laid scattered around the walls. There were a few booths scattered around, but there were more seats around the front where the bar was. Although you couldn't order alcohol, you could order milkshakes and sit up there. It was a nice restaurant. It looked like something straight out of the 80's. That's probably why when you looked around, there were more old people than people with families or teenagers. The waitress came and put down a menu in front of the both of you and walked off somewhere else, saying she'd be back to take our orders in a bit. Danny opened the menu and looked it over a few times then glanced up at you, his eyes just poking out from the top of the menu. "You're not gonna read the menu?" He asked

"I don't need to, I come here a lot." You explained taking a quick glance at your PDA to see if Tucker, Sam or your dad had texted you since you skipped.

He set the menu down, "With... Kwan?"

"Mmmhm." You confirmed.

"You know he bullies like- everyone... right?" Danny leaned into his hand, looking over you skeptically.

You bit your lip and looked away from Danny, "I know... He's- trying to be better. He's going through a lot of the same things I am with his dad, and we just- I guess understand each other." You explained a little skeptically yourself. Danny didn't respond so you continued talking, "After what happened at the water park with you and the whole... water gun thing. I made him promise to not bug you guys anymore. So- he's been keeping Dash off you guys."

"Gee. Sounds great." Danny said sounding a little annoyed.

"What's wrong?" You leaned in a little closer, keeping your voice quieter.

"I just don't understand why someone like you... would hang out with someone like him." Danny said matching the same whispering voice you did.

"What do you mean?" You asked.

"I just... You're so... I..." He stopped himself not being able to get the right words out.

You messed up Danny's hair a little, "I promise, he's changing for the better."

Danny looked at you for a moment before pulling away, mumbling, "That's what I'm worried about."

"Hm?" You leaned back in to hear better.

"N-nothing." He flicked your forehead once you'd leaned in. You pulled back and rubbed your forehead. The waitress came up to you both, and you ordered your food and drinks. She smiled warmly at the both of you and went on her way, saying the food wouldn't be too long since it's not too busy. You both thanked her as she left.

"Remember when we went to The Nasty Burger, and you thought I'd never been to a restaurant before?" Danny giggled a little.

"Ugh. Don't mention that... it's embarrassing!" You leaned into your arms hiding your face a little.

"How is it possible you thought I'd never been to a restaurant before?" He leaned back in his chair crossing his arms.

"Well- you just... You seemed so nervous, and you opened and closed the menu at the exact same time as me!" You snapped your fingers pointing at him.

He held back a small laugh, "That doesn't mean I've never been to a restaurant."

You frowned dramatically and narrowed your eyes a little. Eventually after a bit more talking, the waitress came back, and you both enjoyed your food. He seemed to enjoy this place even more than you did, although that wasn't much of a challenge. I guess he needed a day off as much as I did. You looked up from your plate and saw him looking down at his food as he picked up a few more pieces with his fork. A warm smile plastered on his face as he took a bite. After a second or two, he glanced up at you noticing your staring. "Hm?" he asked mouth full of food.

"Thanks for... dragging me out." You rubbed the back of your neck.

He quickly finished the food in his mouth and spoke up, "Yeah course. I like dragging you out."

You felt your face heat up a little. Unable to keep your eyes on him any longer, you looked down at your finished plate. "I- I uh. I'm ready to head home whenever you are."

"Mm... What time is it?" He asked putting his fork down.

You glanced at your PDA "uh- 3:14? Schools been over for a bit."

"3:14!?" Danny sprung up , "I- I gotta get home. Jazz is so gonna kill me."

You got up with him and walked up to the cash as he trailed behind. You paid for your meal, and he paid for his. He pulled you out of the establishment quickly before taking a few glances around and turning into Phantom. "Need me to take you home?" He spoke rushed.

"Nah, don't worry Phantom. I'll see you at school." You brushed it off smiling up at him.

He glanced at you before looking out the door then back towards you. "Okay- uh- call me." He stuttered out before quickly flying away.

You laughed a little, call him? You shook your head and put your hand over your heart, feeling it beat quickly. You smiled warmly before quickly stopping yourself frowning. You swallowed hard and slapped your face a few times. No, brain. No! It's just Fenton. Just... Fenton. You felt your face heat up a little more and your heartbeat quicken as you thought about him. You shook your head again. Dammit...

Okay guys B)
Living, loving and laughing at this chapter. Rightfully so.
Hope you enjoyed!

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