Happy Holidays

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I'm changing the plot around on the holiday special. Most / All of it is going to be very different.

I'm going to make this as neutral as possible! I'm not very familiar with other ways of celebrating the holidays other than Christmas, so I'm very sorry if it's not how your holidays go! Since the entire episode in the show is centered around it, Christmas will be mentioned a lot.

You're all very important people! Your friends and family all adore you. You just reading this book makes me so incredibly happy :)
Have a lovely break and happy holidays <3

"Thanks for coming with me today Y/N." Sam smiled, shoving some presents into her bag.

"Course Sam... I needed to go anyways."

Sam called you about a day ago to go shopping with her for the Holidays. The two of you have been aimlessly walking around the mall with little to no idea about what to get friends and family. You had a vague list, but Sam seemed to be a little panicked about the date. She hadn't noticed it creeping up; and although you'd never admit it, you didn't notice either.

"Besides, it's been a while since we hung out just us." You added, bumping into her shoulder with a small giggle.

She laughed along with you, "I know... Don't tell Danny this but it's nice to get away from the ghosts sometimes." She muttered, quieting down a little as if he'd somehow hear.

You rolled your eyes playfully, "All ghosts are a handful." You assured her.

The two of you giggled again before she pointed into a store, "Ooh! Y/N! Do you mind if we go in here? I have a great idea for my mom." She asked, barely giving you a chance to say anything as she pulled you in.

"You don't even need to ask." You smiled, following behind her closely. The store definitely didn't look like anything her mom would like. You've only met her a handful of times, but this store seemed more Sam's style, rather than her moms. You shrugged it off and split from Sam as she searched through the racks knowingly.

Making your way through, your hands felt along some of the clothes that were hung beside you, paying little attention as festive music played from above. You turned your attention towards some of the jewelry at the front. Glancing over them, you saw bats, skulls, witch symbols, crystals, all that jazz Sam loved to dress in.

Your eyes landed on two. First, you picked up a small bat necklace. Not too flashy, jet black with red crystal eyes; the details carved out carefully, either by hand or by machine you couldn't really tell. You glanced at the price and smiled before taking a sharp look over your shoulder. Sam wasn't really paying attention; this would be perfect for her. She liked bats, and this was totally her style.

Then you glanced over the small keychains that lingered along some racks. You recognised some. The ghosts Danny had fought were carved out as well. A small giggle left your lips as you found a tiny Danny Phantom. Man... does this city hate him or love him? It's definitely hard to tell. You fiddled with it for a moment before setting it back down. You wouldn't give Danny a tiny figure of himself. Although it'd be funny... maybe something more...

Subtle. Your eyes locked onto Danny's symbol. The 'D' was carved exactly like the one on his chest. You picked it up carefully in your hands, worried you might break it. Inspecting it over, you smiled to yourself. None of you have been friends very long, and getting something extravagant seems a little... I don't know... pretentious? This'll do.

Taking one more glance back at Sam, you made your way to the counter and paid. She gave you a small bag with a smile and gave you a happy goodbye which you returned. You slid the bag into one of your other ones, away from Sam's prying eyes before going up to her again, "Find what you're looking for?" You asked, glancing over her shoulder.

"Mm... no. I was hoping to find something my mom and I would both like but- "She paused, glancing over the racks again, "I don't think this is the store."

You giggled a little, "I don't know... I think your mom would totally love this!" You said, quickly pulling a Dumpty Humpty shirt and holding it in front of Sam.

She giggled, shoving the shirt away, "Oh yeah... I'm sure she would." She spoke sarcastically, before pulling you back out of the store, "Shopping for my mom is always so difficult."

"Really?" You asked, "I feel like shopping for a mom would be easy. Just like- give them chocolates or something." You suggested, keeping pace with Sam.

She sighed, "But that feels un-thoughtful."

"So? Who cares. Foods great!" You smiled, fiddling with your bags a little. They'd gotten kinda heavy.

Sam looked down and you shifted them uncomfortably, "Speaking of food... wanna stop for lunch?" She asked, pointing off towards a few food places further up ahead.

"Course." You spoke. The two of you made your way over, debating between a few placed before finally deciding on one. The same one you went to with Kwan... You made a mental note to ask him to come again sometime soon. You glanced back towards Sam, her focus off somewhere else, "You really have no idea what to get your mom? I'm sure she'd love anything you picked out." You brought the subject back again as the two of you sat down in a booth.

"My mom-... my moms difficult. She says she'll love anything I get her but- she's a little picky." She spoke, glancing back at you.

"There's gotta be something she's mentioned wanting... maybe..." You paused to hold in a giggle, "A day where you dress how she wants you to dress." You snickered, patting her shoulder.

Sam frowned dramatically, "Har-har. Like I'd ever let that happen." You laughed a little more at her reaction. Sam just rolled her eyes, "What did you get your dad?" She asked, changing the subject.

You straightened up a little, "He mentioned a few power tools he'd relish having a few weeks back." You said, "So... I bought them for him before I forgot."

She raised a brow, "And where'd you get money for that?"

"I've been saving." You stated proudly. You used to be terrible at saving money, having enough this year 'round felt good.

Sam smiled, opening her mouth to say something before getting interrupted by someone behind you, "Well what are the chances." You raised a brow and turned around, unsure if that was even directed at the two of you but you quickly found Danny and Tucker smiling at the edge of your booth, the two of them holding a few bags as well, "You guys out Christmas shopping too?" Tucker asked, sliding in next to Sam.

"Gift shopping." Sam corrected, "I didn't notice how close it'd gotten so I ended up dragging Y/N with me." She stated, scooting over to let Tucker in.

Danny slid in as well, "You hate Christmas too?" he asked, turning his attention to you.

"Hate Christmas?" You mumbled, looking him over. You quickly took notice to his half-annoyed expression, the bags under his eyes and the jacket that he clung to as if his life depended on it.

Tucker spoke up again, leaning into the table a bit, "Yeah, this bozo hates Christmas. Never met anyone else who has."

You shook your head, "I don't hate the Holidays. Why do you?" You asked curiously.

Danny face scrunched up before slamming his head against the table, "It's cold. It's dark. And my family's always fighting about nonsense."

Sam rolled her eyes, "Come on Danny... the holidays aren't supposed to focus on the negatives."

"I know Sam. It's just hard to focus on the positives when everyone around you is angry all the time." He mumbled, sitting back up.

"Well you can stay out with us for as long as you'd like." You stated. He looked at you, then towards Sam and Tucker. The three of you gave him a sympathetic smile while you pat his back a little, "The holidays are lovely if you give them a chance to be."

Danny huffed and took off his coat, "I don't know if I'd call this time a year 'lovely'... but staying with you guys would be nice." The three of them picked up conversation again. Catching up since they hadn't seen each other in a little while; Danny needing to study for his C.A.T. exam, and Sam and Tucker focused on family over the holidays. You hadn't been around them much either, your focus dwindling elsewhere as you tried to pick apart your dad. He'd mentioned a project, but what kind of project? What did he need the tools for? Was he doing alright?

He'd usually enter late at night, a sunken in expression etched into his features once he finally made it into the house. Before you could ask him anything, he usually wouldn't even make it up to his room, instead, passing out on the couch as he watched mindless TV. You were worried about him. Granted, you didn't have much reason to be. You just didn't like him getting home so late... especially looking so exasperated.

You glanced at the three of them, a small smile finally finding it's way to Danny's face as the three of them giggled, you didn't really wanna go home either. You quickly spoke up, "Once all of us are done shopping. Why don't we... we go out and do some Holiday celebration stuff..." You muttered, twiddling your fingers a little, "Maybe you'd like Christmas a little better if you're given a different side."

"Yeah! Let's change that perspective of yours." Tucker agreed, giving you a smile.

"Alright, alright. Fine, we'll... celebrate." He grumbled. You, Sam, and Tucker gave each other a triumphant fist bump, a small cheer erupting from the three of you. Danny snickered but hid his embarrassment by covering his face with his hands. "Would you guys please be quiet." He pleaded, glancing around.

With a small smile Sam waved her hand dismissively, "It's not like anyone cares." With one last groan, the waitress finally came over.


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