We're cool, right?

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You let out a shaky breath as you continued to stare at him. Without making a sound you reached for your arm and pinched it. Nope you were definitely awake. You quietly made your way towards the washroom and closed the door. Immediately you splashed some water in your face.

Okay. Phantom is Danny? Danny Phantom is Danny Fenton!? ...Okay I guess I see the parallels. What do I do? I have a feeling I wasn't supposed to see that. Do Sam and Tucker know? Danny Fenton is at my house!?

You cleared your throat and decided you'd just suck it up and face him. Worse thing that happens is... he totally freaks out, gets scared and runs away never to talk to you again... You paused a little holding your head in your hands. Oh god, please let him react better than me. You rubbed the water off your face with a towel and walked back towards the living room. He was still sound asleep.

You took a deep breath and clicked on the dimmest light you had, hoping it'd wake him up but not be too blinding. He stirred a little in his sleep before rubbing his eyes and sitting up. He noticed you and smiled until you didn't smile back. You bit your lip nervous, "Phantom?"

"What's wrong?" He asked looking at you nervous waking up a little more.

That confirmed it, he really was Phantom. You let out a shaky sigh and sat down carefully across from him. You picked a little at your finger wondering how to bring it up, "You uh- know we've got school tomorrow yea?" You said your voice shaking a little.

He looked at you confused before his eyes widened and he looked down. He only then noticed he de-transformed in his sleep. He stayed silent and held his breath, the room incredibly tense.

It looked like he was about to run away at any moment. "Don't be scared I... I won't say anything. Or- I'm not sure... I- I... I promise to sit and listen if you want to- stay and talk about what's happening." You barely stuttered out. You weren't quite sure how to confront him and you were horrible at saying things head on. He looked down at the ground and his leg started bouncing a little from anxiety. It almost looked like I was a parent scolding their child. "It's okay Danny." You said calmly. "I promise. This- this changes nothing."

He shook his head a little, "I- I've gotta get home." He stood up quickly and made his way to the door.

"Danny wait... Please. I- I don't want to lose this friendship." You pleaded.

He opened the door and looked out before quickly glancing behind him at the clock on the wall. It read, 11:30PM. He closed the door and turned into Phantom.

"Please..." You grabbed his arm hoping he wouldn't run away.

He looked at the hand holding his arm and phased out of it before turning back and phasing through the door. The worst did happen. You chocked back a small sob regretting bringing it up. Another shaky breath left your lips before you made your way back upstairs and laid in your bed. You held yourself close hoping you'd fall asleep, but you couldn't. You tried to piece back everything in your head, all the similarities, all the coincidences, how he spoke about Phantom, everything. You bit your nail and shook your head hoping the memory of this happening would disappear. You just lost your best friend.


It was the next day. Your dad had pulled in around 4am, barely keeping quiet. You wondered how you always stayed asleep when he walked in. By the time your alarm went off, you were ready for it. You quickly shut it off before slowly getting up and going to the bathroom. When you looked in the mirror, your eyes had deep eye bags and were a little red from the few tears you'd shed. You put a towel under warm water and held it on your face. When you took it off, you looked a little better but were still super exhausted. You rubbed your eyes and got changed before going downstairs to greet your dad.

"How was ghost hunting?" You asked sitting down in the chair slowly.

"Bad, but I expected all that much. Couldn't help but try." He explained. He slowly turned around with some eggs and looked at you, "Jesus, you okay? You look rough."

"Yeah. Late night study again." You said solemnly, hoping he wouldn't push further. He didn't. He sat down beside you and read the newspaper as you barely touched your breakfast. After maybe 10 minutes of pretend eating, you got up and put them in the fridge to "save for later".

You walked over to the door and slipped on your shoes before heading outside to school.

The second you pulled up to the doors, Kwan immediately started talking to you. It was weird, usually he preferred to keep their friendship as limited as possible in school. The popular kids weren't a fan of you, especially because you constantly hung around Sam, Tucker and Danny. Yet here he was, acting off. "Are you feeling okay today Kwan?" You asked as you both walked into school together. You kept your eyes open for Danny as you walked around.

"I'm good! I was just up a lot of last night with the... Ghostkateers." He said looking down at you smiling.

"The what now?" You looked up at him confused.

"Ghostkateers. Uhm- we look out for ghosts around the neighbourhood with Fenton's family." He explained. You looked down, upset at the mention of Danny's name. "Do you know where he is?" He asked putting a hand on your shoulder.

"I don't. I'll see you around, okay?" You asked shrugging it off.

He looked at you confused before agreeing. You turned around and walked away from him with a heavy heart. It didn't last long though, quickly someone else scooped you up. Sam greeted you warmly by wrapping her arm around your neck and pulling you into a head-lock hug. You quickly squirmed out of it and gave her a small smile.

"Have you seen Danny today?" You asked Sam

"Uhm- nope I don't think he's here yet. Why?" She looked at you narrowing her eyes a little.

"Uh! I just wanted to ask him something." You got out nervously.

She paused for a moment, "Are you sure nothing happened? You look exhausted..."

"No! No... I promise I just need to talk to him." You looked at her reassuringly. You didn't know if Sam or Tucker knew; and you weren't going to tell them his secret. It wasn't yours to tell.

She let a sigh of relief go, "Good. I thought you guys got into a fight or something." She started walking ahead of you and you just gulped down your nerves. "Ah! He is here this morning." She exclaimed pulling your arm a little. He walked through the doors with Jazz and a nervous expression plastered on his face. It only deepened when he saw you and Sam walking towards him.

"Heya Danny! Jeez. You look awful today are you okay?" Sam spoke up glancing over him. The same worried expression she held for you, she gave to Danny.

He let out a dry laugh, "I- I'm okay Sam. Long night..." He couldn't look you in the eyes.

Sam glanced at Danny then back towards you silently, "Anyways. I've gotta dash, I'll see you in class!" She excused herself before quickly walking away, leaving you and Danny by yourself.

There was a moment of pause before you asked, "Can we go somewhere a little more private?"

"If were talking about what I think were talking about. Then yes. Please." He spoke his eyes darting around for prying peers. You decided to take the lead, bringing him somewhere you'd learnt was empty while he avoided you a couple weeks back. You pulled him to the empty side of the building before speaking up again.

"Danny. Are we still friends?" You turned around, looking up at him nervously.

He stood there stunned for a moment, "Why- why wouldn't we be friends anymore?" he bit his lip.

You looked at him and frowned, "You just- didn't seem to acknowledge it when I mentioned it last night."

He looked at you and thought for a moment before looking away a little embarrassed, "I was so worried last night. I barely knew what you were saying to me anymore."

You went to put your hand on his shoulder but paused and pulled away, "Look Danny." He flinched. "I know... you don't really know me that well... but- I plan on keeping your secret safe. I didn't even mention it to Sam."

He giggled a little and de-tensed his shoulders, his worried expression melting away a little, "Sam and Tucker know. They were there when the accident happened so..." he explained finally looking you in the eyes.

"The accident?" You asked.

"Well- I wasn't always... y'know." He gave you a weak smile before leaning his back against the wall; a relived sigh leaving his lips.

"Why didn't you tell me, Phantom?" You leaned against the wall with him. He looked a little confused, so you spoke up again, "Well... we hung out so much more while you were Phantom. Why did you never mention anything like that?"

He paused for a moment and covered his eyes out of embarrassment, "I uh... I-... I felt more confident talking to you... while I was- Phantom."

You closed your eyes and let a small laugh slip. "And why's that?"

"I don't know. I'm not great with social skills." He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"It's no worries, Danny. Your secrets safe with me, I promise." You turned to him and flicked his forehead. "Let's go to class Phantom."

"P-Please. Don't call me Phantom in public. That ruins the whole point of the... y'know secret identity." He explained catching up to you.

"Okay Danny." You smiled warmly at him and the both of you let out a small sigh of relief you both unknowingly held in.

He turned to you and put out his pinky, "Promise. This stays between us."

You interlocked your pinky with his and smiled brightly at him, "You know it ghost boy!"

"N-not that either!"

"I'm just playing Fenton." You giggled and pat him on the back.

"Wow, you guys sure seem a lot more friendly." Sam turned from around the corner dragging Tucker along with her, arms crossed.

Danny cleared his throat, releasing your pinkies, "Guys. Uhm. I kinda... messed up. Haha" He announced nervously glancing back and forth between them. Danny explained how I ended up seeing him de-transform and that now the secret was kept between us four... You tried to swear on your mother, but Danny flicked you and said to swear on someone you knew; to which you instantly swore on your dad. They seemed content with your answer, and once the bell rang it was almost as if nothing happened.

You've got my attention - Danny Phantom X ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz