I'm tired

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This is a heavy chapter! Just a warning.

You kept your eyes tightly closed, but the lack of air in your lungs from holding your breath caused you to gasp. Once you were able to breath, you opened your eyes slowly. Quickly picking up on the cold temperatures, you could see your breath. An immense sense of fear washed over you as you were greeted by an empty abyss of green with a few purple doors scattered around. You thought the ocean was bad, this was so much worse. You looked down and noticed you weren't actually standing on anything. You aimlessly floated around a zero-gravity wasteland. You spun around a few times, hoping to see something familiar. Obviously, you didn't. Immediately, you ripped open your bag, grabbing a piece of pen and paper. You started sketched a few of the places around you, the doors, and anything noticeable. You needed to remember where you came from, and where you were going. Although you weren't moving fast, you were moving, just slightly towards the right of you. You pulled your hood over your face, hoping if a ghost came around, they'd just assume you were another ghost and leave. Who knows what happened to humans when they entered this realm.

You shivered as a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach grew. You rubbed your arms a little as goosebumps appeared. No one you knew, knew where you were. The only person who had an idea was Vlad; but regardless of if he knew you were in the ghost realm or not, this place is massive. From what Technus described, this place was almost endless. Also! The only person who knew where you were was Vlad! He wouldn't tell anyone where you were. You let out a shaky breath. If you were going to get out of here alive, you'd have to find a way out yourself. You tucked away your pen and paper and turned back on the bracelet. Maybe if it got you here, it could get you home. You played around with it for awhile before firing another shot in front of you. Because it had nothing to grip onto, the portal fired off and disappeared into the endless void, pushing you back a little due to recoil. You ran your hand through your hair. How hostile was this place? If you were to scream for help, would you only be greeted by ghosts who wanted to kill you? You shook your head and curled up, trying to preserve your warmth. You really had to calm down.

You decided you'd sit for a second; taking the time to calm down and steady you're breathing. This place was way below freezing, and you weren't dressed for it. In just a couple of hours, you'd freeze to death if you didn't warm up. You rubbed your hands together and glanced around, finally with a calm mind. Your best bet would be to go to one of the doors and just hope it'd take you somewhere. You looked around and picked the closest door to you. Glancing down at your bracelet, you turned it back on and turned away from the door, firing in the opposite direction. The recoil pushed you back and you started making your way to the door. Albeit incredibly slowly.

Your back finally collided with the door after a few more shots. You grabbed onto the handle and your hand froze onto it. You quickly pulled it off not expecting it to be so cold and blew warm air on it. You pushed your hand further into your sweater and you gripped it again. When you opened it, you were greeted by a table with 4 ghosts sitting around it. They were some of the most horrifying things you've ever seen. They were playing poker, all of them seemingly deep in thought until they all turned to you. A sickening smile placing itself on all of their lips. You quickly slammed the door shut, hoping they couldn't get through. The door never re-opened. You let out a sigh of relief before looking around at all the other doors. Where they also all filled with horrifying demons? Where they all like that? Was there no way home? Your breathing became erratic again while you looked around. Your hand covered your mouth to stop yourself from vomiting.

You shook your head and reached back into your bag, pulling out your PDA. You opened it and looked over all your contacts. The first person you thought of was Danny. You clicked call and held it up to your ear, hoping to hear the ringing sound. Immediately, it said you weren't withing cell service range. A few tears pricked at your eyes. You tried again to call Danny, but the same message replayed itself. You then moved onto Tucker and Sam, the same message. You let out a shaky break and gripped your PDA tighter. Your hands started to lightly shake; you weren't quite sure if it was out of fear or if it was because it was below freezing. You placed your PDA in your bag and continued to go through it. Hoping there would be something you could use to call for help. To do anything. Anything at all. Oh god please. Please anything. Please. Please God. You emptied your bag, throwing things out of it as tears started flowing down your face.

You had one last ditch effort to get home. This time, since you were situated on a door, you'd shoot your portal gun at it. You turned it on with shaky hands, practically praying as it readied up. You shot and a portal appeared directly ahead of you. Letting out a small breath, you jumped in.

You opened your eyes to be greeted with the same familiar green abyss. You looked around, realising you were still in the ghost zone. A few tears left your eyes as you sobbed. You were still in the ghost zone, but this time, the location was different. Although you were in a different section, it still looked almost the exact same. The only reason you knew it was different, is the doors looked different. You whipped away your tears, muffling your sobs before checking your PDA. 5:50 displayed on the clock. You curled up into your sweater trying to preserve all the heat you had.

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