Pinky promise

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I don't know how you guys feel about Vlad. I hope you guys don't mind him though :,)
Sorry these chapters have been a little shorter. I'm still extremely sick and it's effecting my writing a lot.
Quick sketch made by me :D

Your intangibility flickered in and out, your head drooping slightly forwards in exhaustion. Your eyes struggled to stay open the longer the night dragged on. You silently wished you remembered you hadn't slept the previous night before you came here. One all nighter was fine... but two? Vlad's red eyes met yours, your entire body shooting back up to attention before he could get frustrated. Vlad glanced down at his watch, "It's probably about time to head in for the night."

You rubbed your eyes, your body slouching again. "What time is it?"

"3" He stated plainly, turning his attention back up to you.

"I can keep practicing. The nights not barely over." You argued.

Vlad merely shook his head, "You can't even fly straight my dear. I insist we go back so you can get some rest." You let out a small sigh, your eyes drooping back to their exhausted state. Deciding he was right; you gave him a small reluctant nod. Slowly, you and Vlad worked your way back to the portal, him turning back once or twice to make sure you were still following. You guys hadn't gone off too far, the portal quickly appearing in the distance.

The two of you slowed as you reached your destination. Vlad giving you a small nod before heading through himself. You stared into it for a moment, before turning around to look off into the ghost zone. You watched as doors floated around aimlessly, not a single other thing in sight for as far as the eye could see. A small cold breath left your lips, bringing you back to your current reality. You glanced down at your iced fingertips, rubbing them together to see if they melt. Unsurprisingly, they didn't. You turned to re-face the ghost portal, a sigh leaving your lips before flying through.


It took you a moment to ground yourself. The feeling of gravity being slightly stronger outside the ghost zone... or maybe you were just lighter in ghost form; in your exhausted state it was hard to tell. A sharp pain in your arm stole your attention. Quickly checking on it, the wound Vlad made during your fight seem to have re-opened once you went through the portal. You felt your body tense up a little at the re-imagined image of green blood pouring out.

Vlad quickly picked up on your discomfort, following your eyes towards your open cut. Without a word, he walked towards his drawers and pulled out a few bandages, "May I take a look?" He asked quietly.

"I can do it." You said taking the supplies from him. He gave you a small nod and walked off, plugging the vitals device into him computer, and got to work while you started patching yourself up. The two of you paid no mind to each other, however there was no longer that awkward tension that sat in the air. You felt more at ease, and although you were patching up a wound the guy right in front of you made, it still didn't bother you. He was a lot calmer than you'd taken him for. Understanding and attempting to be helpful as he held back any negative emotions towards you. It was weird... but not an unwelcomed change of pace.

Once you finished, you closed your eyes. Your body half drifting to sleep as you listened to Vlad write notes down on a bunch of papers. It was a weird feeling. You weren't sure if it was due to your exhaustion, or if it was all the ghosts. But... it really reminded you of home.

You opened your eyes a peek, only to immediately shut them again. You shook your head a little. This wasn't home. Vlad wasn't home. You held yourself close in an attempt to comfort yourself, a few tears pricking at your eyes. For the life of you, you couldn't understand why you were so emotional. Letting out a shaky sigh you sucked up any emotions before they were able to spill through.

You stood up slowly, then made your way over to Vlad, "I'm uh... I've finished." You said, setting the bandages down beside his workspace. He gave you a small hum of acknowledgement, his hands continuing to write notes down. I guess he had a lot to critique. "Is this what I've got to work on?" You asked deflating a little.

He looked at you confused, "Of course not. You wouldn't be able to practice regardless." He said, looking back at his monitor, "These are merely specifics of tonight. It won't be long."

You nodded, planting your head in your hands as you watched him work. Although he seemed uncomfortable with you watching, his body tensing up a little; he didn't shoo you off. Your vision blurred a little, the numbers and notes on the screen becoming nothing more than nonsense the more you stared at it. It really reminded you of your dad. After every mission you'd go on with him, he'd take down notes similarly to this. You used to always watch him write down things you knew nothing about before he'd begrudgingly set them aside to spend time with you, deciding the notes could wait.

You wish things could go back to how they used to be. Now he's never present. Barely even available to talk to you because he's out doing missions with... someone else. Or in this case, other people. He has friends and so do you. That's normal right? You guys drifting apart the older you get? He can't always be there for you at the drop of a hat. Especially since now you can take care of yourself...

Your tired eyes traced over Vlad's notes quietly. I wish it was how it used to be. Me and dad. I wish things were still the same. Two ghost investigators against the world!... I can't believe I hated ghosts... I can't believe I took those moments for granted.

Tears once again threatened to spill from your eyes. Deciding you would never ever let Vlad see you cry, you stood up and took a step back, "You mind if I... get something to drink?" You asked, your voice waving a little at the end of your sentence. Whether or not Vlad caught it, he gave no indication. He only explained the directions to his kitchen his focus never leaving the screen. You silently turned around and made your way off. The second you closed the door to his lab behind you, a few tears spilled from your eyes. You mindlessly continued walking towards the kitchen, wiping away any other tears that fell.

With time, you got to the kitchen. Your feet dragging along the floor as your whole body shuffled to the fridge. Opening the doors carefully, there was a raddle of condiments; tons of items that would previously have your mouth watering now looked totally unappetizing. You took out a water bottle and closed the fridge. The second the water touched your lips; you felt a small bit of relief wash through your body.

You shook your head, slamming the water bottle against the counter. What am I going on about? I'm just exhausted. I'm going to spend this time training and prove myself. I'm going to be stronger. Stronger than Vlad! Your eyes burned with determination as your body once again filled with adrenaline. That's right. I'll be good. No. I'll be great!

A chuckle from behind you startled you, causing you to quickly spin around. Vlad stood in the doorway, a small smile planted on his face, "Remember what I said about awareness?" He laughed, taking a few steps closer to you.

Your face flushed embarrassed, a deep frown falling onto your features, "Always be aware of my surroundings?" You muttered, sulking a little.

"Precisely." He confirmed, giving you a small close-eyed smile, "Ready to go?"

You paused for a minute, I don't think I brought anything... "Yeah I guess so." You said, picking up your water bottle.

He gave you a small nod, "Now, this may feel a little uncomfortable. So be prepared." He spoke calmly, looking at you for a moment to make sure you were okay. You gave him a small smile as he put his hand on your shoulder. Within a moment or two, a bright pink light encased your vision. Very quickly, a nauseated feeling fell on your shoulders, your head feeling dizzy. You gripped onto Vlad tighter as your head spun. He held you up by your forearm, and in a moment, you were a house away from Danny's place. Once you steadied yourself, you glanced around trying to shake off the dizzy feeling. "I don't know where you live so, this is as close as I can take you." Vlad spoke letting you go. He glanced around, a bored expression on his face, "I'd love to stay and chat... but if I stay any longer Daniel might catch us." He laughed a little, before quickly disappearing.

I'm at Danny's? A small sigh left your lips, this was gonna be one painful walk home. You glanced around letting your eyes adjust to the dark a little. And Vlad can teleport? I'd say that's surprising, but I think people being half ghost is even weirder...? You shook it off, starting the trek home. Tonight's been too weird. As your eyes adjusted, you could start making out the shapes of different object around you. A small chill running up your spine as you did a few double takes only to find out they were common objects. You never did like being out so late... especially by yourself. Wait a minute... how am... how am I gonna get into my house? Your hands shuffled in your pockets as you searched for your keys. Shoot! You were locked out of your house. What am I gonna do? Oh god, how am I gonna get in my hous-!
"Y/N?" Someone spoke up from behind you.

A small squeak left your lips, quickly turning around. You quickly made eye contact with an exhausted looking Danny Phantom. A small sigh of relief left your lips upon seeing him. Vlad was right, I'd need to be more aware of my surroundings, "Phantom... good morning?" You let out a dry chuckle, "What are you doing up?"

He looked at you confused, crossing his arms, "What are you doing up. And outside my house? You stalking me?" His intense expression slowly softened the more he spoke, unable to hold out a small giggle.

"Late night walk...?" You answered nervously, it sounding more like a question rather than an answer. His soft expression faltered for a moment as he scanned you. Him quickly picking up on your exhausted state, tattered clothes, and bandaged arm.

He narrowed his eyes, "What's going on?" he questioned sternly.

You held your breath for a moment, biting your lip. You didn't want to lie, and he looked genuinely concerned. You clenched your fists, deciding you'd have to lie, "I'm locked out of my house." Well... sort of lie. A half truth. After all he asked what was going on... not what you've been up to.

Danny frowned, a pitying look crossing his features, "Did your dad lock you out?"

Oh god you were making your dad sound like the bad guy, "No no! I needed a breath of fresh air and... I accidentally locked myself out." Your voice trailed off as you lied, rubbing the back of your neck awkwardly.

"Are you sure this isn't ghost related?" Danny paused for a second as he watched you closely, "You can tell me if it is."

Your body tensed up, "Ghost related? Why would you think it's ghost related?" You avoided the question.

"My ghost sense went off. You think I'd willingly stay up till 3am on a school night? I just assumed you'd been chasing a ghost." He explained. So that's what Vlad meant when he said Danny's catch you guys. Who knew his ghost sense worked so well.

You let out a small giggle, "I'm not chasing a ghost. I swear."

He let out a small sigh of relief but kept his guard up. You wouldn't tell him the ghost he was keeping an eye out for had already disappeared. Then he'd definitely think you were chasing ghosts. "Want me to take you home?" He asked, giving you a warm smile, "I can phase you through the door so... so there's no problem."

"That'd be lovely." You agreed. After all, you weren't one to dismiss his company. Instead of him flying the two of you off, he stood beside you, the two of you silently deciding you'd rather walk to increase your time together. "You feeling better? From... you know?"

Danny's face flushed embarrassed, "Y-Yeah... Sorry about that by the way." He stuttered.

You shook your head giving him a warm smile, "Don't even worry about it. You'll always have a shoulder to cry on."

His eyes sparkled that same green, "Alright. You too... Actually- I've been wondering. We haven't really talked about... when we'd hang out." He mumbled, twiddling his fingers together.

"Oh yeah!" You paused for a second, a small smile tugging at your lips, "I'm free whenever... but if we plan on going out, I may need a ride. My dad's usually at you house." You admitted, a small giddy feeling over taking you.

"Sure, anything. Still on for that movie? You can pick?" He asked excitedly, his face dusting a small shade of pink as he finger gunned at you; only to instantly retract his hands and slap his forehead.

You giggled, "Yep. I'll try to choose something we'll both like. Let's say... if you're free tomorrow night?" You paused glancing up at him as you picked at your fingers, "After the movie we can go back to yours to study for the C.A.T.'s? Get some stress off your shoulders?"

Danny's smile widened the more you spoke, "I'd love to. It's... a date?" He asked cautiously, his face bright red.

You looked at him confused for a moment, "Date? I thought you turned me down?"

Now it was Danny's turn to look at you confused, "Turned you down? For what? When?"

"You know... when you mentioned that what we did was not what you wanted?" You spoke, the 'what we did' being hushed down a little in embarrassment.

Danny blinked a couple times before his face flushed red again, "Wha-! No I..." He paused, rubbing his face frustrated, "That's not what I meant." He mumbled, his eyes peeking through his hands a little.

You felt your heart rate pick up a little, "Not what you meant?" You repeated. He didn't turn you down?

He looked away from you, "No... I'm sorry I'm really bad at... talking to people I like." He said barely above a whisper, scratching his face awkwardly.

You felt your face heat up, "You... you like me?" You stuttered a little, your voice quieting down with his.

He looked at you, a lop-sided smile planted on his face, "...Surprise...?"

You couldn't stop a small giggle from leaving your lips. You could hear your heart pounding in your ears as you struggled to hold back your slowly growing smile, "I... I like you too Danny." You mumbled flustered. You never thought you'd be able to admit it out loud. There was a small pause between you guys, both of you staring at each other lovingly.

Danny finally found his words again, "You're- you're not joking right?" You shook your head, finally allowing your smile to grow. Danny's eyes once again sparkled, a small giggle leaving his lips, "So... it is a date then?" He asked expectingly.

"It's a date Phantom." You confirmed, the two of you interlocking pinkies to keep that promise.

Awkward teenage confessions? B)
Sorry if this isn't how you wanted it to turn out, but I have a ton of cute fluff moments to come :D

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