Turn on the charm

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You glanced up at your ghost interview wall; a goofy smile etched into your features as you fumbled with the new bracelet on your wrist. The one Danny had given you. You let your face get warm at the thought, a few giddy giggles escaping your lips as you tried to contain your excitement.

You were truly happy.

You would be truly happy, if there wasn't a massive wall of uncertainty planted at the back of your mind. You just couldn't help but focus on what was wrong, instead of what was right. A character flaw of yours obviously, but not one you'd think about right now. Instead, your eyes trailed along the ghost wall in your room. You haven't really touched it in awhile. Hm... A small sigh left your lips as you went to your closet, taking out one of the old moving boxes and putting it beside you.

Without another thought, you were ripping things off the walls. Notes, maps, information, anything and everything that used to be there was shoved into that box and away from your prying eyes. You didn't want to always question ghosts anymore. You didn't want to always feel like you're in the dark about something. Or even just worry about the holes to where leads ended. Dusting your hands off, you kicked the box back into your closet before closing the door.

No more worried thoughts about things you couldn't control.

You had no use for emotionally draining things in your room. Instead, you replaced it with regular wall decorations, ones you've kept around for awhile; passed around room to room while you moved around.

You wanted to be happy; and if you were going to help Danny out, you couldn't worry all the time while you weren't helping. Instead, you'd get back to something you had to fix.

While Danny gave you a new bracelet, you'd lost your old one back in the... back? Ahead? Anyways... in the future when you fought the other Danny. If you were going to keep training with Vlad, you'd either need to build a new one - or... somehow steal one. The last two you'd got were... Danny's family: stolen from their basement. And your dad made you one. He had more faith in you in the other timeline... for - some reason. More predictable maybe.

You shrugged before glancing out the window to your house. Your dad, as usual, was out again. However, this time, it was in your favor. You made your way through the upstairs hallway until you got to your dad's room.

Opening it a peak to make sure he hadn't snuck in there somehow; the room was clear. You pushed your way in and glanced around. Now... if I were tech, where would I be...? You rummaged around the room, glancing through a few of his drawers and cabinets but nothing turned up.

You let out a small grumble of annoyance - no way he keeps everything at the Fenton's... He must have something here. Your hands ran along the sheets, in between the mattress and finally, your hand caught something. Pulling it out and holding it up, a key you'd never seen before dangled from your fingers. You raised a brow, confusion shooting through your features. A key?... It's not our house key.

Glancing around the room, checking if there was anything you could unlock. You hadn't kept secrets from your father and neither did he... at least- until now.

You walked through more of the house, glancing over each room with caution before passing on to the next. You swung the keys around your fingers as you glanced around, each room not having what you're looking for.

You frowned, an uneasy feeling creeping onto your shoulders. What was he really up to? Danny doesn't really talk about what his family does... just- ghost stuff. Inventions. But... my dad doesn't do much of that. You were worried. However, you weren't worried about your dad, or Danny's parents; but Danny himself. His parents were hunting 'the ghost boy'. There's no doubt in mind that your dad was doing the same thing.

You bit your lip, pulling out your PDA and ghosting over Danny's contact. You should text him... you should figure out a plan to help protect him. But... from your dad? There's-... your dad wouldn't... hurt... Danny. Ghost or not.

You shook your head, your attention turning back to your PDA as you shot Danny a text.
Y/N: if my dad's at your place you should keep an eye on him
Y/N: just in case
It didn't take long for him to answer.
Danny: Hold on
You placed your PDA back into your pocket before returning to searching the rooms. He probably had something to do.

The search was fruitless, nothing coming up as you slouched onto the couch; a long sigh leaving your lips as tired eyes glanced over the living room. With one glance down to your wrist, you felt a warm feeling erupt in your heart as you glanced at the bracelet. Another giddy feeling overwhelming the nervous one you felt just seconds ago.

You heard a small giggle, "Didn't think you'd be so happy to see me." You quickly glanced towards the door, Danny changed into Phantom as he turned tangible and flew towards you slowly.

"D-Danny! I uh- didn't expect you to come." You spoke quickly, your fingers running through your hair in an attempt to fix yourself up a little.

"Thought I'd drop by." He didn't change from Phantom as he collapsed onto his usual couch, "So... what's up?" He smiled, leaning back, and getting comfortable.

"Did you fly all the way here?" You asked, ignoring his question.

He merely nodded, his arms crossing over his chest, "I needed a distraction." He clarified, ushering you to continue. You raised a brow but didn't intend to pry, his disheveled appearance and tired eyes looked like more ghost problems. Ones, he mentioned getting overwhelmed by before. You leaned back into the couch and paused, your lips pursing together before tossing him the key. "What's this?" He asked, looking it over carefully.

"I don't know. It's my dads. Something he's hiding from me." You paused, for a moment, glancing up at his reaction. His expression was unreadable as he examined the key, "I'm just worried it's something dangerous... for you, I mean."

He finally glanced back up, his expression still unreadable, "Didn't you mention your dad was just a... ghost investigator or something like that?"

"Ghost interviewer." You corrected, "He's just been hanging around your parents quite often now and... no offense, it feels like they've got a personal vendetta against you; and maybe it rubbed off on him." You explained, the two of you sitting up in your chairs a little more as the topic turned serious.

Danny let out a long sigh, his hands rubbing over his face frustrated as his appearance worsened ever so slightly, the stress clearly affecting him, "Yeah yeah... I'll check it out."

You frowned and stood up, waking towards him to give him a small hug as he sat, your hand resting on his head, "Danny... you look exhausted." His body tensed a little, however he didn't say anything. Your frown deepened as you began to run your fingers through his hair. After a moment, he finally relaxed into you. "I can take care of it if you're too exhausted. He is my dad." You shrugged.

He shook his head, "It's my house. My problem... I can do it. Don't worry." He said, lifting his head to look at you.

You finally pulled away and flopped down onto the couch beside him, "Well technically, I don't know what that key does. It's a shot in the dark." You said, crossing your arms as you leant back.

He looked it over again, raising a brow, "I don't recognise this as anything in my house. But... my parents bring in new things all the time." The two of you sighed; a mutual understanding. Your dad isn't the same anymore. You don't know what he'd do if given the opportunity to pounce on Phantom. "Don't worry about it." He let out a small giggle before ruffling your hair.

There he goes again... being the good guy. Making sure everyones alright but him, "Thanks Danny... but if you need help, please- call me alright?" You said, watching him as he stood up.

"I promise. I promise to call you." He swore, giving you a small smile.

You eyed him for a moment, glancing over his features to make sure he would. However, his smile didn't fade - he wasn't lying. You finally smiled back, de-tensing your shoulders a little, "Alright. I'm going to believe you for now... But no lying!"

He held his hands up in defense, "I won't!" He giggled, flying off the ground, "I'll catch you later!" You smiled and gave him a small wave, one he returned before going intangible and out of sight.

A small sigh of relief left your lips. Well... you still needed that tech. Even if you wanted to try and build it from scratch, you didn't have the materials.

Who would help you out without a second thought...

You've got my attention - Danny Phantom X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now