I wish we never met

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You stretched in your seat. The boredom of school creeping up while listening to Mr. Lancer's lecture. It had been a couple weeks since Circus Gothica and everything went back to the way it was before. The ghosts appearing less, giving you the perfect opportunity to collect your thoughts. A lot had happened the past little while, and you realizing your feelings for Danny didn't make it any easier. You needed to keep yourself in check. You bit your lip and glanced over towards Danny, your heartbeat instantly quickening. Shaking your head and looking down at your hands; you needed to think about something else.

You yawned and finally tuned back into Mr. Lancer's lecture. "Thousands of meteors will be visible in the skies of Amity Park this Friday. People tend to wish upon these... falling stars, without realising that at the speeds they're falling, they could drill through your tiny skulls like they were wet toilet paper!" he stated, the entire class stared back at him blankly.

Paulina quickly interrupted this awkward silence, "Papa says the stars are falling on my birthday just for me... and I'm going to wish to meet the ghost boy, and if one of those meteors flies towards me, the ghost boy could save me!" Paulina smiled, giggling happily to herself. You glanced over towards Paulina. What kind of wish would I even make...?

"Huh?" Dash said out loud to himself. You turned your head to looked to him, your interest peaking. "You know what I'd wish for? Extra arms to catch more footballs!" He smiled, flexing a little. Your interest instantly disappearing. "...and to wail on you Fenton! But that doesn't technically count as a wish because... I can do that anytime. Watch!" Dash laughed a little raising his hand. You grew annoyed and slammed your hand on your desk, causing Dash to immediately pull back his arm and turn to you. You gave him an annoyed look before turning your head away from him swiftly.

A bang in the roof above you caused you to flinch. The entire class looked up at the ceiling expectingly before a ghost smashed down through it. Your heartrate quickened once kids started screaming and running out of class. You jumped up and glanced towards Danny, seeing him keep his eyes focused on the ghost before glancing around at the remaining students in the class. "Paulina..." The ghost hissed out. You changed your focus over towards her, then shuffled out of your seat. You may not like Paulina but if a ghost was after her you'd have to help.

"War of the word's creature! Get away from my youthful charges!" Mr. Lancer yelled, pulling out a fire extinguisher and smashing it over the ghost's head. The ghost didn't falter. It only turned around with a retched screech, keeping its full attention on Mr. Lancer. He mumbled something under his breath before instructing the class to run, while he pulled down the fire alarm.

The alarm rang out around you. Jumping over your desk, you chased after Paulina, quickly catching up to her and grabbing her hand. She grimaced, "Ew! What do you think you're doing!?"

"Saving you!" You yelled behind you, continuing to pull her along. She tugged on your hand, annoyed before a massive bang and the screeching sound of metal being pulled apart caught your ears. You glanced over your shoulder and back past Paulina to see the ghost behind you, shaking off the impact of the wall. Letting out a small nervous squeak, you continued to pull her along. "Can't you run any faster!?"

"Can you be any less critical?" Paulina scoffed; sarcasm laced in her voice. You bit your lip and stopped abruptly, pushing her forwards, and turning towards the ghost.

"C-can we talk about this?!" You yelled over, nervously sweating as it charged forwards towards you. You bit your lip and closed your eyes waiting for impact. It let out a screech as it turned intangible and fell through the floor. "...maybe later then?" You said, peaking through your closed eyes. A sigh of relief left your lips as you turned back to Paulina. She stood there shellshocked. "Are you... okay?"

"You... sacrificed yourself... for me?" She said frowning deeply. You blinked at her a little, your mouth turning into a straight line.

"Uh... yeah... I'm not exactly sure why, though..." You thought for a moment. You really weren't sure why. I mean, she wasn't your friend. Ghosts just felt like your responsibility, I guess...

She smiled at you, taking a few steps in your direction "... this was for the ghost boy but..." she handed you a piece of paper. It was an invite to a quinceanera. You looked at it a little confused before glancing back up towards her. "It's an invite to my party. I'm sure you've heard of it?"

"Uhm... yea... I think Danny or something mentioned it at some point?" You said unsure folding the paper and slipping it into your pocket. It's not like you saved her or anything, Danny did. You didn't do anything.

"Great! I'll see you there then!" She smiled and waved off towards you, skipping off. A dumbfounded look placed itself on your face. Huh...?! You shook your head a little. You were invited to her party? You. Sam and Tuckers voices caught your attention. Them calling you over from the doors leading to outside. You turned around and quickly made your way over towards them.

"What was that about?" Tucker asked once you'd finally gotten close enough.

"I think I was just... invited to her party?" You said confused.

"Oh word?" Tucker smiled, "We got invited too."

"Only because Danny's the ghost boy." Sam scoffed and rolled her eyes.

You gave Sam a worried look, "She knows...?"

Sam smiled at you reassuringly and shook her head a little, "No. She's not smart enough for that." A relived sigh left your lips as the three of you slowly made your way towards a picnic bench. Sitting down and pulling out some food, you de-tensed your shoulders. "I can't believe you went out of your way to help her anyways."

"Me too... I don't really know why I did that." You glanced up towards Sam. They both shrugged before Danny collapsed onto the side opposite to you, confusion knitted into his brows. "You good Danny?"

He glanced over at you then turned towards Sam, "What did you do?"

"Huh?" Sam looked at him confused before taking a bite of her sandwich.

"The ghost I just fought... it said your name." He narrowed his eyes towards her.

"It said Sam?" Tucker spoke up looking between them.

Danny paused for a moment, "Actually... it was more like... Saaaaaam!" He reached his hands up and waved his fingers around pretending to sound scary. "...You get the point."

An annoyed expression fell onto Sam's face, "You can't really blame me for this can you?"

Danny de-tensed his shoulders "It's got something to do with you, but don't worry. I saved Paulina so... you don't have to apologise." He smiled towards Sam.

"Good. Cause I'm not gonna." Sam retorted, crossing her arms.

Danny rooted around his bag before pulling something out and clamping it around her waist, "You just have to wear the spector deflector and stay out of the way." He kept his smile on her.

"What!?" Sam gripped it annoyed, trying to pull it off before Danny stopped her. Tucker leaned over towards you and handed you his chip bag silently. You took it from him and smiled, happy he offered the crumbs. You smile faltered, being pulled back into the conversation.

"Sam! Something weird is going on here and you're obviously the culprit." Danny defended, reaching into his bag for his food. "Probably better for all of us if you just lay low."

"Yeah Sam... you should just lay low." Tucker re-stated coping Danny's hand movement with a smile. Danny gasped as his ghost sense went off and Paulina could be heard screaming in the distance.

"Paulina? Again!? This is going to have to wait. I'm going ghost!" He yelled before transforming into Phantom quickly. "Stay here!" He commanded towards Sam.

"Oh I will. I promise." Sam said reassuringly. Danny quickly sprung off and towards where Paulina's scream was heard. "The same way you kept your promise about going to the movies Friday!" Sam yelled before grabbing her backpack and storming off.

"There was a movie Friday?" You asked looking at him confused.

"There was. That was before Paulina invited us to her party." Tucker explained, looking in the direction Danny flew off to. You frowned. Were you not invited to Sam, Danny, and Tucker's hangout? They didn't invite you to hang out, but Paulina did? Yikes.

You sulked a little, "I've gotta go Red. I'll see you later..." You pressed your hands against the table and pushed yourself up. He looked at you a little confused before shrugging and turning his attention down to his PDA while you walked off. You let out a sigh before someone stopped you, throwing their arm around you. Quickly picking up on the red letterman jacket, "What do you want Dash?"

"I don't typically do this but... for you I'll make an exception." He smiled down at you. You shot him a confused look before he ruffled your hair vigorously, "Let's get something to eat." He separated and walked a little ahead.

You fixed your hair a little with a frown, "You don't typically get things to eat with me?" You tired to piece together his phrasing.

"Eh... there's football practice after school but, what's the harm in missing one practice." He explained, pulling you along.

You blinked a few times, it finally clueing in, "Huh? You don't have to do that Dash."

He smiled down at you, resting his hand on your head, "Course I do. You always help me out when I'm upset. It's only fair I do the same." You paused for a moment to look up at him, a small smile tugging at your lips. He made eye contact with you before quickly focusing somewhere else, pulling his hand off your head and over the bottom half of his face. "D-don't think I'll do this forever you know!" He said turning around violently, covering the pink that dusted his cheeks. You let out a small giggle before quickly running over and catching up to him.

"Don't worry, I don't expect you too..." You smiled, holding your hands together behind you.

You've got my attention - Danny Phantom X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now