Where'd you go dad?

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Once you checked your PDA, you realised Tucker sent you a message. He was practically begging you not to tell Danny or Sam what had happened; to only keep it between, you, him, and Phantom. He'd never really been a ghost... supposed- possession? You assumed he didn't want to tell them out of embarrassment. He went a little rampant as a ghost apparently. You shrugged it off upset, that yet again you wouldn't be getting any questions answered.

The bell had gone off indicating and end to school a little ago. You had already grabbed all your stuff for tonight and left. You were now currently looking for your dad. That mental note you left yourself never left your mind. When you mean never, never. The longer the day inched on the worse your nerves got. What if you couldn't find your dad? What if he's seriously hurt... or worse!" You shook your head, hoping to get rid of the image that plagued your mind.

You had been aimlessly walking around town for what seemed like hours. Slowly but surely, you got more desperate and started running. You kept your PDA in hand the entire time; in case he called, or texted or sent any signal of being okay. Feeling the dryness in your throat and your legs starting to ache, your eyes caught sight of the same park you'd been at the night before. Sitting down in the same swing just trying to catch your breath. Although it was bright out, there was no one there. You sighed as tears pricked at your eyes. You looked down at the device in your hands and gripped it harder. You typed in his number and called him one last time, praying he'd pick up. The line clicked... Hey this is... please leave a message! I'll check it after ghost hunting, I swear! Tears finally started to spill out your eyes. You covered your mouth hoping it'd silence some of your sobs. You curled up as much as you could on the swing and held yourself close. It had always been just the two of you. Fighting ghosts. Your phone buzzed and you looked down to see a photo of Sam taking a selfie. Behind her you could vaguely make out Danny and Tucker looking just as sick as she did a little while ago. You let out a small chuckle as you whipped your eyes, getting your sleeve a little wet. You swallowed your sadness and cleared your throat.
Sammikins: Attachment.
You: You good taking care of them by yourself?
Sammikins: Haha! Not unless your volunteering
You: If you send me the address, I'll be right over
You really needed a distraction. A distraction that would involve the people you cared about. Something to just get you to not think about your dad; hopefully when you got back home, he'd be waiting for you.
Sammikins: Address-
Sammikins: Were waiting!
You: Yea yeah. I'll be right over.
You pulled yourself up and out of the swing. Whipping your eyes one final time and fanning your face, you didn't want them to know you'd been crying. Shaking the nerves out of you and putting the address into your PDA, you were off.


You walked up to the house cautiously. You had never been to Tuckers house, so you were hoping you weren't about to ring the doorbell to some stranger's place. You pressed in the doorbell and waited patiently. After a little while, Sam opened the door with a wide smile. "Took ya long enough! Tucker's parents are at work, so we don't have to worry about getting caught here."

You smiled and she pulled you in. You glanced around the living room and kitchen but stopped one she ushered you upstairs. Quietly opening the door in front of her, she put her hand up to her mouth in a shushing motion and poked her head in. You did the same. You both quietly snickered at what you found. Both Tucker and Danny were asleep cuddling together. She pulled out her PDA and took a photo. "For later blackmail." She explained. You laughed some more and eventually she quietly closed the door. She then pulled you into a different room. It looked kind of like an office, but she had her laptop set up with a game open.
"While we wait for the sleeping beauties to wake up, I'd love you if you'd try out my favorite game." She smiled at you hopeful.

"I- I'm not super great at videogames." You explained fumbling with your hands.

"Nonsense!" She sat you down. "I'll explain how it works; I promise."


After a little while of playing she heard a sneeze come from Tuckers room. You held the controls close to you as you continued without a second thought. You loved the game. She stood up slowly "I'm gonna check if they're awake."

"Mmhm." You acknowledged keeping focus on the game. She smiled and patted your head feeling accomplished she'd gotten you to play it, and even more enjoy it. She walked out of the room and closed the door behind her. You had no idea what the game was called, you made a mental note to ask Sam what the name was later. You'd never really tried videogames before, but this was the perfect distraction. You continued to fight monsters and work your way up to the next level. She came back in and paused your game. "Sleeping beauties are awake. You wanna help?" She looked down at your frown. It quickly changed into a neutral expression once you realised it was about Danny and Tucker.

"Yea course!" You jumped up but instantly bent back down to save your game file. "You have to give me the name of this game."

She giggled and led you out of the office, "Doomed."
Quietly, she pushed open the door to Tuckers room. They looked in rough shape but were oddly happy. "Keep 'em company while I make some soup."

"You guys seem. Chipper?" You said looking down at them.

"Chipper? What are you like 80?" Tucker laughed.

You looked at Tucker with a dead expression, "I'm the once in charge of your soup. Remember that."

Danny started laughing at Tucker, "You've lost soup privileges." Tucker frowned dramatically and slapped the back of Danny's head.

"OW! He hit me!" Danny pointed at Tucker and looked at you.

"He started it!" Tucker pointed back at Danny.

"Are you guys 4?" You asked them. They both frowned and crossed their arms turning away from each other. "Tucker. Danny. Say sorry." They didn't budge at all. "Now." You added.

They both glanced at each other, and both mumbled something. Although you couldn't tell if either of them apologized or not, they were back to being buddy buddy with each other.

You heard boots coming up the stairs, "Soup!" Sam announced kicking the door open with her foot.

You guys hung around together for the rest of the night. Laughing about Tucker burning his tongue on the soup, then Danny immediately thinking he wouldn't and ended up doing the same thing. You gave them the notes of the classes they missed that day and looked over it with them. After awhile, you guys kicked back and watched a movie on Sam's laptop. Eventually Danny nodded off and once Tucker noticed he said there were some spare sleeping bags if we wanted to stay. Sam immediately jumped on it, not wanting to go back home. A lot sooner than you expected, everyone fell asleep. You got up quietly and tip toed back into the office Sam kept you in before. You turned on your PDA and stared at the blank screen, no text messages or calls. You dialled his number up again and got the same voicemail. You put your head in your hands and texted him one final time saying goodnight. Without a second thought you got back up and back under the covers. You closed your eyes tightly and held yourself close again, a small sob leaving your lips.

"Mmugh... Y/N?" Danny asked half asleep. You held your breath in and shut your eyes, hoping he'd assume it was his imagination and go back to bed. There was a small silence until you heard him quietly get up and out of bed. He walked over to where you were and looked over you. "Y/N" He whispered again to see if you were asleep.

You pretended to just wake up, "Danny...? What's wrong?" quickly throwing on a groggy voice.

He looked a little surprised and tensed up "Uh- I uh. It sounded like you were having a bad dream."

"...No, no I'm okay Danny." He untense and his tired eyes came back

"It's you who's not okay. Here, let me help you back to bed." You got up and made him lie back down. Although it wasn't much of a challenge, he looked exhausted. You pulled the blanket over him, and he closed his eyes.

"If you ever need anything. You can always ask me... or Tucker and Sam. They'd love to help too." He said quietly drifting off again.

You smiled and patted his head, "Thanks Danny." 

You've got my attention - Danny Phantom X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora